Holy Prison

Chapter 2218: Holy world

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, a hundred years have passed. With a 100,000-fold acceleration of time, Chu Feng and Feng Bingning spent tens of millions of years!

That is to say, when you are practicing, you will not feel that the time is too long, otherwise, if you have been sitting there for thousands of years, then it is estimated that you will sit to death!

For thousands of years, the power absorbed by the holy prison is not a little bit. The stability of the holy prison space has increased hundreds of times on the previous basis, and the size of the holy prison space has reached more than 100,000 times the previous!

If some of the previous holy prison space could not be called the holy prison world, today's holy prison space can definitely be called the holy prison world!

Today’s holy prison, compared with Hongtian Universe, is not so small. The first layer, the second layer, and the third layer didn’t absorb a lot of power at the beginning, but there was a lot of power behind, the size of these three layers. Improve a lot.

The first, second and third floors absorb not a lot of power, but compared to the fourth floor, the first, second, and third floors absorb less power. Among them, the second and third floors require much less space stability. The power of, can make the fourth layer expand by one volume, the third layer can be expanded by about 100, and the second layer can be expanded by about 10,000!

On the first floor, the stability of the space is at the same level as the fourth floor. This floor has a prison room or something. If the stability of the space is not enough, it may cause big trouble!

The second level, according to Chu Feng’s estimation, will be the Mortal Realm in the future, the third level, the God Realm, and the fourth level will be the Holy Realm in the future, but that is a long time later, and now, he has not established any rules. Any floor, as long as he wants, other people can stay as they please.

"Stop it."

Chu Feng's voice sounded in Feng Bingning and their minds. Upon hearing his voice, Feng Bingning and the others stopped absorbing the power from the badge and slowly opened their eyes.

"Feng, the absorbed power is less than one-tenth," Feng Bingning said. Chu Feng smiled and nodded: "It is true, but it can no longer be absorbed. It has almost reached the limit that the Holy Prison can withstand today. If it absorbs more power, the Holy Prison Space will not be able to bear it!"

"It's true." Miao Xianer said.

As soon as Chu Feng's thoughts moved, the time accelerated and stopped to stand up. "This" Yilian's eyes showed surprise. She could feel the stability of the space, which was greatly improved compared to before. When the sacred knowledge was released, it was basically up to No way!

You know, Yilian is the tower master. In the sacred prison space, the sacred consciousness can be released far away, before easily reaching the end of the space!

"From now on, it's time to call it the Holy Prison World!" Chu Feng said with a chuckle, "The Holy Prison World is now smaller than Hongtian Universe. It won't, it's not much smaller, it's about one-third of Hongtian Universe. Two sizes."

"Is that big?" Yin Qianqian said in surprise. Although Hongtian Universe is a small universe, it is also a very huge universe!

Chu Feng nodded slightly, "The first floor is slightly smaller, the second floor, the third floor, and the fourth floor we are waiting for. The space is about the same size, and they are all very huge!"

Having said that, Chu Feng looked at Feng Bingning and the others with a smile: "You haven't been in vain all these years, refining those powers, and improving your mood cultivation base is not just a little bit!"

At the beginning, absorbing power from the Tumeng universe, Chu Feng's mood cultivation has improved a lot. Now, Feng Bingning and the others have refining their strengths, and their mood cultivation has also improved a lot. None of the women's mood cultivation has reached the fourth level before. At the realm of Heaven and Earth Sacred Heart, now, each of the eight girls has reached the fourth level in their mood cultivation!

"It's really not bad." Feng Bingning smiled. Before, the mental state cultivation was not too high, and they were barely reluctant. Now Feng Bingning and their mental state cultivation can be described as "good".

With the same mental state cultivation base as before, it is more difficult for Lan Wen and the others to reach the quasi-dominant level cultivation base. Nowadays, the odds have improved a lot!

"Husband, let Tu Ying and the others appear outside quickly. It has been a hundred years, let them appear outside, we should also go back." Miao Feiying said.

This time it took more than a hundred years to practice, but Chu Feng was not very worried. Tang Ming and the others were all outside, and Chu Han each had a holy noble level cultivation base. The God Realm had been calmed down before. The Holy Realm side , There is absolutely no ability to organize enough forces to invade the gods in just a hundred years!

Chu Feng nodded slightly, and with a wave of his hand, a badge was thrown far away by him. The length of that badge exceeded 100,000 meters in a short time!

A beam of light shot out from the micro-chapter, and Feng Bingning and the others saw that the figures flew out of the beam of light quickly. Half a minute passed. On the ground, coming out of the beam of light, the people gathered More than one hundred billion, four or five minutes later, all the people in that badge appeared outside!

