Holy Prison

Chapter 2214: Yinjie Pingding

"Wanli, come forward, pay attention, don't have much strength!" Chu Feng said quietly.

The City of Life and Death is a bit chaotic, but it is not a big problem. With Bai Wanli and their status in the City of Life and Death, as long as someone shows the strength of the Saint King level, the situation can be calmed down!

"Yes, Master!" Bai Wanli replied. The next moment, a few of them fell from the sky to the huge gate tower of the Catherine Palace.

Before the Catherine Palace, many people immediately discovered Bai Wanli and them, "Everyone!" Bai Wanli's faint voice rang, and many people gathered in front of the Catherine Palace immediately calmed down.

"Everyone, Catherine leaked the secrets of Godchu City in the past, causing many people in Godchu City to be in a dangerous situation. Now we return and mention the events of the year. Catherine regrets that she is too much and died! According to her, without a funeral, we have She was buried. In order to avoid being disturbed, the place of the burial is kept secret!"

Bai Wanli's voice fell, and there was an uproar in the city of life and death, and many people showed anger on their faces.

"Death to self-determination? Shit, what self-determination is to death, I think she must have been killed! Master Catherine guarding the dead city of sanitation, did not expect this to happen!"

"That is, some people were still taken care of by Master Catherine back then, but I didn't expect that now"

"Shady, shady! We want to see the body of Master Catherine. If Master Catherine is dead, we must prepare the funeral for Master Catherine!"

"Master Catherine was kind to me back then. After fighting this old life, I will find out the truth!"

In the City of Life and Death, countless people rioted, but their turmoil did not last long. After Bai Wanli and the others showed their Saint King-level strength one by one, all the people in the City of Life and Death settled down.

"Many people, shut your mouth for me!" Bai Wanli said in a bad tone, "The relationship between us and Catherine is worse than you."

"Catherine has such a thing, in our hearts, I would rather chop myself dozens of knives, rather than have such a thing!"

"Catherine has changed, you should be able to feel it in the city of life and death. There was no such Catherine Palace before, but now there is. Catherine was not very keen on power before, but now it is keen, and you should have someone deal with her. The changes before and after should be felt!"

"Catherine's strength has become stronger, and it has become much stronger. Before, it was only at the Saint King level, but now at the Quasi-dominant level, why has it increased so much? Because she betrayed her heart!"

Bai Wanli's words were spoken, and many of them wanted to say something. They opened their mouths and swallowed them. The Catherine Palace in front of him was still standing there!

There is a difference between Catherine before and Catherine today. In fact, most people in the city of life and death know that, although Catherine before was cold and arrogant, but it did not make people afraid, Catherine now is a little scary!

"Everyone, I, Tang Jian, swear by Saint Ge, Catherine, I really did something very sorry for God Chucheng to end up like this. She is dead, and there are some things we don’t plan to pursue. Just let it go. Death is the same as before, the same as before Catherine's change!" Tang Jiandao.

Quite a lot of people showed joy on their faces. Going back to the past, this is a good thing. Today's city of life and death, there are so many rules and so on, not as happy as before!

At this time, Chu Feng made a move, and he waved his hand, and the luxurious and noble-looking Kaiser Palace collapsed into large ruins amidst the roar!

The ruins changed, and it didn't take long for a manor to appear on the original site of the Kaiser Palace, and Kaiser Palace became that manor. Suddenly, the city of life and death lost a little bit of power and a little more freedom.

"Everyone, what should you do?" Tang Jian said quietly. He said that he entered the manor, Bai Wanli and the others, naturally all entered the manor.

The big fist is the boss, besides, Tang Jian also swears by the sage, the riots in the city of life and death have passed, some people may still have some anger in their hearts, but they absolutely dare not send them to Tang Jian!

Entering the manor, Chu Feng quickly released the Nether Warlord and the others. They were grateful when they came out. If Chu Feng hadn't saved them, they didn't know how long they would be controlled.

