Holy Prison

Chapter 2263: Handle avatar

"That's true. There are really few things you can't solve in Hongtian Universe now." Tu Meng chuckled lightly. Tu Meng is quite familiar with Chu Feng's strength.

Yang De smiled and said, "Brother Chu, we are in-laws now. If there is anything, you can help, you are welcome."

"Don't worry, you won't be polite!" Chu Feng said.

Parting from Tumeng and the others, Chu Feng thought secretly, "Feng, what are you thinking about?" Feng Bingning asked with a smile when she reached Chu Feng's side. The things at Shenchu ​​Mountain have not yet been completed, but now Chu Xiang and the others have just Married, the Shenchushan side has not restarted yet.

"I was thinking about what to do next." Chu Feng pulled Feng Bingning to sit down and said, "I was planning to get married with Xiang'er, so I went to the land of nine yin and nine yang, now I plan to wait and talk later. , When the work on the side of Shenchu ​​Mountain is finished, everyone will go to the land of nine yin and nine yang together."

"Feng, did something happen unexpectedly?" Feng Bingning asked sensitively. Based on her knowledge of Chu Feng, Chu Feng wouldn't take people around in a dangerous place like the Land of Nine Yin and Nine Suns.

Chu Feng stroked Feng Bing Ningxiu with a smile and said, "Don't ask, it depends on the situation at that time. I still don't know the specific situation on that side."

"On the side of Shenchu ​​Mountain, it may take a thousand years to make it well." Feng Bing said condensedly. Chu Feng frowned and said, "It doesn't need to be done very well for the time being. Three hundred years, the construction will be done with all the effort. It will be done as much as it can in 300 years!"

"So urgent" Feng Bingning said in surprise. The more anxious Chu Feng, the more urgent the situation on that side.

Chu Feng said helplessly: "I don't know the specific situation, but it is indeed a little urgent."

Now Lin Tian's will to dominate in this universe is declining, and the rate of decline is relatively fast. It is estimated that it will drop a lot in three hundred years, and it will naturally be more in a thousand years.

The weaker Lin Tian's will to dominate, the stronger the strength of those quasi-dominant-level powerhouses in the land of nine yin and nine suns! The quasi-dominant-level powerhouse is nothing more than Chu Feng solves them easily, mainly those who are at the dominance-level powerhouse. If their strength jumps from rank 7 to rank 6, or from rank 6 to rank 5. problem!

What kind of character is Yaomeng, how can she warn Chu Feng under normal circumstances? She warned, indicating that the problem today is definitely more serious!

For the previous masters, Chu Feng was relatively easy to solve, the master of the land of nine yin and nine yang, Chu Feng estimated that it would not be so easy to solve!

After attacking Lin Tian that year, there were thirteen masters who survived. Hongsha was not among them. After removing Hongsha, the masters caught by Chu Feng were Heiqing, Abs, Soloin, Wuxiang Yaozun, and Daoyuan Mozun. , Ice Silkworm Profound Emperor, besides, Emperor Shanhai escaped from this universe, the land of nine yin and nine yang, logically speaking, there should be five masters, but is there really only five masters at the master level?

Lin Tianshan said that the masters who attacked him explicitly back then were 18, 50 or 60 in secret, 40 or so were killed by him, 20 or so escaped, and 13 survived. If there were no accidents, there would be only five masters in the land of nine yin and nine yang, but the time is too long, and the chance of an accident is not small after a long time.

Those masters who escaped, they really all escaped, did not one return later? Those who were beheaded by Lin Tian were later resurrected? Are there any hidden masters among the thirteen of their spatial treasures back then?

Thinking of all kinds of possibilities, Chu Feng secretly had a headache. Judging from Yao Meng's words, the situation was more serious, but it wouldn't make him completely incapable of solving it!

"Feng, in the next three hundred years, will you strengthen Shenchu ​​Mountain together or do other things?" Feng Bing said, condensed. "I'm afraid I don't have the time to strengthen Shenchu ​​Mountain. In Shenchu ​​Mountain, there is one more me and one less me. The problem is not very big." Chu Feng said, "I have to solve the problem of No. 1, and in addition, I have to God Realm. The mortal world ran around. Although Xiao Mingzi and the mortal world caught them, there were still a lot of fish that slipped through the net. The small fish and shrimp have nothing to do with each other. The fish is hidden"

"What's the situation of Number One now?" Feng Bing Ning said. She didn't know the situation of Number One very well, but she knew that Number One had reached the Quasi-Dominant level cultivation base.

Chu Feng smiled and said: "The situation on No. 1 is not too bad. His original consciousness has basically been wiped out by me after so many years. Now it is only a little bit closer. If he succeeds, he has become a very obedient to me. A strong clone, if it fails, the clone is gone."

