Holy Prison

Chapter 2254: Villain level

Leaving from near the Forgotten Land, Chu Feng did not immediately return to the Yang Realm. This time when he came to the Yin Realm, one of the most important things was to catch the wicked. Although he had a good harvest, there were not many people caught.

Among the trillions of people gathered near the Forgotten Land, there are many wicked people among them, but it is not good to know that arresting people in that place.

City by city, Chu Feng caught a lot of people. Tianyan and Tianshou were all strengthened after ten days. With the strengthening of Tianshou and Tianshou, Chu Feng's speed in catching people increased a lot!

It is worth mentioning that in the past, the eyes of the sky could see how much a person's good and evil values ​​are. For example, today's eyes cannot see a person's specific good and evil values. However, the situation of good and evil can be distinguished.

The holy prison now has nine levels for good and evil, which are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple, silver, and gold. Each level is divided into nine sub-levels, so the total is ninety-nine and eighty-one. Levels! Crimson level one is a villain with a relatively low level of guilt. Crimson level two has a higher level of guilt. Orange level wicked people have a higher level of guilt than red level wicked ones. If Chu Feng catches them, they can gain more merit. point!

Before the sky eye was strengthened this time, the holy prison could only judge the red and orange wicked. For higher-level wicked people, the results of the scan were a few question marks; if today’s eye has been strengthened with a thousand merit points, the yellow wicked can also Judging it, if you strengthen it by a thousand, it is estimated that the green villain level can also be judged a little.

Before there was no phase of the demon, the holy prison did not judge his villain level, Chu Feng estimated that his villain level should be blue.

Red level, the merit points obtained by the catch are less than one point, all are red level, nine small levels, each of which is ten times different, and the one with zero to one point is the red nine, zero and one to zero. One is Crimson Level 8 caught one, and those with merit points above 0.00000001 are Crimson Level 2, and those below this number and reaching the wicked standard are all Crimson Level 1!

In fact, the vast majority of people are at the first level of red color, otherwise, so many people caught in the Chu Fengyang realm would not get so few merit points!

In the God Realm before, Chu Feng caught 30 trillion people. If they can reach Red Level 2 on average, then Chu Feng can get more than 300,000 Merit Points. In fact, Chu Feng’s Merit Points are only 200. A little bit more, the difference between 300,000 and 300,000 is not one or two points!

Orange, Chu Feng catches a person, and the merit points he will get will be between one and ten, including one point, but not ten points! One to two is orange level one, two to three are level two, nine to ten, and level nine. The number of villains who can reach the orange level is relatively rare, but Chu Feng has encountered many.

The yellow level, from ten to one hundred, the villains of this level can definitely be described by the words "extremely wicked". Chu Feng has encountered only a handful of villains of this level!

The green is one hundred to one thousand, and the blue is one thousand to ten thousand. After catching the Wuxiang Demon Venerable, he will get more than three thousand merit points. He must belong to this level!

Cyan is ten thousand to one hundred thousand, purple is one hundred thousand to one million, silver is one million to ten million, and gold is ten million to one hundred million! In the next four levels, if there are such characters, Chu Feng can't even imagine how many evil things he has done. In the eyes of Chu Feng, the fellow of Wuxiang Yaozun is already a very evil person!

"The orange is level one, not bad!" After half a month, Chu Feng's eyes lit up slightly. He caught many people in the past half month, but he hadn't touched an orange one yet.

An orange villain, even if it is an orange level one, can be compared to tens of billions or even hundreds of trillions of ordinary red villains! A man-made evil is comparable to the evil of hundreds of trillions of wicked people. It is conceivable that such a guy can do great harm to society. Catch one can definitely benefit countless people!

Chu Feng's thoughts moved, and the heavenly hand was dispatched, and the orange villain with immortal strength was instantly taken into the **** of the holy **** by Chu Feng!

This time, Chu Feng was upgraded with his blood base, and more than two thousand merit points were smashed. Today's Tianshou, when close to each other, can directly bring the power of the quasi-dominant level into the holy prison. ! As for the powerhouses at the Saint-sovereign level, there is no problem collecting twenty or thirty at a time!

That orange villain has a high level of guilt, but his strength is also indestructible at level three. Such a character is definitely not able to resist the capture of the heavenly hand!

"Orange villains, it's better to catch more, if you can catch some yellow or green ones, it would be better." Chu Feng muttered in his heart, as for the higher blue villains, cyan villains, etc., Chu Feng would not What do you think, the blue villain, in the Hongtian universe, it is estimated that only a few dominant-level powerhouses can reach, and those quasi-dominant-level invaders are also a little bit possible, but the possibility is very low!

For a cyan villain, if you catch one, the merit points you get are between 10,000 and 100,000. As long as you catch a holy prison, you can upgrade again. However, such a villain, with Chu Feng’s current strength, wants to meet one Not easy! Even if you encounter it, you can't tell the specific level of the opponent!