"You guys, what are your plans for the future?" Chu Feng drank a sip of tea and said quietly, "Some of you have a bad relationship with each other. Fighting like that is not easy. It's better to join the same force. , You can fight less in the future, and everyone meets and is kind. It's great to drink tea and chat!"

Nether Warlord and the others are not stupid, Chu Feng said such words, if they didn't know what Chu Feng meant, they would have lived on pigs for these years.

"Boss, I will mess with you in the future." Nether Warlord bent over and bowed, although they didn't see the last part, but now that Catherine is gone, Chu Feng and others are still here. This shows that, It was Chu Feng that they won and Catherine lost.

They have a judgment about Chu Feng’s strength. Chu Feng’s strength should now be at the Quasi-dominant level. Even if it’s not, all of the 100 people that Chu Feng has produced before are all with the cultivation base of the holy sovereign. A saint king-level figure, in the eyes of so many saint-level powerhouses, what is it.

Chu Feng controls so many holy-class powerhouses. When they say this, they actually have nothing to consider, and it is useless to consider too much!

"City Lord Chu, I will join Shenchu ​​City!"

"City Lord Chu, I also join!"

In a short period of time, ten or so Saint King-level powerhouses, one by one, chose to join God Chu City very wisely. They knew that Godchu City was weaker before, but now, the obvious Godchu City has risen again. If nothing else, it is just the one hundred powerhouses of the holy sovereign. If they join the battlefield, they will change their power. Surely not small!

Moreover, those ten or so Saint King-level experts are not idiots. Chu Feng guessed it was a quasi-dominant-level cultivation base. Chu Feng's female brother or something, where could the cultivation base become weak at this time?

Therefore, at this time, they are not reluctant to join, and they are more willing to join. If the strength of Shenchu ​​City is strong, they are of course more willing to belong to the side of Shenchu ​​City. The temple is now very strong. But in terms of the temple, after all, it is an external force that allows the people of the temple to control this universe, and perhaps it will not be as fruity as they are!

Chu Feng nodded slightly, "You should know the God’s Law of God’s First City? If you don’t know, please remember the God’s Law, not just you, your family members, and subordinates. Someone has violated God’s original law, don’t blame me for not reminding you! Wanli, from now on, you will be the leader of the law enforcement team of Shenchu ​​City on the underworld side!"

"Yes, Master!" Bai Wanli respectfully said. The leader of the law enforcement group on the underworld has great power. However, Bai Wanli is not a power-loving person.

Bai Wanli is more enthusiastic about the improvement of strength, but now he has an immortal cultivation base of ninth level. If he wants to improve, it is difficult. Now for him, the most important thing is to improve his mood. If he becomes the leader of the law enforcement team, Dealing with all kinds of things should give you a lot of exercise in your mood!

"Wanli, for some time from now, you will stay on the side of the underworld, netherworld, restrain the forces one by one. I don’t want the underworld to look chaotic. Also, there are things that shouldn’t be said about our strength. , I don't want to pop out of the mouth inside, otherwise, the consequences will be serious." Chu Feng said quietly.

"Yes, Lord City Lord!" Nether Warlord and the others said in the same voice. They have already joined God Chu City, and their titles have changed. As for what Chu Feng said should not be said, they are very clear.

"Okay, go!" Chu Feng waved his hand.

The Nether Warlord and the others retreated. It didn't take long for Han Xiang and the others to return. From the expression on his face, Han Xiang was in a bad mood, but it was much better than before.

"Han Xiang, I must do that." Chu Feng said.

"I understand." Han Xiang nodded, "I didn't blame you. You did the right thing. If you don't kill the teacher... Catherine, it's irresponsible to the countless people in God's Beginning City, then you don't deserve to do that. A city owner!"

"It's good for you to think like this." Chu Feng said.

