Holy Prison

Chapter 2246: Another master

In the underworld, there are many people who are eager to improve their strength. For those who want to improve their strength, they will be willing to take great risks!

The road to practice is not a safe road, the heart of the soul, which is extremely attractive to many people! When the attraction overwhelms their fear of the forgotten place, they will enter the forgotten place!

"Wanli, try to let people who have not yet entered the Forgotten Land, do not enter it!" Chu Feng said. Bai Wanli said, "This is not great."

"How to say?"

Bai Wanli said: "Master, human heart...If we don't let people enter, many people who don't want to enter it will probably make up their minds to enter it!"

"We may not be able to stop everyone at that time. If we stop, it will be thankless. If we don't stop, many people know that the danger will not go in. If we stop, others think that our God Chucheng wants Closing the venue and seizing the treasure! Master, you will have the treasure by then, and you will have to gossip."

Chu Feng nodded slightly, he hadn't thought about this matter completely. "Master, I am often in the Yin Realm, and I have a better understanding of some people's personalities." Bai Wanli smiled.

"This is the commonness of human beings, not just on the side of the underworld." Chu Feng smiled lightly, "but Wanli still makes people enclose and seal the forgotten place!"

"Strictly order that everyone who has not entered shall not enter it. If they enter, even if they get the heart of the soul, they will also be punished by our God’s Beginning City! Send more people to come, and those who have not entered the Forgotten Land are not allowed to enter again. I think our Shenchu ​​City should have such strength!"

Bai Wanli nodded: "Master, if we do our best, our God Chucheng will naturally have that kind of strength, but it is estimated that many people will not understand by then."

"It is estimated that this action can save many people. In that case, why bother about people's gossip?" Chu Feng said quietly, "Wanli, you are very accurate with people's minds, but your vision is still a little lower, my **** Chucheng, now you don’t have to care about such gossip! We only need to be worthy of our own conscience and not violate God’s first law!"

Bai Wanli said: "Master, there will be many people who will blame us at the beginning of the city. Is it really worth it?"

"Wanli, we have the ability to save many people from death. If you don't do it, will you feel a little uncomfortable in your heart?" Chu Feng said.

"Well, I will." Bai Wanli thought for a while, "I don't care if some people die, but there are probably many good people who go in. They have wives and children."

Chu Feng smiled and said: "That's not it. Let's do things with a clear conscience and not afraid of human words! The power is so powerful as our Godchu City, our horizons should be broadened. The entire universe is ours, Yang Realm. , Yinjie, all people are under the jurisdiction of our God Chucheng! Some people who shouldn't die have died, we are negligent, and some **** people have not died, we are also negligent!"

"Master, this responsibility is not small." Bai Wanli said.

Chu Feng said quietly: "From the perspective of a teacher, before a force becomes the most powerful force, the most important thing for it is to be responsible for the people inside the force."

"When a power is so powerful that I dominate it, there is no heart in the world, and it does not shoulder some responsibilities. Such a power will last forever!"

"Wanli, relax your mind. In this way, the road will get better and better, and it will not be harder and harder! Today you led people to stop many people, and they misunderstood you. This misunderstanding will always be solved. , When the misunderstanding is solved, do you say that the status of our God Chucheng is more unshakable?"

"Master taught it." Bai Wanli respectfully said, his level is a little lower, but what Chu Feng said is so clear, he also understood a lot.

"go a head!"

Chu Feng smiled. He said that he crossed a striking red line in an instant. The red line was connected to the warning signs. The red lines and warning signs were all made by strong people in the past. The Yin world is so big and the number of good people is Quite a lot, it is not easy to get such a project, but someone has done it.

In the underworld, there are many dangerous places, and in many dangerous places, there are warning signs set up by the strong!

Passing through the warning stone, Chu Feng moved forward slowly. It didn't take long for Chu Feng to have a little warning sign in his heart.

"Xian'er, the sky-eye scan is on!" Chu Feng said in his mind, his mind is very strong, but at this time, the sky-eye scan is better!