"At the last moment, his resistance is afraid that it will be very fierce." Feng Bing condensed. Chu Feng nodded slightly: "Well, that's for sure, so in the past three hundred years, I can't spare much time. The mortal realm of the gods can only follow and move forward, and Xian'er is responsible for arresting people!"

"You know you want me to do coolies." Miao Xian'er sounded in Chu Feng's ears. The next moment Miao Xian'er appeared, and Lan Wen and other women also appeared.

Several days passed in a blink of an eye, Shenchu ​​Mountain resumed work, and Chu Feng returned to the God Realm, causing a fast follower to take the Holy Prison around, and Chu Feng appeared in front of his clone.

Chu Feng's avatar saw Chu Feng's eyes open and smiled, "What's the situation?" Chu Feng asked. "The strength is relatively weak, but the sense of resistance is very strong!" Chu Feng said in his own body.

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "Normal, the resistance is not fierce, can he become a strong man of the saintly class before?" "The deity, the last deal?" Chu Feng split his body.

"Yeah." Chu Feng nodded, "Work hard together, Number One, if you fail, you will be wiped out." "So you can help the deity." Chu Feng smiled.

"Let's start!" Chu Feng sat cross-legged in front of Number One, and there will be a fierce confrontation next! If Chu Feng didn't allow No.1 to reach the Quasi-Dominant level cultivation base, then No.1 this clone is not dangerous, but that way, this clone is also considered useless.

One has a quasi-dominant level cultivation base, which will be of great help to Chu Feng, a saint-level figure, how can Chu Feng easily kill him now?

There was a solemn look on No.1's face. If he failed, he would have to fly away. He didn't want to fly away. Of course, he would not fight against Chu Feng because he was afraid of flying away. This is definitely impossible. of. Even if something like that occurs, in this holy prison world, Number One has no power to resist!

The sacred consciousness of Chu Feng instantly invaded the mind of No. 1. In No. 1’s mind, there was a huge black ball at this time. The original consciousness of No. 1’s body was embedded in this huge black ball. In the middle, as long as this black ball is not extinguished, the clone number one cannot be completely controlled!

The black ball exudes wisps of black flame, and the black flame disappears when it pops out. These black flames keep the huge black ball in contact with Number One's body enough!


Outside of the black ball, Chu Feng frowned slightly and said softly, if the black ball is an external consciousness, then he can destroy it in minutes, but it is the original consciousness of the body number one and wants to destroy it. It's not that easy to drop, the clone of a bad one has to be finished!

For a strong man like Chu Feng, it is easy to get an ordinary clone, but a clone like No.1 is very difficult! Ordinary clones can't grow quickly with his strength growth at all. With strength, one-tenth of him is extremely good. With number one, strength may not be lower than that of Chu Feng, and special circumstances occur. The avatar number, the strength is even stronger than Chu Feng!

A clone like number one needs to be cultivated when the deity's strength is still very low. It needs four conditions to be successfully cultivated. First, only one such clone can be cultivated, and one more clone will be cultivated. Very successful; second, after becoming a clone, the clone cannot die before it has peak strength. If you die once, even if it is resurrected, it will be one point behind the so-called peak strength. Of course, it cannot be the peak strength of the controller. The strength of the master level is already the peak strength.

At the quasi-dominant level strength, even if he died, as long as he was resurrected, he would still be able to become a powerful master at that time. Of course, it also needs a universe that can be integrated and controlled. It does not mean that the deity reaches the master level cultivation base, and the clone also reaches the master level cultivation base!

The third condition is the strength of the deity and the cultivation of a stronger mood; the fourth condition is that the talent of the clone itself must not be bad.

Because the conditions are very demanding, very few people have a clone like No.1. The average person does not have such conditions. A strong person like Wu Caishen has a background. They have the conditions, but not many of them are willing to get one. A avatar like that, there is a avatar like that, it will affect the progress of their own strength!

Moreover, no one can tell about the future, and they can't guarantee that their own strength improvement will not get stuck, and the improvement of their mood cultivation will not stagnate!

In Chu Feng's words, he has a treasure like the holy prison, and he didn't care about that little impact before. Later, his mental state cultivation level improved quickly, and if he had his strength, he also smoothly improved from the Sky Eye base! If his mood improvement is stuck, and if his strength improvement is affected, Chu Feng estimates that he will also lose the burden of No.1.

Of course, at this level, Chu Feng will definitely not let No. 1 hang up. Now No. 1 is no longer a burden. If he becomes the master by then, as long as No. 1 has a suitable world, there will be at least 80% of it. After the strong deity who has the chance to become the master level becomes the master, the probability of the clone becoming the master is higher!

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