Holy Prison

Chapter 2285: Counterattack begins

The power of the curse of death is invisible and quality. Axi City’s defenses are extremely strong, but the power of Lei Qing’s death curse still passed through the defenses of Axi City, passed through the defenses set by Feng Bingning and the others, and broke. Chu Feng's defense entered Chu Feng's body.

As soon as Chu Feng's body softened, his face became extremely pale in an instant. The paleness was not only a sickly paleness, but also a deadly paleness!

Chu Feng involuntarily stepped back a few steps. Behind him, Yilian quickly supported Chu Feng, "Doctor, cure!" Chu Feng's thoughts sounded in his mind, and the next moment, Chu Feng very simply He fainted. In an instant, his body suffered too much damage. Fainting was a self-protection behavior of the body.

Having said that, some brothers may be surprised, why didn't Chu Feng enter the holy prison space? If you enter the sacred prison space, such an attack can hurt him like this?

This idea is beautiful, but it is unrealistic in reality! Of course, Chu Feng can enter the Holy Prison Space, but if he enters the Holy Prison Space, the expansion of the Heavenly Heart Land will be much slower, and the integration of the Holy Prison World and the Hongtian Universe will also be much slower. Hiding in the holy prison is good for the present, but bad for the long run!

If Chu Feng estimated that it was very dangerous, he would still enter the holy prison space and hide first, but he estimated that the degree of danger was not too high. Under such circumstances, entering the holy prison was unnecessary!

There are only five thousand years left. During the remaining five thousand years, Chu Feng wants to capture Lei Qing and them all. If he wants to achieve such a goal, it is useless for him to hide in the sacred prison space. !

"Although the breath of life is weak, it hasn't completely fallen down. Brother Feng is not dead!" After checking immediately, Lan Wen said with joy.

Last time, the death curse that Chu Feng received was much stronger than this one. This time, Chu Feng’s defense was more adequate. As a result, even though Chu Feng suffered extremely severe damage this time, he did not die. !

"The clinic is treating. With the current strength of the clinic, it shouldn't take too long for her husband to wake up." Miao Xian'er smiled. Chu Feng is dead. They all have to cry. If there is no death, Then they don’t have to worry. With the strength of the medical clinic, as long as there is no death problem, it is not a big problem!

"Pay attention to defense!" Feng Bing said, "Leiyun Mansion and Haoyang Temple, there may be attacks!"

Feng Bingning reminded Lan Wen and the others, and at the same time reminded everyone in Axi City. Under her reminder, Axi City's defense did not relax in the slightest!

"There seems to be no change." Lei Qing frowned slightly. "There are two possibilities. The first is that Chu Feng has died before; the second is that Chu Feng is staying in the holy prison at the moment, and that city and the land of the gods are not very relevant to him. Even if he is not in the land of God's Beginning, there is nothing, if it is the second case, Chu Feng is not dead now, and we can't deal with him, which is more troublesome." Feng Ling said.

"Feng Ling, you haven't considered the situation of Chu Feng in the holy prison before?" Lei Qing said.

Feng Ling shook his head: "No, I have considered it, how could I have not considered it? It's just that I didn't think about this situation too much before. I guess it is inseparable from Chu Feng's control in the land of the beginning of God. , If Chu Feng enters the Holy Prison, it will definitely have a great influence on the control of the God Beginning Land."

"Chu Feng is not the kind of person who sits and waits for death, he will try his best to strengthen himself, and then kill or arrest us all!" Feng Ling said, "If Chu Feng stays in the holy prison, it will go against this. Of course, it is also possible that Chu Feng was seriously injured. He was sent to the holy prison by his wife. This possibility is not considered. If this is the case, we will attack once and verify it!"

Lei Qing frowned and said: "If you do this, the sequelae are not small!"

"First seat, you must have taken this into consideration." Feng Ling said with a light smile.

"Yeah." Lei Qing nodded slightly. He didn't consider the possibility of such a possibility. It was just like Fengling, that was not the focus of his consideration at all!

Haoyang Temple and Leiyun Mansion continued to carry out ordinary attacks. According to Lei Qing's estimation, it is possible that Axi City's defense had declined. The actual situation was that Axi City's defense had not decreased much!

Three days passed in a blink of an eye.

Even with medical treatment, three days later, Chu Feng woke up, but his face was still as pale as before.


Seeing that Chu Feng was about to sit up, Lan Wen hurriedly helped Chu Feng sit up. "Wen'er, my situation seems to be pretty good." Chu Feng smiled hardly.

If there is no death, the situation is good. If it is worse, he will die again this time. However, because the attack power is not too strong, the remaining five hundred merit points should be enough for them to come back to life again!

