Holy Prison

Chapter 2205: Dominate convergence

In the paradise base, many masters left, and then they brought in more master-level powerhouses.

Soon, this side, dominates gathered!

Previously, there were only a few hundred Domination-level powerhouses on this side. One day later, the Domination-level powerhouses on this side exceeded 8,000; two days later, the Domination-level powerhouses on this side exceeded 10,000!

"Boss Su, second Su." Su Xu smiled authentically.

Su Jiang, the eldest of the Su family, Su Hai, the second eldest of the Su family, and Su Xu, the eldest third of the Su family, are all powerful masters. From the three of them, one can see that the genes of the Su family are really good!

"Yeah!" Su Jiang nodded in response, and Su Hai punched Su Xu, "Second Su, why did you come out before you break through?" Su Xu smiled.

Su Hai curled his mouth and said: "This side is so lively, can't I come and watch the bustle?" Su Hai said, looking around with a pair of eyes.

"Lao Su, didn't you see it?" Su Jiang looked at Su Hai amusedly. "I can see it now... Second Su, someone hasn't arrived yet." Su Xu laughed, "In order to see someone, I went out to see it. This love is precious, Second Su, do you want me to help? Can you explain?"

"Get out!" Su Hai glared at Su Xu.

"Hey." Su Xu smiled strangely at Su Jiang, "Boss Su, what does the old man mean this time?"

Su Jiang said quietly: "What else? Chu Feng didn't violate the rules. How would the old man watch him die? But Chu Feng, the kid, did a little bit, and Huang Yuan died."

"Boss Su, your relationship with Huang Peng used to be very good, but now Huang Peng seems to be" Su Xu said. Su Jiang frowned and said, "Needless to say, I am the Su Family Patriarch."

Su Xu and Su Hai nodded their heads and did not say more about this. Since Su Jiang said this, it means that he will protect the interests of the Su family in this matter.

He had a good relationship with Huang Peng before, but that was also before. It is rumored that Huang Peng is now close to the master of the blood slaughter, but here in Su Jiang, he clearly knows that Huang Peng is indeed close to the blood slaughter.

The relationship between the Xue Tu and the Su family has never been very good. Huang Peng and the Xue Tu have a close relationship, that is, he has not considered the feelings of the Su family or Su Jiang.

This time, Huang Yuan died. Huang Peng must have wanted Chu Feng to die, but Chu Feng may become the master, and the relationship with Su Ling is like that. Chu Feng is alive, which is more beneficial to the Su family. , If you die under the oppression of some forces that violate the rules, the Su family has nothing to do.

For the sake of reason, the Su family had to stand on Chu Feng's side this time, and it was affirmative that they were opposed to Huang Peng, so Su Xu and the others would remind them.

"Three brothers Su."

Several people from Xuanyuan walked towards Su Jiang and the others.

"Brother Ming, what do you mean by the Xuanyuan family?" Su Jiang said, Xuanyuan Ming, that is the current Patriarch of the Xuanyuan family, as for the old Xuanyuan, his existence seldom would come out. Now such things, they The existence of that important will not show up, but they must have some explanation for Xuanyuanming.

"The old man meant to protect, the rules are the rules! However, there are more people who died this time. If we are very tough to protect, then someone may secretly take action. That would not be a good thing for Chu Feng, so , We can compromise a little bit." Xuanyuan Ming said.

Su Jiang nodded slightly. The same is true of Old Man Su. If people are allowed to change the rules, both Su and Xuanyuan's faces will be dull. However, Hong Family, Blood Slaughter, and many other forces. , Together, the strength is only stronger than the Su Family and Xuanyuan Family!

Even if the strength is weaker, the Su Family and the Xuanyuan Family are fearless. However, if there is a fierce conflict, it is not in the common interest of everyone!

"It's about to start!" Su Xu said.

His voice fell, and a somewhat gloomy voice sounded inside the heaven base, "All the fellow daoists, everyone is already clear about the matter, everyone, come over to the teleportation array to tell a story!"

The voice is Hongying's voice. Like Su Jiang and Huang Peng, he is the same Grade 1 master. In addition, his father is Hongyi, the superior master!

Su Jiang whispered, as he said, they soon reached the side of the teleportation formation, and tens of thousands of Dominant-level powerhouses gathered here in a short time.

"There is nothing to discuss, Chu Feng, you must die!" Wu Caishen's father Wu Luoshan was the first to speak. His master is a blood butcher with an extraordinary status. When he speaks, the angry pig in his tone can You can hear it.

Wu Caishen is his son, and he is his favorite son. Now that he is dead, he is not angry. Although it may be resurrected, it is not particularly easy even if the blood is resurrected!

