Holy Prison

Chapter 2216: The war in the gods is over

A super city above infinity, Sky City, the war broke out fiercely, God Chu City invested a lot of power on this side, and the temple also invested a lot of power on this side.

The Sky City and God Chu City are on the same level of infinity. As for the temple, it is to take the Sky City, and then gather strength to give God Chu City down!

Shenchu ​​City, the status of this city has dropped a lot compared to before, but, as the old capital, it still has a very special status, and it absolutely cannot be obtained by the temple.

Over the past few decades, following Chu Feng's arrangements, Feng Bingning and the others focused on defense, but fierce fighting continued every day, and there were some casualties in Shenchu ​​City.

"Damn it, the temple has put more and more troops on this side. If this goes on, we may not be able to hold it." On the side of the Sky City teleportation formation, a strong man from God Chu City said.

"You can definitely hold it, Madam Feng and Young Master Han are all here. This city can definitely be held. If Sky City cannot be held, Shenchu ​​City will be in danger by then."

"That's true! But if you want to defend, you have to put in more troops. War is going on in many places. If the troops reach this side, the troops in other places will be weak!"

At this moment, the light of the teleportation formation flashed, and a figure appeared in the teleportation formation, "Ah!" a person on the teleportation formation exclaimed.

After reacting, everyone on the side of the teleportation formation hurriedly saluted, "You don't need to be too polite." Chu Feng waved his hand and said quietly. He said that he disappeared in the blink of an eye and did not see the tower of Sky City. Feng Feng on the other side. Bing Ning is attacking, with years and heart crystals of fire, her strength is the strongest in today's Sky City!

Chu Feng appeared next to him, and Feng Bingning was pleasantly surprised, "Feng, the cities that have already been occupied, have already been taken?" Feng Bingning said this through voice transmission.

Chu Feng nodded slightly, and in just a short time, he lifted up his own mental state cultivation base. The state of mind cultivation reached the perfection of the Heaven and Earth Sacred Heart. Chu Feng's mind spread, ten minutes passed, on this side, more than a million people All attacking units are controlled by Chu Feng!

"Bing Ning, it is already under control. At this time tomorrow, you can announce that the battle has stopped!" Chu Feng said with a smile, "I have gone to another city, so I can't let the temple detect it and remove those things. Withdrawal, the cost of making them to the temple is not small, and we will take it all."

Feng Bingning smiled and nodded, and Chu Feng soon arrived at another battlefield. On this battlefield, the battle was equally fierce, and Lan Wen was fighting on this side.

In just one day, Chu Feng ran a dozen battlefields, and each battlefield was far apart. He had consumed a lot of treasures before he ran through the ten battlefields in one day.

When the time came at noon the next day, the news of Chu Feng had arrived, and all the battlefields and the killing units were all under his control!

Sky City.

"I order all units that attack Sky City, Earth Dragon, Tyrant, Angel Legion, Arhat Legion, and Doom to stop attacking!"

Feng Bingning's voice rang, her voice rang in the sky city, and also rang outside the sky city, outside the sky city, and the temple, all the attacking units immediately stopped attacking!

"I didn't look at the dizziness, why didn't they attack?"

"I know that we have countermeasures, and it is true! The things in this city are no longer attacked, and other cities are probably the same!"

In Sky City, countless people talked about it. Feng Bingning breathed a sigh of relief, "All the units that attacked Sky City before, gather to the east of Sky City, and all the underground units come out of the ground." Feng Bingning said again. The order was passed, and soon, countless attacking units from the temple area around Sky City gathered to the east of Sky City.

The army of angels accounted for a lot of the gathered forces. The angels in the temple were those that could be controlled by Chu Feng and others. The angels behind have been improved, but now they have not escaped the fate of being controlled.

"Han'er, take them!" Feng Bing condensed.

Chu Han nodded. He threw a small cloth bag out. The cloth bag became very big when it flew into the air. The suction force was generated. The attacking units on the east side of Sky City and the temple did not have any resistance for a short time. All were collected in that cloth bag.

"Finally I can sleep peacefully!"

"The Lord of the City is back, it is really different, haha!"

In Sky City, countless people yelled excitedly. The war on this side has been going on for thousands of years. The war against the temple has lasted for tens of thousands of years. Although many people are not afraid to fight, they fight After so long, most people are tired of the continuation of the war!