"Brother Feng, don't talk first, and heal your injuries quickly." Lan Wen said distressedly. Chu Feng rarely suffers. He didn't expect to suffer several times in the Land of Nine Suns this time.

He died once before, and this time, he almost died!

Nodded, Chu Feng immediately began to practice, and he recovered. With his active cooperation, the speed of recovery from the injury was several times faster than before!

One day later, Chu Feng looked no different from ordinary people on the surface. However, after ten days passed, most of Chu Feng's injuries were removed. As for the remaining little bit, it cannot be removed in a short time. It takes some time to recuperate!

"Leiyun Mansion, Haoyang Temple!"

Chu Feng opened his eyes and the cold light flashed in his eyes, and they suffered a loss in the hands of Leiyun Mansion. In Chu Feng's heart, naturally, he wanted to give them a good return!

After catching them, Chu Feng can get a lot of merit points; catching them, he helped Lin Tian deal with a little trouble, and also made himself less troublesome in the future; catching them, it is estimated that by then Get the Golden Heart Crystal and Bright Heart from them!

Even if the Haoyang Temple of Leiyun Mansion did not let himself die, and the tens of thousands of people in Shenchu ​​City were not killed, for the above three reasons, Chu Feng would definitely have to fight to the end with the Haoyang Temple of Leiyun Mansion!

Feng Bingning opened his eyes and said, their daughters have been beside Chu Feng these days to prevent Leiyun Mansion's Haoyang Temple from carrying out the death curse again.

As for the holy prison space, this time Feng Bingning and the others have the ability to let Chu Feng enter the holy prison space, but they didn't do that. This was Chu Feng's previous order.

Even if you fainted, as long as your body is still outside, the expansion of the Heaven and Heart will not be affected much. If you enter the holy prison space, the impact will be great!

"Still attacking?" Chu Feng said. He didn't hear, but he felt that Leiyun Mansion and Haoyang Temple had not left or were attacking.

"Hmm!" Feng Bing Ning nodded.

Chu Feng got up from the lying jade bed and said with a faint smile: "This time, the attacks on the Haoyang Temple and Thunder Cloud Mansion have lasted much longer than before. It seems that the development of Heaven and Heart has put them under great pressure! "

Without the expansion of Heaven and Heart, Lei Qing and the others would have no pressure, and their cultivation base would naturally recover faster than Chu Feng's cultivation base.

In this case, the longer it takes, the more beneficial it will be for Lei Qing! Now, the longer it drags on, the more disadvantaged it is for Lei Qing!

The scope of the Tianxin Land is constantly expanding, and the Nine Suns Land is being swallowed by the Tianxin Land. Thunder Qing and the others do not want the Tianxin Land to expand to the entire Nine Suns Land!

If that day, if Lei Qing and the others do not leave the Land of Nine Suns, they can only stay inside the Land of Heaven and Heart. Can they stay in the Land of Heaven and Heart that Chu Feng has created?

As for leaving, Lei Qing and the others will be able to leave to the land of Jiuyin. Now the area of ​​the land of Jiuyin is getting smaller and smaller, and the land of Jiuyin will not be their place to stay!

"Heaven and Heart is growing very fast, of course their pressure has increased." Yin Qianqian smiled.

At the current rate, in about 20,000 years, the land of the heart of the sky can completely swallow the land of the nine suns. Lei Qing didn’t know that Chu Feng would have to leave Hongtian Universe and go to the Sovereign Purgatory in about 5,000 years. With this one, their pressure will be less!

"Yin Mei."

Chu Feng called in his mind. "Brother." Yin Mei's somewhat excited voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind, "Brother, are you going to teach Haoyang Temple and Leiyun Mansion?"

"Well, Yin Mei, fully cooperate and launch an attack on Leiyun Mansion." Chu Feng said in his mind. "It's just Thunder Cloud Mansion?" Yin Mei said strangely.

"Yes, it's only Thunder Cloud Mansion for the time being."

Speaking to Yin Mei, Chu Feng also talked to Feng Bingning and the others. About a minute later, Axi City’s cannon pointed directly at Leiyun Mansion, "Boom!" The fourth-level elementary force hit the thunder fiercely. Above the defensive cover of Yun Mansion, under the attack of that power, the defensive cover of Thunder Cloud Mansion trembled violently!

Before, Axi City's attack power was only the fifth-rank Dzogchen, but now he is more adaptable. Moreover, Axi City is in the land of the heart of heaven, so his attack reaches the fourth-rank elementary level.

This kind of power is not as good as the attack power of Leiyun Mansion and Haoyang Temple, but it can already cause a lot of pressure on Leiyun Mansion. If the attack power enters Leiyun Mansion, Lei Qing is like this. The strong may also be bombarded and killed. They don't have the power of the second-rank and third-rank masters now!

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