There is a limit to the time that Chu Feng's mind scan can last. If the sky eye scans, the mental energy consumed is negligible for Chu Feng, and it is no problem to keep it on!

"Chu Feng, there are many formations." Miao Xian'er's voice resounded in Chu Feng's mind, "Chu Feng, there is a formation trap a little bit in front of you!"

"Send the scan results to me at any time!"

Chu Feng said, Miao Xian'er passed the results of the scan to Chu Feng, and Chu Feng quickly moved forward avoiding hidden traps. Although he had just entered the Forgotten Land, Chu Feng had already made some discoveries.

The quasi-dominant-level powerhouse had just entered, and Chu Feng had already discovered a quasi-dominant-level powerhouse! As a result of the Sky Eye scan, the strong man was not too far away from him.

"Jie Jie, this method is really good!" A blood-stripe purple-eyed tiger vomited. In front of it, more than a dozen people trembled. They wanted to come in and get the soul of the soul. As a result, it didn't take long to come in. It was caught by this blood-stained purple-eyed tiger. A few seconds ago, a person who was also arrested was pulled in two by the blood-stained purple-eyed tiger and swallowed it!

"My lord, spare my life!"

More than a dozen people knelt down one by one. At this time, where did they think about the soul of the soul, they only thought about how to live! Among them are the powerhouses of the immortal level, but even the powerhouses of the immortal level, there is no resistance in the hands of the quasi-dominant-level bloodmark purple-eyed tiger!

The general indestructible level powerhouse does not have much resistance in the hands of the holy king, the sage level powerhouse, the sage level powerhouse, and the quasi-dominant level powerhouse, the strength is much worse!

If the strong man of the Saint-sovereign level is a thirteen or fourteen-year-old boy, then the strong man of the quasi-dominant level is a strong man in his thirties, and the general immortal-level strong man is just a child of five or six years old!

Among the dozen or so people, there are only two strong at the immortal level, and the rest are not even at the immortal level. In the eyes of the blood-stripe purple-eyed tiger, they are completely harmless babies!

"Please forgive me, maybe some of you will survive!" The blood-stripe purple-eyed tiger opened its blood basin and grinned. It said that it had caught one of the two immortal powers with one claw. In the blink of an eye, The indestructible powerhouse who had a very good status in the underworld was split into two parts by it.

"It tastes good!" The blood-stripe purple-eyed tiger first ate the upper half of the two sections, and the indestructible powerhouse watched the lower half of his body being eaten, and it would be his turn soon. The upper half of the body!

The immortal-level powerhouse can be resurrected after death, but that is the normal situation. The immortal-level powerhouse who is grasped by the blood-stripe purple-eyed tiger does not think that he can be resurrected after being eaten!

A horrified begging for mercy came out of the indestructible powerhouse. At this time, he was extremely regretful. Why did he enter this ghost place on impulse?

"Hahahaha, ha"

The blood-stripe purple-eyed tiger laughed loudly, but its laughter stopped abruptly, and a sword came out from nowhere and pierced its body deeply!

"Time and space double ban, close!"

Chu Feng's voice rang. How could the blood-stripe purple-eyed tiger that was severely injured by Yin Ming's sword be able to withstand the double imprisonment of Chu Feng's time and space? At that moment, it was completely unable to move. Having been admitted to the Holy Prison Space, those more than a dozen people were also admitted into the Holy Prison Space in the next instant!

The strength of the blood-stripe purple-eyed tiger is not weak and has a quasi-dominant level, but it is only a general quasi-dominant level strength, which is quite different from Chu Feng’s strength. In this case, Chu Feng still sneaks and attacks, and it will not be caught strange!

"Eighteen merit points!" Miao Xian'er's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind. "Uh, only eighteen merit points?" Chu Feng said helplessly in his mind.

