Holy Prison

Chapter 2275: Casualties

"Xian'er, let's stop here!" Chu Feng said. In half an hour, the entourage had already left a long distance with the holy prison. Such a distance should already be a safe distance.

Miao Xian'er nodded, and Chu Feng instantly appeared outside the holy prison, and Axi City appeared together with Chu Feng! In the next instant, Hongjun and a large number of people appeared in Axi City. In a very short time, they input powerful energy to Axi City to strengthen the defensive cover of Axi City!

"Quick, quick!"

Chu Feng said loudly, Hongjun and the others were the first group to appear outside, because the number of people who can appear outside at the same time is limited, so there is a second batch and the third batch in a short time, and the second batch and the third batch are strong. All of them appeared in Axi City, and when they appeared, they immediately injected energy into Axi City!

Less than three seconds after Axi City appeared outside, the attack on the side of Thunder Cloud Mansion arrived, and a giant lightning with a diameter of more than 10,000 meters hit the defensive cover of Axi City fiercely.

Although it was only three seconds, Axi City’s defense was already very strong, but when it was attacked, Axi City’s defensive shield also trembled violently and almost collapsed. This attack from Thunder Cloud Mansion was not. The previous ordinary attack, but the attack that reached the fifth stage Great Perfection!

If Chu Feng and the others are close to Leiyun Mansion, their attack power is estimated to reach the fourth rank low. If Chu Feng is in the large formation created by Leiyun Mansion for a long time, Leiyun Mansion will explode like Haoyang Temple. The attack that comes out can reach the third rank!

In Axi City, many people underwent tremendous strength and bleeding from their mouths, even if it was Hongjun's, his face turned pale in an instant.

The fifth-rank Dzogchen attack, that is no joke, and even now Zhantian has not broken out the fifth-rank Dzogchen attack! If A'ercheng is not the weapon of dominance, and if there are fewer people in Axi City at this time, the attack just now will probably kill many people in Axi City!

"Provide more power soon!" Chu Feng said loudly. He said that there were still people appearing outside in the holy prison, but at this time, none of the people who appeared outside had an immortal level of cultivation!

Just almost died, how dare the people in Axi City dared to neglect? Before the second attack came, the power of Axi City's defensive shield became full again, and it was stronger than before!

The second attack from Thunder Cloud Mansion only arrived after less than half a minute. This time, it was not a fifth-grade Dzogchen attack but a fourth-grade intermediate attack!

In the previous attack, the powerhouses in Leiyun Mansion did not fight their injuries to explode their strength, but this time, they did their injuries burst out their strength!

When other factors haven't changed much, the power burst out by the experts of Thunder Cloud Mansion will naturally be stronger than before!

The defensive shield of Axi City shook more violently than before. A large number of powerful men, including Chu Feng, spewed blood. In some places, the defensive shield was broken a little bit, and the terrifying silver thunder and lightning entered Axi a little bit. Within the city, in Axi City, some people were touched by the silver lightning.

There will be a thousand or so NPCs who were hit by the silver thunder and lightning, and dozens of them survived fortunately because of their serious injuries. The rest were instantly wiped out in the silver thunder and lightning!

Tang Ming shouted loudly. Among the people who were hit by the silver thunder and dead were Tang Ming's son Tang An, beside Tang An, Chu Feng's daughter Chu Yu also died under the silver thunder!

"Enhance defense!"

Chu Feng roared, he said madly inputting the power of his body from the soles of his feet into Axi City. At the same time, people in the holy prison continued to appear outside!


Qin Ying cried out sadly, Han Xiang's pale face suddenly became paler, his son Tang An died, and his daughter-in-law Chu Yu died too!

Axicheng's defense was quickly stabilized again, but the thousand people who died before were temporarily unable to survive.

Chu Feng's face was gloomy. He knew that he would definitely die this time. He didn't expect to die so soon, and among those who died there were his daughter Chu Yu and Tang Ming's son Tang An!

"Attention, everyone, now is not the time to be sad, and try to improve Axi City's defenses. Beware of another attack, Yin Mei, stay away!" Chu Feng said.

"Good brother!" A charming voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind. The next moment the Ghost City flew up and went away, not slower than the previous entourage leading the holy prison!

The attack did not come again. The attack from Thunder Cloud Mansion just now was caused by their burst of power. One burst of power in a short period of time is not a big problem. If power bursts again, they will also compete with Haoyang Temple one by one. The strong have been hit hard! Moreover, the attack just this time did not completely collapse Axi City’s defenses, and another attack would make it impossible for Axi City’s defenses to collapse. More people appeared in Axi City, and Axi City’s defenses were stronger. Up.

