Holy Prison

Chapter 2096: Oka World

"Welcome!" Cardi smiled.

"Welcome!" Zhao Ling also showed a little smile on his face.

Qin Yue was stunned for a moment: "Brother Chu, I don't seem to agree to them yet, am I?" Chu Feng drank his wine and smiled: "Brother Qin, you have a good idea. Here are five of us. If you don't agree, We'll serve spirits, one of five, do you want to crawl out of this tavern?"

"Well, you won." Qin Yue's face showed helplessness, but there was a little smile in his eyes, and he was very satisfied with the attitude of Bi Feng and the others.

"Man, serve wine, bring some more!" Chu Feng said loudly. Qin Yue's expression changed slightly: "Brother Chu, you have to relax a bit, or I really have to wash the dishes here."

Bi Feng smiled and said: "Brother Qin, you join our team. This is a welcome drink. If there is any reason to ask you to pay, let Chu Feng pay the big money before!"

"That's it...man, get some more wine, good wine!" Qin Yue said loudly.

"Guys, our new destination has been determined. We would like to thank Chufeng for the support of this big money!" Nai Feng smiled in the room, "Everyone, get ready. We will leave in ten days and get points. , It will be distributed according to Chu Feng’s previous rules. Although we have taken advantage of him, but who will let us, he is the big money?"

Chu Feng rolled his eyes: "Brother Bi, I only have a few small dollars. You always think of me. Last time you drank, you drank a total of 20,000 points...Be careful you get a lot of points by then, It’s worth 1.8 million. In that case, if you exceed 200,000 points, half belong to me."

Zhong Tao said with a smile: "Brother Chu, the more points you have, the better. If you can get hundreds of thousands of points, we also have a lot. You'd better get several million points."

"Zhong Tao said very much!" Cardi said in a short and honest way. His words are generally short and he speaks less often, but after getting along, Chu Feng knows that he is also a more interesting person.

Qin Yue looked at Chu Feng and the others with a smile. Before, he was a little worried that it would not be good to enter this team. Now that worry has been completely eliminated. He has not started the mission yet. He has truly regarded himself as this one. A member of the team.

"Guys, there is another news announcement, you probably don't know yet." Bi Feng said. Chu Feng and the others calmed down and looked at Bi Feng.

Bi Feng said solemnly: "I got the news that in about one hundred thousand years, our heaven base will have an exchange with another base. The so-called exchange has never been a good thing, so in these hundred thousand years, we'd better Be prepared. If you can get more points, then get more points. If you have enough points, we won't have our turn for some dangerous things, otherwise we don't have any capital to refuse!"

"Bige, what kind of communication, is this information accurate?" Chu Feng said. What he thought was that if he communicated, he didn't know if it was possible to escape!

"I don’t know yet. There have been exchanges before. Sometimes the strong on our side fights the strong on other paradise bases. Fighting can really make us feel, but that kind of battle is a battle of life and death. , It’s probably death, and you won’t want to participate. There are other exchanges, such as two bases co-producing some strong people to explore the lost universe. In that case, it is generally difficult to distribute because of the high competition." Bi Fengdao .

"The information should be accurate. Yesterday, when I went to a small gamble, a person familiar with me told me that her news has always been accurate." Bi Feng said.

A weird smile appeared on Chu Feng's face: "Bige, how do I feel that the person who told you this was a woman? No wonder you often go to the casino, that's how it is."

"That's it." Zhong Tao and the others stared at Bi Feng together. Bi Feng coughed slightly: "Chu Feng, what are you talking about, she is just an ordinary friend of mine."

"Ordinary friends, hehe... Ordinary friends won't spread such news." Chu Feng smiled, "Bige, what do we have to prepare for this action?"

Seeing Chu Feng shifted his words, Bi Feng secretly breathed a sigh of relief: "There is nothing special to prepare, okay, recharge your energy, practice!"

Bi Feng said, closing his eyes, Chu Feng and the others looked at each other and practiced silently.

Ten days passed in an instant.

"Bi Feng, your team, also go to the Oka World?" A tall white man walked into the No. 8 passage and laughed. This time he entered the Lost World and gathered here in the No. 8 passage.