Tang Ming said, "Boss, is there anything else on the Yin Realm side? If it's not there, shall we go back? On the side of Shenchu ​​City, I am really worried."

"No, let's go back." Chu Feng said, this time there are two things, the first is to check Catherine, if necessary, to kill her, and the second is to get the heart of death. .

Now, Catherine is dead. If the Heart of Death is killed, Chu Feng has already obtained it after killing Catherine. Now in the Holy Prison Space, but the Heart of Death returns, I don’t know when. In the sacred prison space, Miao Xian'er had already tried to communicate with Deathheart, but had no response at all.

Catherine's strength is very strong. She merges the heart of death. After dying, it is difficult for the heart of death to be re-integrated by others. It can be regarded as possible, but it will take more time!

"Wanli, you will be here alone for a while." Chu Feng smiled lightly, "If you are lonely, find a woman to accompany you!"

Bai Wanli's face blushed: "Master, this will not bother your old man's heart. I don't have that kind of thought now. I will do the things that Master you confessed first!"

"Hey, Bai Er, find a woman. This is what the master confessed. Let's play it well." Bu said with a strange smile, "When we come back, it's best to see you even have children."

"Damn! You kid, isn't the same as a bachelor?" Bai Wanli said in an irritating manner, "Master, step shock is beside your old man. I think you have to supervise your old man. Your old man's experience in this area is Very rich!"

Bu Jingxian hurriedly said: "Master, Bai Er, this guy, he means you are horny, this guy, I think you need to be punished by the rules!"

"Okay, stop making trouble." Chu Feng smiled, Bu Jingxian, they are all bigger than him, but Chu Feng now feels that he is bigger than them.

"Wanli, starting a relationship is good for improving your mood. If you have something suitable, you can try it!" Chu Feng smiled.

When Chu Feng said the words, Bai Wanli wouldn’t refute anything. If there was something suitable, he wouldn’t mind trying it. However, after thinking about it, he felt a little weird. He had the strength of the Sovereign rank and he still fell in love. .

Chu Feng said, he said that the key of space appeared in his hand, the door of space was opened, and Chu Feng and the others immediately left the Yin Realm and returned to the God Realm Divine Light City.

Just after Chu Feng came back, Yin Qianqian and Feiye appeared in front of Chu Feng. "Where are Bing Ning and the others?" Chu Feng said with a light smile, "How is the situation now?"

"Sister Bing Ning and the others have gone to the battlefield one by one." Song Ye smiled and said, "The situation is pretty good, we have retaken many cities, but"

"But what?" Chu Feng said.

Yin Qianqian replied: "In each city, there are many people who resist more strongly. Those people were not killed before, but now they are all killed!"

"The rest of them didn't kill?" Chu Feng said.

Tang Ming said: "Boss, it seems that the temple does not engage in absolute slaughterism now. This is a relatively mild policy. If our side cannot stop it, it is estimated that many people will give up resistance."

"Well, killing some of them has strong resistance, and the others don't kill. This method is not bad, but the temple underestimates our strength!" Chu Feng said quietly.

"Boss, what are your plans?" Tang Ming said.

Chu Feng thought about it briefly: "If you say, don't worry about anything else. First, clear the power of the temple on the side of the God Realm. It is inevitable that people will die in war, but we must minimize casualties!"

"For me, go to the holy realm to see if there is any chance. If there is a chance, I will kill several quasi-dominant strong men in the holy realm and the two masters behind it." Chu Feng said.

Yin Qianqian raised her eyebrows: "Comrade Chu Feng, you haven't seen us for a long time, and you are leaving again? Then will you be missing for tens of thousands of years?"

"You still don't care about the things of the temple, first handle the things on the side of the gods. When the time comes, you can take things slowly."

"Husband." Feiye also looked at Chu Feng with a little bit of resentment. He hadn't seen him for tens of thousands of years before, and it was only a little time before he came back to meet. Chu Feng went to the Yin Realm and now he is going to the Holy Realm.

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