Holy Prison

Chapter 2259: Crazy Dao Yuan

"Dao Yuan Demon Lord, look at you, be careful, haha!" Chu Feng's laughter sounded in Dao Yuan Demon Lord's ears, Dao Yuan Demon Lord's face was already very ugly, he heard Chu Feng's Voice, his face is a little worse!

Dao Yuan Mojun's tone was very cold. "The Demon Lord Dao Yuan, just remind you, you'd better find a place to recover from your current injury." Chu Feng smiled.

The Demon Lord Dao Yuan disappeared in the blink of an eye with a cold snort, but he did not leave this fairy palace but went to the training room in this fairy palace.

Within the fairy house, different places have different defense levels, and the defense level of the training room will naturally be much higher than that of ordinary places.

"Damn thing, you're dead!" Dao Yuan Demon looked very gloomy after checking his injuries. If the previous injuries can be suppressed, then the problem will not be big by then, but when moving the dragon domain, Being attacked by Chu Feng like that, the problem at this time is unlikely to be possible!

Dao Yuan Mojun checked it, and if his current injury cannot be handled properly, he will finally return to the sixth-rank master's cultivation base and then fall to the seventh-rank master. If his luck is a little bit worse, it is estimated that he will be directly from the master level. 'S strength fell out! With such a result, how can Dao Yuan Demon Lord not be angry?

"Can't leave Xianfu, when the time comes, hum!"

Dao Yuan Mojun immediately recovered with a cold snort. At this time, the most important thing for him was to suppress the terrible injuries in his body!

In the holy prison.

"Xian'er, did you find Demon Lord Dao Yuan?" Chu Feng said. Miao Xian'er shook her head slightly and said, "Tianyan hasn't scanned it yet, don't worry."

"It seems that the sky eye can't scan the training room." Chu Feng frowned.

The Holy Prison is now a little stronger than the Immortal Mansion of the Dao Yuan Demon Lord, but, after all, the Holy Prison is now in the Immortal Mansion, and the Immortal Mansion has some advantages in this respect!

A few minutes later, Miao Xian'er said weakly, "Chu Feng, it seems that Dao Yuan Demon Lord can't be scanned!"

If the Heavenly Eye can scan the Dao Yuan Demon Lord, the treasure in the holy prison can directly appear next to the Dao Yuan Demon Lord. It can't be scanned, naturally it won't work!

"Xian'er, let these things explode one by one within the fairy mansion." Chu Feng smiled lightly, and he said four or five hundred treasures appeared in front of him.

Now, for Chu Feng, he doesn't lack such things. As long as he can catch the Dao Yuan Demon Lord, what is this thing?

"Chu Feng, don't use this thing, I have a way." Miao Xian'er said. Chu Feng said, "Xian'er, what can I do, talk about it."

"Heavenly hands." Miao Xianer said.

"Tian Shou is now very strong. It can appear outside, and you can directly use it to enter the destruction. Even if the Tian Shou is destroyed and your mental power is damaged, it will not take long for the doctor to recover you." Miao Xian'er He smiled and said, "Try it first? Use the heaven hand to knock on the door of the sword Yuanmajun?"

Chu Feng thought, this is indeed more feasible, Tianshou appeared outside, if the Demon Sword Yuan wanted to destroy Tianshou, he would definitely be under some pressure.

Once or twice, the Dao Yuan Demon may not have a big problem to bear, but the more times, the Dao Yuan Demon will definitely not be able to bear it! As for him, there is a scan by the medical institute, and the pressure is much less than that of Dao Yuan Demon Lord.

"Xian'er, if we are like this, is it too bullying?" Chu Feng smiled.

Miao Xian'er smiled and said: "Why, you don't want to use it like this?"

"Yes, who said no, hurry up! It's good to be able to bully Dao Yuan Mojun, a second-rank master-level powerhouse, haha!" Chu Feng smiled.

Tianshou appeared outside, and then slammed his fist against the gate of Daoyuan Demon Lord's training room. "Well" A little blood spilled from the corner of Dao Yuan Demon's mouth. He just recovered with all his strength. Under such a state, he is most afraid of interruption. A little interruption may make his injury worse.

"Asshole!" Dao Yuan Demon Lord opened his eyes, his eyes flashed with cold light. "Exit!" The Dao Yuan Demon said softly, and the sky hand outside was suddenly shattered by a blade of light!

The Heavenly Hand was shattered, and Chu Feng's soul was immediately damaged in the holy prison space. However, under the treatment of the doctor, the damaged soul recovered within ten minutes.

"Xian'er, attacking the fairy palace is easier to destroy. After attacking once, immediately take back the Heavenly Hand, don't give Dao Yuan Demon Lord a chance!" Chu Feng smiled.

Miao Xian'er grinned and said, her voice fell, and Tianshou immediately appeared outside, "Boom!" Tianshou hit the door of the training room with another punch.

Inside the training room, the Demon Lord Dao Yuan was not affected much this time, and the Heavenly Hand that Chu Feng attacked outside could not recover it. Just as he attacked, the Heavenly Hand was destroyed by the power of the Immortal Mansion!

"Chu Feng, it seems that Tianshou wants to attack many times, can't uh" Miao Xian'er said. "Well, go ahead! Heavenly hand is destroyed, I will be affected, Dao Yuan Demon Lord will definitely be affected too!"