"Your strength is okay, Qin Yue's strength is barely enough, and the rest can only be regarded as scum. Will such a team enter the Oka world and look for death? There are many good things in the Oka world, but don't you I know, the Oka world is also a very dangerous world? I think you guys, it's better to go back earlier, haha!"

Chu Feng glanced at the white man, and the person’s information immediately came to mind. After staying in the base for so long, Bi Feng and the others had already told him the information of everyone in the base, but Sometimes I see that people are not on account, and when they are active in the base, not everyone is just as they are.

The white man in front of him obviously used his original appearance, Tabor, the cultivator of the Sovereign level, the strength ranking of Lie 173, ranking even higher than Bi Feng!

Don’t look at ranking one hundred and seventy-three, you must know that there are more than a hundred thousand saints in the heaven base, and the lost worlds have eliminated many weaker saints. Powerful, it is not easy to rank a thousand in front among so many Saint-class powerhouses!

"Tab, frighten people?" At this moment, another group of people came over. Each of these people had a strong aura. Chu Feng swept some of them. The strong one who just spoke was also ranked. The top two hundred characters, and the rankings on the strength rankings are higher than those of Tabor. Of course, the rankings on the strength rankings are not necessarily very accurate. Some people may hide their strengths.

Like Chu Feng, there is no name on the list, but even if Bi Feng fights with him, it will definitely be Bi Feng and not him. Even if Bi Feng and Tai Yue join forces, the result is the same, but in that case, Chu Summit consumes a lot of time. The power of, this is what he does not want, the power of time is consumed and it is very difficult to supplement!

"Mr. Snake, it turns out that you also made a bid." Taibo said solemnly, "Mr. Snake, during the mission, how about our well?" "No problem." The leader of the team came over with a smile.

Bi Feng’s voice sounded in the ears of Chu Feng and the others: “Tab and Lord Snake have a little contradiction, but we don’t care about them, neither of them is easy to mess with. Entering inside, beware of the danger inside, Be careful of the people in their two teams, and return immediately if you are in danger!"

Chu Feng and the others nodded insignificantly. When Zhang Long was in the team, their squad looked like a loose sand, and now they have finally transformed into a united and combative squad.

"Hey, it's really lively."

Another team rushed over. There were seven people in this team, and each of them was not weak. Chu Feng frowned slightly. Is it right or wrong for him to give 150,000 points to take on such a task? If the people in the team die in the Orka world, it is not good!

"This time, when we arrived at the back, we did not act separately in the end, and everyone acted together." Chu Feng secretly said in his heart, in the front, there is generally no such thing as murder and treasure, because in the front, everyone has no treasures. How much, killing people and winning treasures will not bring much gain.

And if you miss a bad hand, it will affect your mission this time, and it will also have a great impact on the future.

"In addition to this, if you have the opportunity, you have to show some minions. I thought about hiding your strength before, and you can't hide them too much. If you don't show some minions, both cats and dogs will dared to rush forward." Chu Feng muttered in his heart.

If Chu Feng showed a relatively strong strength, there was him in this team, and Bi Feng Qin Yue, and other people who wanted to play against the people of this team had to think about the consequences.

"Ten seconds countdown!" At this moment, a middle-aged silver-clad man whispered, "I shouldn't need to say more about the rules? Don't harm the interests of the base!"

When the countdown reached zero, the four apertures in the passage where Chu Feng and the others were located flashed, and the strong light dissipated, and Chu Feng and the others were no longer in the passage.

"This is the Oka World?" Zhong Tao, who fell from the sky to the ground, took a deep breath, "It is worthy of the world owned by the second-rank dominates the strong. The flow of the Oka world seems to be compared to other things. The world is even more mysterious, but it is a pity that this world has greater suppression of strength!"

Chu Feng released the sacred knowledge, but he didn't expect that the sacred knowledge would only be released for a short hundred kilometers. This distance is pitiful for a powerful saint.

"Second-Rank Dominant-level powerhouses are extremely powerful. The death of such a powerhouse has such an impact on their own universe. It is normal. However, this is not good news for us. It means that some cultivation bases appear to us People who are more trash may also pose a threat to us." Bi Feng said.

"Boss, I am more comfortable with this universe." Cardi said, he exuded his own aura, feeling that aura, Bi Feng and Qin Yue, they were all slightly taken aback, they knew clearly that they had been suppressed. If they release their momentum, they should not be as powerful as Cardi releases.

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