Holy Prison

Chapter 2211: Heart of Darkness, Resign

"This, didn't we agree before?" Feng Bingning said with a light smile, "I just want to know the details. Su Ling becomes our sister, I have no objection, but if she wants her to become My sister, my husband’s children’s shoes, you have to work hard to become the second-tier master in one hundred and forty years. It’s not a small difficulty!"

"If it weren't for her help, it's estimated that you are already Brother Feng." Lan Wen felt a little scared. When Chu Feng met Su Ling, it was actually a noble person.

If he hadn't met Su Ling, could he come back alive? There are really some questions about this! If Zi Mengluo succeeded in the calculation, the consequences would be disastrous.

"Ling'er and Su Family have helped me a lot." Chu Feng said, Su Family's kindness, he can only remember in his heart now, with his current strength, there is no way to pay it back!

Miao Xian'er said: "Husband, those are future things, let's not talk about it now, let's talk about some of the things in front of you. Return alive, you have completed a 4S level hidden mission!"

"Huh?" Chu Feng's eyes lit up.

Before, he completed one 5S-level mission and seven 4S-level missions. The Heart of Darkness got it. Half of it was completed. Now that so much time has passed, the other half may also be completed.

If the Heart of Darkness is completed, plus this four S-level hidden mission, he will have completed nine four S-level missions. As long as he completes another 4S-level mission, the holy prison can be upgraded!

The holy prison is now at level 17. When it is upgraded, the holy prison will reach the highest level that Chu Feng knows now. At that time, Chu Feng believes there should be some surprises.

Even if there are no other surprises, it is just an upgrade of the Sky Eye. The benefits are great. One hundred heavenly guards have already reached the ninth level of immortality. When the sacred prison is upgraded, they will definitely be able to strengthen it. They have reached the top of the situation. Next, and then strengthen, it is very likely that they will all reach the quasi-dominant strength by then!

A hundred saints are very powerful, a hundred quasi-dominant-level powerhouses, that force is absolutely awesome in a place like Hongtian Universe today!

"Xian'er, why is it just a 4S-level mission?" After the surprise, Chu Feng was a little unwilling to say that it was not easy to come back alive this time. It is also possible to give a 5S-level mission to Chu Feng.

Miao Xian'er gave Chu Feng a white look: "I also want to give you a 5S-level mission, but it's just a 4S-level mission. What can I do?"

"Xian'er, is the holy prison completely under the control of you and the devil?" Chu Feng thought of his face and changed his way slightly. According to his estimation, if he came back alive like this, he should have a 5S-level mission. The result was just a 4S-level task, maybe, there was a little problem in the middle!

If someone interferes, a 5S-level task may become a 4S-level task. If there is any interference, there will only be one ghost.

Lin Tian!

Lin Tian's kindness and evil thoughts are separated. Chu Feng had not judged whether Lin Tian's kindness or evil thoughts were in the holy prison space before. If Lin Tian secretly affected the holy prison, then there are ten things in the holy prison space. Eight or nine are evil thoughts!

"Chu Feng, you guy with no conscience finally thought of me." Mo Shu's complaining voice sounded, and she appeared in front of Chu Feng and the others the next moment.

Feng Bingning and the others didn’t have a lot of things on their bodies at this time, and a lot of their bodies were exposed, but the magical Shu was out of the same place. Feng Bingning and the others were not embarrassed. The magical Shu and them never had a bed. Chu Feng is generally very serious under the bed, but it is still quite absurd.

In other words, of course Huang, he was just messing around with Feng Bingning and the others, and didn't do anything outside. In this regard, he was much purer than Tang Ming and Zhou Wen.

Tang Ming and Zhou Wen only have one wife, but they are outside, and they have some. Tang Wan and Han Xiang also know this, but the two women have closed one eye.

As soon as Chu Feng waved his hand, he sucked Mo Shu to his side and slapped his slap on top of Mo Shu's alluring. "Husband, feed Mo Shu first. Look at her resentful eyes." Miao Feiying was right. After successfully attacking the chest, the magic boy smiled and said, "It seems to be a little bigger, husband, come and touch it."

"Really?" Chu Feng chuckled, and immediately touched a pair of magic hands. Soon, Chu Feng's room rang out again, and the fighting reignited!

Several hours passed before the flames of war were extinguished again, and Feng Bingning and the others repeated their rounds one by one. "Chu Feng, we are not sure if the holy prison is still under our control." The devil's shame faded away and said, "It seems that there is some power hiding the holy prison, but when we look closely, Nothing found!"

"That's it." Miao Xian'er said.

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "It seems that upgrading the Holy Prison to the eighteenth level is an urgent task. Xian'er, the Heart of Darkness, has it already returned?"

"Almost a little bit." Miao Xian'er said.