"There are 18 merit points, which is not bad." Miao Xian'er said with a smile, "Don't even think about it. In the realm of the gods, catching 30 trillion talents will get more than two hundred merit points. It takes one trillion and one hundred million people to get a little more than eight hundred merit points, and one can get eighteen points. You have to burn a few more incense sticks when you go back, thank God!"

"The average villain has too few merit points. Eighteen merit points, a good person who died in the hands of this tiger, don't know how many." Chu Feng said in his mind.

Miao Xian'er said: "If there is no merit in the world, it will be peaceful." "There is no merit in the world. This is my goal." Chu Feng smiled.

"Youngest, what's the matter with you?"

Two powerful auras rushed to the side where De Chu Feng was. Those two auras, one came from a three-headed black python, and the other came from a golden great ape!

The three black pythons are thousands of meters long, and each head is bigger than the locomotive. The golden great ape is full of gold, forty to fifty meters tall, and its body seems to contain infinite power!

"They are two quasi-masters again." Chu Feng was surprised, but he didn't expect that there would be a lot of powerful people gathered on this side! The two who came over were not the masters, and in this forgotten place, there was one master who did not appear! It's just that they are already three quasi-dominant-level powerhouses. Such strength is quite terrifying!

"With such strength, that master-level powerhouse has not left the Forgotten Land. It seems that there is a little problem with my previous estimate!"

"The master-level powerhouse did not leave the Forgotten Land. It is estimated that he was suppressed on this side and could not leave. If this is the case, the master-level powerhouse might already have the power of the master-level!"

Thinking of this, Chu Feng's expression changed instantly and he entered the holy prison space. As soon as he entered the holy prison space, a green-robed old man appeared beside the place where Chu Feng had just stood!

The green-robed old man printed his hand toward Chu Feng's back, but his hand didn't print on Chu Feng's back, he just touched the afterimage left by Chu Feng!

In the sacred prison space, Miao Xian'er exclaimed, just a little bit, just a little bit, Chu Feng had to die in the hands of that green robe old man!

As Chu Feng estimated, the green-robed old man had indeed recovered his power at the dominance level. Although he was a seventh-rank dominator, his attack was not something that Chu Feng, who did not dominate, could bear!

Chu Feng let out a long sigh. A little while before entering the holy prison space, he thought of the possibility, and a little palpitations appeared in his heart. Under such circumstances, he entered the holy prison space without any hesitation. !

Facts have proved that Chu Feng's decision is correct. He will be attacked by the green-robed old man even if he slows down even one thousandth of a second! As long as it is attacked, it will end in death!

Outside, the face of the green-robed old man changed slightly. He did not expect that a strong master of himself would sneak an attack on a figure who was not yet a master, and he would have failed!

"Little guy, where can you escape?" The green-robed old man's mastermind idea was immediately released, very close. Chu Feng is not a master-level strong now. The level of the holy prison is lower. Scan the green-robed old man After a few seconds, the existence of the holy prison was discovered, "This thing, it seems to be the holy prison?"

The green-robed old man's eyes lit up, and he still had many strong men fighting against Lin Tian. It was not surprising that he knew the existence of the holy prison. He also knew a little bit of the aura of the holy prison!

The Domination Mind scanned carefully. After more than ten seconds, the green-robed old man confirmed one thing. One of the countless dust on the ground was indeed a holy prison!

"Hahaha! It's really nowhere to find a place to break through the iron shoes, it takes no effort!" The green-robed old man laughed out, "Lin Tian, ​​Lin Tian, ​​you can't leave this ghost place for the time being, I didn't expect it. Someone sent the holy prison to this seat! This seat will get the holy prison, when you are still alive, this seat will not fear you!"

The three quasi-dominant-level subordinates just died. The green-robed old man was originally very angry. At this moment, his heart was full of joy. Compared with the holy prison, a quasi-dominant-level servant could count as much. Get the holy prison, don't say one, all three are dead, he doesn't care!

"Sure enough, you can't leave this area." Chu Feng whispered in the holy prison space, "old man, you seem to be happy too early!"

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