"Unexpectedly, they didn't kill Chu Feng!" Lei Qing's face was also a little gloomy at this time, and Feng Ling and the other four masters were not very beautiful.

"It would be fine if we had a burst of power attack from the beginning. In that case, even if we can't destroy Chu Feng and the others, it is not a big problem if we destroy half of them. If we attack again, it is very likely that Chu Feng and them will all be hit by us. Kill." Zuo Lenghan frowned.

Zuo Lenghan is an afterthought. If they knew that their previous attack would be a little bit worse, of course they would explode in strength.

Explosive power, this sequelae is very big. How could Lei Qing burst out power and hurt themselves from the beginning? Chu Feng, they are relatively close to the Haoyang Temple at this time, far away from them, if they can not be injured. Wouldn't it be more beautiful to kill Chu Feng?

"Chu Feng escaped once, but can you continue to escape?" Feng Ling smiled lightly, "It doesn't matter if you didn't kill Chu Feng, if you kill Chu Feng, Chu Feng is relatively close to the Haoyang Temple, I guess the holy prison At that time, the guys from the Haoyang Temple will be able to give it away, and it will be a lot of trouble for us to get the holy prison!

Lei Qing said: "Feng Ling, if we do not leave here, our attack will take Chu Feng and they have no choice. If we leave, there will be problems in this place we operate, and Leiyun Mansion will be near that city. It may not be able to destroy it, but is there a good idea?"

"No." Feng Ling shook his head, "In front of absolute power, some small ideas are useless, and now Chu Feng and others will not be obediently led to some places by us. For us now, the best One option is to wait and improve your strength while waiting!"

"Chu Feng's strength can't be improved much. The Haoyang Temple has suffered heavy losses one by one. The three parties, only our strength can improve relatively quickly, we don't have to worry, it should be Chu Feng and the others who are worried! We cannot be killed today, we will be stronger tomorrow!" Feng Ling laughed.

"Then wait." Lei Qing nodded slightly. Of course he thought of this, and asked Feng Ling if he wanted to see if Feng Ling had a better way.

Axi City kept leaving without being attacked for several minutes. The number of people in Axi City has exceeded one billion, and Axi City's defense has improved a lot from the previous foundation! At this time, Chu Feng was temporarily relieved. With the current defense of Axi City, when Leiyun Mansion is far away, the defense of Axi City cannot be broken, even if it is with the Haoyang Temple. The same goes for teaming up!


Chu Feng opened her arms in front of Qin Ying, "husband." Qin Ying threw into Chu Feng's arms and tears flowed from her eyes. She knew that Chu Feng should have the ability to bring Chu Yu back to life by then, but My daughter died not far from her. How could she not be sad?

A little bit beside him, Han Xiang and Tang Ming hugged each other, and there were tears in Han Xiang's eyes. "Xiao Mingzi, I will bring Tang An back to life at that time." Chu Feng's voice echoed in Tang Ming's mind.

"Boss, is this all right?" Tang Ming's eyes lit up slightly. "Yes, in fact, for the time being, I have the ability to resurrect him, but wait a minute, they need to consume power to resurrect them, and those powers have to be retained if I die at that time," Chu Feng said.

"Boss, it's good to be resurrected, and it's good to be resurrected," Tang Ming said repeatedly. "Don't worry, it's definitely possible. You can comfort Han Xiang." Chu Feng said.

Tang An and Chu Yu died, and they were resurrected. Chu Feng asked Miao Xian'er to check it out. It was about 400 merit points. If the fourth-rank attack only attacked two of them, let alone 400 merit points, it is estimated that four thousand merit points will not be able to resurrect them, but the attack of Thunder Cloud Mansion first fell on the defensive cover. Extremely exhausted, the Thunder Light that broke through the defensive cover and entered Axi City had no fourth-grade power!

Chu Feng now has more than 1,800 merit points, and of course he can resurrect them, but at this time, spending four hundred merit points to resurrect them is not very good.

On the one hand, a lot of merit points will be consumed, which will affect Chu Feng’s own resurrection at that time. On the other hand, only resurrect them and leave the rest of them alone. Some people will inevitably have a little thought in their hearts. Of course, this is not the main thing. Reason, the first point is the main reason!

"Boss, Xiao Mingzi" Zhou Wen strode over. He was in another part of Axi City. At this time, the defensive cover was stable before he could come and take a look.

"Boss, Tang An and the others" Zhou Wen said with a gloomy expression, "Damn Leiyun Mansion, I must not spare them at that time!"

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