Sky City is like this. Other battlefields are almost the same. A dozen battlefields announced the end of the war at almost the same time. All the attacking units in the temple were confiscated!

The holy world, the temple.

The news from the God Realm reached the temple in a short period of time, and the dragon anode was introduced to them. It’s worth mentioning that the dragon anode is still the master of the temple, but today’s temple has many There are two supreme elders, and the two supreme elders are two dominance-level powerhouses, and their power is greater than that of the long anode!

As for those quasi-dominant-level powerhouses, their status did not surpass that of Longyang anode, but they were also on the same level as Longyangyang, who were both quasi-dominant-level powerhouses.

"What's going on, why, all of our attack points one by one, we all have problems?" Long Yang said with an ugly expression. He already knew that Chu Feng was back, but now the situation in the temple is very good, he believes Even if Chu Feng came back, nothing could be changed, but he didn't expect it now.

In the ten battlefields of the God Realm, the number of troops invested in the temple is in the hundreds of millions, of which several million can display the quasi-sage strength, and the others can display the god-level strength!

Now, all of those hundreds of millions of troops have been collected by Chu Feng and the others.

"Give me an order, attack, and immediately slaughter all the people in the hundred of the cities that Chu Feng will take back!" Long Yang said in a deep voice, he still had a little extravagant hope in his heart. The troops in the temple of Wanlai cities were not under the control of Shenchu ​​City.

However, this extravagant hope was soon broken, and the gods once again heard the news that all the troops in the more than 70,000 cities had been out of control!

"big eater!"

Long Yang yelled out loud with anger. He believed that it would take a lot of time to control so many cities, but the intelligence system of the gods did not receive the slightest news!

This dragon anode blamed those people. Chu Feng also told one of them about the situation in Yunxian City, which he first worked on. He can completely trust that person. Even if there is someone completely trustworthy in the city behind, Chu Feng did not. Tell, the rest of the people, Feng Bingning and a limited number of more than a dozen people know the news.

The secrecy is extremely strict, and when Chu Feng acted very carefully, the temple wanted to detect something that was not so easy. Seventy thousand cities occupied by the temple, those things under Chu Feng’s control were still Executing the previous order, within a few decades, many people even died under their attack.

After the scolding, a little bit of horror emerged in Long Yang's heart. It hasn't been too long since Chu Feng returned. Their strength in the God Realm has almost completely fallen into the hands of Shen Chu City. In this way, unless the rules of heaven and earth are changed, Otherwise, they will not have the power to attack the gods for a long time!

"The problem of the God Realm is solved. Chu Feng will probably enter the Holy Realm soon. I want to see what kind of strength you have." Long Yang's eyes flashed cold, and the God Realm finally opened up. The situation was destroyed, his heart was extremely angry, but he didn't believe that God Chu City could overwhelm the temple in the Holy Realm!

Now in the temple, there are more than a dozen quasi-dominant-level powerhouses, and there are two dominant-level powerhouses, even though those two are less than a last resort, the power of the dominant level will not erupt.

Long Yang believes that such high-end strength is far more than that of Shenchu ​​City. As far as Shenchu ​​City is concerned, according to his knowledge, there are also three quasi-dominant-level powerhouses, Hongjun, Pangu, and Master Tianhen!

"I heard that in this world, there are still many masters sleeping, and many quasi-dominant-level powerhouses have not awakened. If they wake up one by one" Long Yang's heart calmed down, and Shenchu ​​City took them away. There is a lot of power on this side, but those powers can only be used in the **** realm, and those powers in the holy realm are useless.

"The resources of the Holy Realm are not comparable to those of the God Realm. The failure of God Chu City is just a matter of time. Chu Feng, I want to see when you can jump."

There are many tables in the huge dining room. Many people in Shenchu ​​City are in this hall. Thousands of people gather in the hall, which is very lively.

"Everyone, the war in the God Realm is over for the time being, for the victory of God Chu City in the God Realm, cheers!" Chu Feng laughed while holding a bowl.

"Sir to the City Lord!"

In the hall, a huge voice rang, "Respect everyone!" Chu Feng smiled, and he poured the bowl of wine into his mouth, as did the rest.

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