Holy Prison

Chapter 2231: Dragon butler reappears

"Lin Shui, shall we turn around again?" Chu Feng said.

Lin Shui did not respond, and Chu Feng would naturally not stop at this time, but continued to turn with the Water Heart Crystal, so that while Lin Shui's mind was touched, Chu Feng's own mind was also touched.

The number of parasitized people is tens of millions, and many of them have encountered a lot of tragedies! Chu Feng has lived for so long, and many people who have suffered tragic encounters have encountered many people, but among those people, many still make him sigh secretly. Some people may not let him wake up and make him live or even die in a muddle-headed manner. better!

"If one day I can become the master, what do I control?" Chu Feng suddenly had such a thought in his mind, "I have a holy prison, and it is a better choice to control good and evil, but"

Chu Feng thought of Lin Tian. Lin Tian separated good and evil. He definitely wanted to control good and evil. If he were to control good and evil, he would collide with Lin Tian.

"Taking Lin Tian as a person, if he is in charge of good and evil, it would be good." Thinking of this, Chu Feng secretly laughed, and now he hasn't even reached the dominance level, so he actually thinks about what he will control after becoming the master!

"Chu Feng, I don't want to watch it." Lin Shuidao, at this time, Chu Feng had already turned the water heart crystal for a few hours, and they turned the whole area for a half.

Chu Feng nodded slightly and then returned to the holy prison space. "Chu Feng, can you agree to a question?" Lin Shui said softly.

"what is the problem?"

Lin Shui said: "You don't kill Venerable Ice then." "Yes, but I can't let her consciousness control the body. The soul in her body must be awakened." Chu Feng said.

"I can't awaken." Lin Shui's head shook his head and said, "She has completely swallowed the soul of that body. Even if she stays here for a long time, the soul cannot be awakened."

Chu Feng didn't feel that it was too strange. Venerable Ice's strength was very tyrannical, and he had been parasitic for a long time. The possibility that the soul could not be awakened was not low!

"Lin Shui, after I catch her, I have to bring her here. Whether her soul can be awakened is one thing, and whether I bring her here is another matter. If her soul is true If you can’t awaken, I promise you not to kill her. However, in the future, she can only live in the holy prison space and be punished to eliminate her sins." Chu Feng said solemnly, "Of course, the premise of this is You surrender, if you don’t surrender, when I haven’t said it."

Lin Shui thought about it. After a while, Lin Shui nodded slightly: "Okay, I promise you, I'm merging with Yin Qianqian, in fact, she is pretty good."

A smile appeared on Chu Feng's face, and at this moment, Miao Xian'er's voice rang in Chu Feng's mind: "Chu Feng, the tenth 4S mission is completed, and the holy prison can be upgraded!"

"Great good!"

Chu Feng was overjoyed. If the holy prison reaches the eighteenth level, his power will be greatly improved. Moreover, the eighteenth holy prison is the highest level he knows now, and if he goes up, he should become the master!

Yin Qianqian appeared on Chu Feng's side, the Water Heart Crystal did not hesitate, turned into a blue light and immediately entered Yin Qianqian's body!

"Qianqian, go and fuse!" Chu Feng said with a light smile. "Holy Prison is going to be upgraded?" Yin Qianqian said in surprise. She merged with Chu Feng, the heart of the water, and the power on their side would not increase much. Only when the holy prison was upgraded would it be greatly improved. If the holy prison is upgraded, it will be much safer for Chu Feng to enter the real holy purgatory.

"Yeah!" Chu Feng smiled and nodded. Chu Feng had already achieved the rest of the conditions for holy prison upgrade. One of them was to reach each floor of the eight domain towers. Chu Feng had already been to the holy prison domain. On every floor of the tower, what made Chu Feng a little surprised was that he did not find the Dragon Steward in the domain towers!

Steward Long said before that he went to one of the eight domain towers. Chu Feng did not find him. He basically identified a problem. Steward Long should be Lin Tian, ​​and it should be Lin Tian's evil thoughts!

Although he is the master of the holy prison, Chu Feng knows that if Steward Long hides and does not want him to find it, it will be very difficult for him to find it!

"Then quickly let the holy prison upgrade. If the holy prison upgrades, perhaps the sequelae of the holy prison will be solved." Yin Qianqian said. "I hope." Chu Feng said, he thought the same way, but he estimated that it would not go so smoothly, "By the way, Qianqian, if you merge, don't be in the holy prison space, Bing Ning and the others will also leave the holy prison first. !"

"If we are in the holy prison, maybe it can help a lot." Yin Qianqian said, "Don't think about letting us leave, we can come in by ourselves!"

Chu Feng is the master of the holy prison, and he can do so by forcibly preventing Yin Qianqian and the others from entering the holy prison, but if he does that, Yin Qianqian's fit with the holy prison will drop a lot.