"Tu Ying!"

Miao Feiying's eyes lit up slightly. She had seen images before. At this moment, she suddenly found Tu Ying among the hundreds of billions of people. There was an old man in white beside Tu Ying.

Chu Feng and the others were invisible, but when Miao Feiying stared at Tu Ying, the old man in white next to Tu Ying looked at Chu Feng and them.

The old man in white is naturally Tumeng. The Tumeng who had chatted with Chu Feng before was quite young, but now Tumeng who is next to Tuying looks much older.

Without much hesitation, Chu Feng quickly received the first badge, and the second badge was thrown out, and a large number of people quickly appeared outside.

The third block, the fourth block.

Half an hour later, within the nine badges, all the people could get outside. Among the nine badges, there was a picture. After it appeared, the nine pictures merged into one!

Chu Feng's voice rang in the ears of those more than three thousand trillion people. Hearing his voice, countless people who were discussing immediately fell silent, "Everyone, this world is the new world you will live in from now on! Good! Enjoy your life in this new world! By the way, in this world, if you do evil, there will be a natural punishment!" Chu Feng said lightly.

After two simple words, Chu Feng moved some thoughts, and both Tu Meng and Tu Ying appeared in front of him. "Senior Tumeng, we meet again." Chu Feng said with a light smile.

"Yes!" Tumeng smiled and nodded.

Chu Feng glanced at Tu Ying and said, "Senior Tu Meng, I don't know if the previous agreement counts?" "What I Tu Meng said before, naturally counts, but it also depends on whether their juniors can get along. "Tu Meng laughed.

Tu Ying's face blushed slightly. She had already heard her grandfather say that her grandfather actually gave her a marriage contract, but fortunately, she still has the right to choose.

"That's good!" Chu Feng smiled, Chu Xiang and Chu Yang, both of them are very good, and one of them has a relatively high chance of getting along with Tu Ying. If they can’t get along, then it’s up to their grandchildren. It was Tumeng who made the condition. He agreed to Tumeng’s condition. Tumeng has no regrets and he must complete it.

"Wifes, this is Senior Tumeng, a first-rank dominance level powerhouse." Chu Feng introduced Feng Bingning and the others.

Feng Bingning and the others bowed. Whether Tu Ying married Chu Feng's son or grandson, they were all juniors. At this time, they also bowed to Chu Feng.

Compared with before, Tu Ying's mentality has been improved, her mentality has improved, and her temperament has also changed a lot. It has the temperament of everyone.

However, Tu Ying's eyes occasionally flashed a sly gaze, showing that under that temperament, she might still have the same nature as a little devil.

"Husband, let's talk, let's take Yingying around." Miao Feiying smiled, Tu Ying and Yang Yu, she is more intent on being bright, in her opinion, Chu Xiang should also like this more.

Chu Feng nodded slightly. Tu Ying had an agreement here, but Yang Yu didn’t have any agreement. Seeing Yang De and the others, this is not anxious. Whether Chu Yang or Chu Xiang can be with Yang Yu, it depends. They mean by themselves.

Yang Yu is Yaomeng's apprentice, but Chu Feng wouldn't force Chu Yang to stay with Yang Yu, he didn't have the kind of attachment to Yaomeng at all.

At first, when Chu Feng saw Yang Yu, he had the idea of ​​letting her become his own daughter-in-law. Later, he realized that Yang Yu's master was actually the master of the superior!

Feng Bingning and the others left, Chu Feng greeted Tu Meng and sat down, an entourage appeared outside and drove towards Shenguang City with the holy prison.

"Senior Tumon, your mental state seems to be much better than before." Chu Feng smiled. "Thanks to you for sending Yingying to the badge." Tumeng tasted the wine and smiled lightly, "Chu Feng, is now in the holy prison? In this holy prison, space is no longer the world. ."

"Thanks to the power of your world, Senior Tumeng." Chu Feng said.

Tumen sighed softly, "If you don't take away those powers, the whole world will collapse sooner or later. I didn't expect you to save so many people. I should say thank you."

"Senior Tumeng, you used to be the first-rank master, and you may still become the first-rank master at that time." Chu Feng chuckles. Tumon smiled slightly: "It's best to have that kind of strength again. If it can't be achieved, it's nothing. I think it's pretty good now. I've been very comfortable these years!"

"Chu Feng, whether I can regain the first-rank master, it depends on you." Tumeng said. "How to say?"

Tu Meng whispered: "Some people don't want me to have that kind of strength, because my foundation is weak, and I can't stand firmly at the first rank dominating strength. If you can reach a relatively high strength and stand firm, I will probably be able to Stand back to that position. If one day, I will not forget your help!"

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