In a blink of an eye, a day passed, about ten minutes, and Chu Feng used his Heavenly Hand to attack once, six times a day, more than one hundred times an hour!

Dao Yuan Demon Lord Immortal Mansion used to have a lot of power reserves. Today, Dao Yuan Demon Lord Immortal Mansion does not have a lot of power reserves. After a day, the power reserve is basically exhausted!

In the case of a power reserve, as long as the sound is cut off, the cultivating Sword Yuan Demon Lord will not be affected much, and it will be different without the power reserve.

The face of the cultivating Dao Yuan Demon Lord changed. In one day, he used the recovered treasures. His injury had recovered a little bit. As a result, the Xianfu just drew some of his strength, and the effect of his recovery was immediately removed. More than half!

His consciousness was connected to the fairy house, and the Demon Lord Dao Yuan took a closer look. His expression immediately became gloomy. In one day, the fairy house was attacked more than a hundred times. No wonder the power of the fairy house was exhausted. The sword Yuan Mojun has set aside his power. If the Xianfu has no power, it will draw his power. This is to prevent the Xianfu's lack of power from being damaged!

"Damn it, could it be said that Chu Feng didn't suffer any harm?" Dao Yuan Demon said in his heart, he believed that Chu Feng should have been hurt because of the previous five-Rank power confrontation! "If Chu Feng can keep attacking like this, I won't be able to provide Xianfu with enough power at all."

The attacks continued, and Dao Yuan Demon Lord's expression became more and more ugly. He expected Chu Feng to not continue to attack like that, but Chu Feng's attack was quite stable.

Once every ten minutes, the Immortal Palace endured another fifty attacks in a blink of an eye. Not only did Dao Yuan Demon Lord’s injury not get better, it worsened!

Nowadays, there are only two choices for the Dao Yuan Demon Lord. The first one is not to provide power to the Immortal Mansion and let the Immortal Mansion bear the attack of Chu Feng. His Immortal Mansion is a top weapon, even if there is no power to provide, Xianfu can also withstand Chu Feng's attack for a longer period of time; secondly, he took Xianfu to leave. To put it in a bad way, just run away!

There are only these two options, and both options have disadvantages. In the first option, Xianfu will be damaged, and the fit between Xianfu and Daoyuan Demon will decrease; the second option, if you run away, no Must be able to run away! Dao Yuan Demon Lord knows that Holy Prison has the ability to lock!

"The tiger fell into the Pingyang and was bullied by a dog!"

This feeling arose in the heart of Dao Yuan Demon Lord, if he had the power of the Second-Rank Dominant Rank, like Chu Feng, it would be extremely easy to solve!

"Only, leave!" Dao Yuan Mojun took a deep breath. The dignity of the second-rank master made him not want to escape, but if he does not leave now, the consequences will be serious!

Since he decided to leave, Dao Yuan Demon Lord didn't have any hesitation, he took the fairy mansion and left quickly without losing a word of cruel words!

"Is it gone?"

Chu Feng muttered, and the Sky Eye scan saw that Dao Yuan Demon Lord had left, and also left the Dragon Region. An entourage appeared outside immediately, and the entourage took the holy prison and left the dragon prison in a blink of an eye.

"Chu Feng, Dao Yuan Demon Lord runs very fast." Miao Xian'er's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind, "The follower is slow, you have to be the deity!"

The deity of Chu Feng immediately appeared outside, and the speed of Demon Sword Yuan was faster than that of his deity. However, the lock range of the sky eye was very wide, and it was not easy for Demon Sword Yuan to get rid of Chu Feng!

"It should be thrown away." Dao Yuan Mojun secretly said in his heart, he has escaped for an hour, and with his current physical condition, it is not suitable to run wild for a long time.

With a thought, Dao Yuan Mojun entered the fairy mansion, and then the fairy mansion instantly went underground and disappeared without a trace! "Don't catch me up again!" Inside the fairy palace, Dao Yuan Mojun took a deep breath and immediately recovered. After an hour of escape, the injuries in his body became more serious!

Another hour passed, and Chu Feng unhurriedly arrived near the place where Dao Yuan Demon Lord disappeared. "Run, where can you go?" Chu Feng muttered in his heart.

"Zhan Tian, ​​know the target location, don't make the wrong place to attack." Chu Feng sent a message to Zhan Tian, ​​and Zhan Tian appeared, and the power of the sixth rank exploded and bombarded the Dao Yuan Demon Lord becoming smaller and many hidden. Above the fairy house!

Inside the fairy palace, the sword yuan demon squirted blood. He changed the settings. The power that the fairy palace cannot extract now, but withstands the attack power of the sixth rank, the fairy palace is hit hard, and as the master of the fairy palace, the fairy palace is hit hard. Under the circumstances, it is completely impossible for him not to be affected!

As soon as the blow went, Zhan Tian's second attack immediately fell on the Immortal Mansion of Dao Yuan Demon Lord. "Ah!" The Demon Lord Dao Yuan roared, he was going crazy, he was a second-rank master, and he was actually like this. The hour before he fled, he thought about taking hostages, but he didn't encounter it at all. A person!

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