In the Yang Realm, the strength of Shenchu ​​City was much stronger than in the Yin Realm. At that time, Chu Feng was in urgent need of the Holy Prison upgrade, so he let Tang Ming and the others arrest people.

Now, Chu Feng is not so anxious to upgrade the Holy Prison, so he did not let Bai Wanli order to arrest people. He slowly arrested himself, and the speed was a lot slower, but the victory was that he was able to arrest more thoroughly in this way, in the Yang Realm, Tang Ming Although they have been arrested, there must be many wicked people who have not been caught by them!

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, hundreds of years have passed, and in the span of hundreds of years, Chu Feng basically turned around in every place in the Yin Realm.

Achievements: 1. I got two thousand merit points, and the whole underworld was caught once, but the merit points obtained were not as many as the merit points obtained by catching the Wuxiang Demon Venerable.

Second, in the Yin Realm, there are many treasures scattered in many places, and Chu Feng has obtained a lot of such treasures, but this is not what Chu Feng is interested in.

Two thousand merit points, plus more than two thousand five hundred points before, and one thousand points were hit by Chu Feng on the eye of the sky. The ones that were strengthened by a thousand points before were strengthened by another thousand points, and the holy prison would not be upgraded. Under the circumstances, the Sky Eye cannot be strengthened again! The remaining more than 1,500 points. After Chu Feng thought about it, Tianhu broke 80 points, and the doctor’s words broke 590 points. As a result, the doctor’s healing ability is already very powerful. If you protect it, you can probably stop the full blow of a top quasi-dominant powerhouse. Of course, this is the case without using special treasures!

If the Heaven Guard is activated, there will be two hazards if it is destroyed. One will cause Chu Feng to suffer some soul damage, and the second, it will take about ten days for the Heaven Guard to be activated again!

If the Heavenly Guardian can strengthen another one or two thousand points, the seventh-Rank Dominant-level attack can also be blocked. However, if the Heavenly Guardian at that time is destroyed, it will take longer to recover. With Chu Feng's current The cultivation base, the heavenly guard of that level was broken, and it hurt his soul very much!

After thinking about it, Chu Feng felt that it would be better to strengthen the medical clinic at the moment, and it would not be too late to strengthen the Heavenly Guards if there were more merit points in the future.

The Lord's Purgatory, there will definitely be many strong people entering it by the time, and it is estimated that the wicked will not be too few among them. The strength is high, and the probability of high-level wicked among them is much higher! A person with high strength may destroy a world, but is it possible for a person with low strength?

"It's time to go back!"

In the Yin Realm, Chu Feng murmured softly, he has been in the Yin Realm for more than a hundred years, and now the Yin Realm has been arrested by him several times, it is time to go back!

After talking with Bai Wanli, Chu Feng quickly left the Yin Realm to the Deyang Realm.

In a hundred years, most places in the Yang Realm have not changed much, but the Holy Realm God Chushan has changed tremendously in a hundred years.

When Chu Feng left, the defense of Shenchu ​​Mountain was not as good as the previous Most Sacred Mountain. After a hundred years, the defense of Shenchu ​​Mountain has completely overwhelmed the previous Most Holy Mountain, and at this time, Shenchu ​​Mountain has not Stop construction, and continue to improve on the basis of today!

"Leader, your old man has finally come to inspect." Zhou Wen saw Chu Feng curl his lips. "Yes, young man, work hard!" Chu Feng stretched out his hand and patted Zhou Wen on the shoulder.


"I said the boss, it's been a hundred years since you left. We really miss it." Zhou Wendao. "Fuck, you don't need to miss Bing Ning and they miss me." Chu Feng scolded with a smile.

They both greeted Hongjun, and Chu Feng called Song Ye and Tang Ming together. "Boss, is there something good?" Tang Ming laughed.

Chu Feng's mind moved the heart of death and the heart of soul appeared in front of him. In the past hundred years, one of the more important things is that the heart of death has returned. It has been submitted to Chu Feng and completed a 4S level task. Unfortunately, it is now completed. It is no good for Chu Feng.

"This time I went out and got the heart of the soul. Both the heart of death and the heart of soul can recognize the lord. They belong to both of you, Xiao Mingzi, so you can give full play to your spirits. Madam first." Chu Feng smiled.

Tang Ming frowned and shook his head and said, "Boss, this... These two things are divided for me, isn't it good? Brother Long doesn't have such a thing yet, and, Xiaohan and the others"

"If Xiaolong gets the Golden Heart Crystal for him at that time, he is more suitable for that. As for Xiaohan and the others, Xiao Mingzi, do you want me to give them something, their strength is higher, and when they are in danger, Are you hiding behind?" Chu Feng smiled.

"Their strength is already high enough. To the present level, getting such things means responsibility! Xiao Mingzi, when it is dangerous, we still have to be the elders."

Tang Ming nodded slightly: "It's true, okay, I will accept it. Sister-in-law, madam first, you can choose first, I like both of them very much!"

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