"Not bad" Chu Feng frowned, "Go, let's go and see Heart of Darkness, that guy, it's better to be honest with me, otherwise, I will live without it in the future!"

Chu Feng and the others got up, and soon they appeared in the small space where the Heart of Darkness was. The Heart of Darkness was suspended there, emitting a strange black light.

"Heart of Darkness, surrender?" Chu Feng looked at the Heart of Darkness and said in a low voice. If this was the case, he had asked before, it was naturally the result of failure at that time.

"Heart of Darkness, feel my power now." Chu Feng said that the quasi-dominant aura pressed towards the Heart of Darkness at a moment when his thoughts moved. At the same time, Chu Feng quickly improved his mental cultivation. In a short period of time, he raised his mental state to the Great Perfection of Heaven and Earth Sacred Heart!

Standing with his hand in hand, Chu Feng said quietly: "Heart of Darkness, you should know that my cultivation level is as high as it is now, and there is a treasure like the holy prison, and it is almost certain to become a master-level powerhouse by then. Things. At that time, this universe will merge with me. If you don’t conform now, you won’t be you in the future!"

"You should already have spirituality. It is not easy to break your spirituality. If you break it, it will be bad for me, but it doesn't mean I don't have that strength!"

"Heart of Darkness, I give you one minute to think about it. The Heart of Time, the Heart of Space, the Heart of Fire, the Heart of Wood, the Heart of Wind, the Heart of Wood, and the Heart of Life have all returned. Don't make yourself mistaken!"

"Why are you so fierce?"

Chu Feng's voice fell, and a somewhat dissatisfied voice rang out. The voice was a female voice, and it sounded like the voice of a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl.

"You have this kind of strength. People are not stupid. If you follow suit, you will follow. It's so fierce, really, huh!" A voice came from the heart of darkness. Soon, a little black girl phantom appeared. Above the heart of darkness, "Chu Feng, your heart is a black heart, it is very suitable for fusing the heart of darkness!"

Chu Feng:

"Husband, you are despised." Miao Feiying said with a smile, and she looked at the little girl, the heart of darkness with interest, that was going to merge with her!

What Miao Feiying understands is poison, fusing the heart of darkness will be of great help to her. As for the heart of darkness, this possibility is not high. On the one hand, the heart of darkness is afraid that there is no such courage, on the other hand. , Miao Feiying is the lord of the domain tower, the holy prison becomes stronger, her benefits are many, even if the Dark Heart has such thoughts, it is not easy to affect her character.

"Heart of Darkness, your future master is Fei Ying, is there any problem?" Chu Feng said. "No, although it is very suitable for fusing your black heart, I don't like it!" The black girl snorted. The dark heart immediately turned into a black light and entered Miao Feiying's body, from above Miao Feiying's body. A much stronger breath broke out.

"Husband, let me fuse first." Miao Feiying said. Chu Feng nodded slightly and immediately transferred a ray of time power. There is not much time power. However, if only a few of them use it, then It is enough for a while.

Miao Feiying closed his eyes and practiced, and Chu Feng and the others quickly left to another small space. "Husband, they have completed another 4S level task, only one 4S level task left." Miao Xian'er smiled. Truthfully, the Heart of Darkness has now returned, and the 4S-level quest to get the Heart of Darkness is naturally completed!

Chu Feng nodded slightly, "Bing Ning, you go outside, first counterattack the temple in a limited way, and gradually bring the strength of the temple out of God Chu City!"

"Feng, you want to leave?" Feng Bing condensed.

"Yin Realm, on the other side, you have to go." Chu Feng frowned. He had to confirm whether Catherine was betrayed, and if he was betrayed.

A cold light flashed in Chu Feng's eyes. If he really betrayed, his sword would probably be stained with the blood of his former friends!

"Fatty Tang Wan stayed, Han'er and all of them stayed behind. However, the strength must be controlled. In this regard, Bing Ning, you should take a good look. It will not be conducive to future actions. If it is too weak, it will not be conducive to the battle. Turn around. Turn the battle around, but only turn around the God Realm, understand?" Chu Feng said.

Feng Bingning and the others nodded slightly. Soon, many of Feng Bingning and others appeared in Shenguang City. After talking to Mu Yun and the others, Chu Feng left Shenguang City and left Yang Realm, with him. There were also Tang Ming and Han Xiang who left. Of course, Bai Wanli Tang Jianluo was shocked by the four of them, and they also followed Chu Feng in the holy prison space.

Catherine is Han Xiang's master, and Han Xiang is going to pass. If she passes, Tang Ming will definitely pass. He doesn't want to be separated from Han Xiang at this moment.

The four of Bai Wanli, Tang Jian, Luohe, and Bu Jingxun had a very good relationship with Catherine. They strongly requested that they go to the underworld with Chu Feng.

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