"Then you, gather together." Chu Feng said.

"I know!"

Chu Feng and Yin Qianqian appeared in front of Feng Bingning and the other women, and explained Feng Bingning and the others for a while, that Chu Feng left the holy prison and reached the eighth floor of the Tongtian Tower.

Chu Feng said quietly, in front of him, a hundred heaven guards looked at him respectfully. "Yes, boss!" Hundreds of Tianwei said and immediately formed a formation around. Although it is now in the Tongtian Pagoda, the jade talisman of the Tongtian Pagoda is in his hands and he has sealed off the nearby area. Guard, be safer!

When the Tianwei was in formation, Chu Feng himself was not idle either, the stigmata carving knife swiftly turned around, and a series of seemingly ordinary knife marks appeared on the ground.

Ten minutes later, the sky guards had done their best to deploy a large formation. It took them ten minutes to complete the formation. The defense of the large formation was extremely strong!

The stigmata carving knife traversed a wonderful arc and returned to Chu Feng's hands. His stigmata formation has also been completed, and his defensive power is definitely weaker than the formation formed by a hundred sky guards, but with his cultivation level and mood , The defensive power of the deployed array is not much worse than the large array under a hundred sky guards!

"I hope everything goes well." Chu Feng glanced at the space ring in his hand and said secretly in his heart. This space ring contained a large number of treasures he had obtained. Now in the holy prison space, Feng Bingning and the others are among the space treasures. There are a lot of treasures, but in the rest, Chu Feng has not hidden any treasures!

"Xian'er, upgrade!" Chu Feng's voice echoed in his mind.

A response sound appeared in Chu Feng's mind, but what shocked Chu Feng was that the voice was not that of Miao Xian'er, nor was it that of Demon Shu.

Rather, the voice of the Dragon Butler!

Miao Xian'er and Demon Shu's voice did not appear, but the voice of Butler Dragon appeared. It was already obvious that there was a big problem in the holy prison. "Steward Long, long time no see." The cultivation level was extremely high. After an instant shock, Chu Feng calmed down and whispered in his mind, "Steward Long, should I call you that or should I call you Lin Tian? ?"

"No, it should be Tianlin. Lin Tian's kind thoughts. I call him Lin Tian. I call him Tianlin for people who form bad thoughts." Chu Feng said.

Steward Dragon laughed loudly: "Steward Dragon, or Tianlin, do whatever you want! The Holy Prison upgrade is open, let the Holy Prison upgrade!"

Spatial fluctuations occurred, and clusters of light appeared around Chu Feng's body. As soon as those lights appeared, they immediately entered Chu Feng's body. Most of the power was absorbed by the holy prison, but Chu Feng could also get a lot of benefits. Chu Feng's cultivation level will not improve much, but the upgrade of the holy prison can regulate his body!

Before, Chu Feng could use a lot of treasures to improve his cultivation, and the sequelae were eliminated, but there will be more or less a little bit of it!

If those hidden dangers are not removed, they will become obstacles to Chu Feng's achievement of dominating. After removing them, Chu Feng's chance of becoming dominated can be increased by several percent!

"Steward Long, isn't the holy prison your cage? You still allow the holy prison to be upgraded? Maybe you won't have good fruit to eat then." Chu Feng said. Steward Long smiled and said: "Chu Feng, Chu Feng, you really think that the holy prison can keep me locked in, do you think my research on the holy prison for so many years is for nothing?"

"After the upgrade of the holy prison is successful, you can go to death, and then the holy prison will be under my control! By the way, I will help you take over your wives, hahaha!"

Steward Long was formed by the gathering of Lin Tian's evil thoughts. It was normal to have such thoughts!

"Steward Long, you get the holy prison, do you want to become the master? Only when good and evil merge, you can become the master. You and Lin Tian are one!" Chu Feng said.

"That was before, in the future, I will be me and he will be him! I will find him and devour him, in the name of evil, become the master of control, haha... two **** stinky women, trouble me, I can't spare you then!"

"Chu, Chu Feng, we are fighting with him!" A little bit of Mo Shu's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind, the voice was very weak, but Chu Feng still heard it.

"Moshu, Xian'er, be careful!" Chu Feng said in his mind. Miao Xian'er and the others did not respond, and Chu Feng didn't know if Miao Xian'er and the others heard his words.

Steward Long sneered and said: "Chu Feng, don't be delusional, two little girls, still want to hurt me?" "Steward Long, even if you take away the control of the holy prison, you should not have the cultivation base of the first-grade master by then. Even the first-rank master cultivation base can't be reached, when will you talk about becoming the master?" Chu Feng said quietly.

"A lone yin does not grow, and a single yang does not last. You should understand this truth. Absolute evil will definitely not be the master of control! Several masters, which one do you know is so absolute in this respect? A dead end!"

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