"Brother Wu, what do you mean is that if your son is chasing and killing people, there will be no problem when he is killed. If he is killed by someone else, there will be a problem and he will die?" Su Xu's faint voice rang, "Brother Wu, In this case, it seems somewhat unreasonable."

Wu Luoshan snorted coldly, "Su Sanye, the relationship between Chu Feng and the Su family is just like that. Why should the Su family help Chu Feng too much in this matter? Does the Su family's daughter become someone else's person if she has a relationship with others? Huh?"

Wu Luoshan actually wanted to say, is it because someone has done it? That's it, he considered it in his mind and still didn't say it. If it was said, it would be strange that Su Jiang and the others were not angry.

"Su Sanye, there is no problem with the previous rules, but my son is dead, when the ten thousand years are over, I want Chu Feng to die, is there a problem?" Wu Luoshan said solemnly.

Su Xu said quietly: "There is a little problem. The old man gave Chu Feng a chance and gave him one hundred and forty dominance levels. After one hundred and forty dominance years, if he does not become a second-level master, Brother Wu If you touch him, the old man will not be angry. Before the one hundred and forty ruler level, because of such a normal thing, the old man will probably be angry!"

"There are rules. Brother Wu, your son is dead. There is nothing to say. If Brother Wu retaliates afterwards, you are trampling on the rules and disrupting order!"

"The old man controls the order. If someone breaks the order, the old man will be angry and the consequences will be serious!"

Rules, order, these things are common to a strong like Wu Luoshan, trampling is common, but if Grandpa Su intervenes, then it is impossible to trample at will.

Grandpa Su is in control of the order, breaking the rules, and disrupting the order. Grandpa Su can display his strength supernormally. In such a thing, the blood slaughter is only a suffocation against Grandpa Shang Su!

"One hundred and forty years of dominance, become the second-rank master?" Wu Luoshan sneered on his face. He counted from the quasi-dominant to the second-rank master. In many cases of guidance, without the guidance of the blood slaughter, giving him a thousand years may not be able to reach the second-rank master!

"Not bad."

Su Xu said quietly, "The old man agreed to this. Some people, if they want to make a secret move, please consider whether they will make the old man angry."

"If the old man is angry, don't find me here to intercede."

Su Xu's words fell, and many people were thinking secretly. On this matter, the Su family's attitude seemed to be very firm. Some people knew that their own ideas had to be changed before they could pass the Su family.

"Brother Su Xu's words are reasonable and rules. This is what my father Xuanyuan emphasized. The old man meant that there are no rules and no radius!" Xuanyuan Yang smiled lightly.

"We are powerful masters, and Chu Feng is no more than a quasi-dominant figure. We don't follow the rules, and we don't speak a bit of a good word. We are shameless! To kill, it is possible to be killed, this is normal. Thousands of people, chasing and killing Chu Feng, if something goes wrong, we old guys will take action. Our Xuanyuan family hasn't been shameless yet!"

Xuanyuan Yang's words fell, and many people looked ugly. Xuanyuan Yang's words were rude. If they insisted on it then, it would be equivalent to admitting that they were shameless!

If ordinary people say such things, it would be strange not to be hacked to death by others, but Xuanyuan Yang's identity, he said, who can do anything to him?

"Ah, Brother Yang, it is indeed such a rationale, but Chu Feng's wanton killing did not put many of us here in his eyes at all. Young people, this is too crazy, not too good." A second-rank master The powerhouse of Level 1 said, "I haven't reached the Domination Level yet, I'm so mad, and I will be at the Domination Level in the future, so it's not bad?

"So I suggest that we still have to deal with Chu Feng. This is not a bad thing for his growth!"

Huang Peng glanced at Su Jiang and said coldly: "I don't have so much nonsense. Yuan'er is dead, and Chu Feng has his life. As a first-grade master, I shouldn't be like this, but I am also a father!"

"Brother Huang Peng, if you don't want Huang Yuan to have an accident, it is best to keep him at home, so that there will be no accidents." Su Xu said with a smile.

"Su Xu, there is nothing to discuss about this matter! If Yuan'er kills Chu Feng, if someone has the ability to avenge him, he can find him and find my Huang family! Now Yuan'er is dead, let me shrink my head. Tortoise, I'm sorry, I can't do it! Boss Su, your opinion?" Huang Peng's eyes fell on Su Jiang.

Su Jiang is the Patriarch of the Su Family. What he meant was basically what the Su Family meant. As long as he agreed not to intervene in this matter, it was only the Xuanyuan Family, that would definitely be powerless to prevent Chu Feng's death.

"Brother Peng, I told the third child before that I am the Patriarch of the Su family. That's what I meant." Su Jiang said in a deep voice, a trace of bitterness flashed in his eyes. Once, Huang Peng was his friend. His brother, the relationship between the two is slowly becoming hostile!

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