Holy Prison

Chapter 2295: Complicated mood

"Yes, what the captain taught is." Zhong Tao and the others hurriedly said. The pain of losing their loved ones in the early years made them cherish the current family of their wives and children. This means that Chu Feng is in trouble and cannot make friendship. Even if they ask to come, it is estimated that they will not leave their wives and children to take risks.

"Do you usually meet Ling'er often?" Chu Feng changed the topic. As long as Zhong Tao and the others can be resurrected when they die, there is no big problem with their wives and children, not to mention that their wives and children are practicing For practitioners, tens of thousands of years are very short. "Uncommon, she has been very busy these years, most of the time is in training, but the number of times we meet is not too small." Bi Feng smiled.

Chu Feng drank a glass of wine and said, "How is she doing, happy or unhappy?" "This, Captain, do you want to listen to the truth or the lie?" Bi Feng said, "If you listen to the lie, let Zhong Tao Tell you, if you listen to the truth, I can tell you."

Zhong Tao rolled his eyes, grandma got a ball, I'm suitable for telling lies.

"What do you mean?" Chu Feng glared at Bi Feng.

Bi Feng hurriedly said: "It seems that I want to hear the truth, let me tell you. Su Ling is not happy, thinking that you are likely to die in the Lord's Purgatory, Captain, do you think she can be happy? If Captain you She might be happy to be able to come out alive and the news reaches her, and maybe her cultivation base can grow a little by then!"

"Senior Su Xu talked to us about this, let us persuade her, she has a heart knot, so although she has become the master, there is still part of her potential that has not been realized. But Senior Su Xu has found the wrong person. We and Su Ling has a good relationship, but we can persuade and explain such a knot."

Chu Feng sighed slightly and raised his wine glass: "Come on, drink, to drink a life that is likable and helpless!" "Captain, when have you become so sentimental?" Zhong Tao hehe Smiled.


Clinked glasses with Zhong Tao and the others, and then Chu Feng drank it all. "Has Senior Su Xu come?" Chu Feng asked. "Captain, we don't know about this. We haven't seen a master-level powerhouse, but there must be a master-level powerhouse on this side. Maybe Senior Su Xu is here too." Cardi said.

"Chu Feng." Su Xu's voice resounded in Chu Feng's mind, "You have half a day to stay in the heaven base. After half a day, you will enter the Lord's Purgatory!"

"Senior, this junior has something to ask for." Chu Feng said in his mind.

Chu Feng said, "Senior, if the junior dies unfortunately, I hope that senior can take care of my family and friends." "You'd better live, don't let Xiaoling sad!" Su Xu said quietly, "You don't have to take care of things. Please, if you die, Xiao Ling will definitely take care of your family!"

"Senior, if Ling'er is very sad, you have to seal her memory about me." Chu Feng said in his mind. "Well, if this happens, your family, I will pay attention to it a little bit." Su Xu said.

With Su Xu’s words, Chu Feng was relieved, Su Xu, that was the son of Old Su, Su Jiang, the younger brother of the Su Family Patriarch, had him take care of him, even if he died, Chu Han and the others could do it. Safe!

Such an arrangement does not mean that Chu Feng does not believe in himself, but that this trip is too dangerous. If he is a son, a father, a grandfather, and a brother, he has to think about it for Chu Zhen and the others. Otherwise, he After provoking so many Domination-level powerhouses, there is no powerful person to take care of him. Once he died, it is estimated that Chu Zhen and the others will not live for many years!

The Holy Prison has become an intermediate master, with powerful strength. When it is close, the 6th-Rank masters with less strength can directly enter the Holy Prison Space, but those who enter the Holy Prison Space have no masters. It seems that Chu Entering the peak, you can easily collect the 30 million people who entered.

But in fact, is this true?

Chu Feng knows that there are no such simple things. Tianshou is now relatively strong and true, but if it is destroyed and reappears, it will take a long time. With Chu Feng’s current cultivation base, if Tianshou is destroyed, it may be three to five. It takes a thousand years to reappear. In the meantime, what powerful means does he have?

Yin Ming has been fused with the Judgment Heaven Sword. However, after the fusion, Yin Ming’s power is not much improved compared to before. With that power, with Chu Feng’s strength, holding him and fighting a small number of people will be enough. A little more, if Yin Ming's power was only that, it would be better for Chu Feng to escape!

The Lion King mask is very strong, but Zhan Tian and Tian Shou are the same. If they are destroyed, it will take a longer time to recover. Zhan Tian will take longer, not more than 10,000 years. Never wonder how much power Zhan Tian can exert after being destroyed!

Some brothers might say that Tianshou can even grasp a sixth-rank master, and it will certainly not be easily destroyed. This is of course this principle, but Tianshou still has the possibility of being destroyed, and the possibility of 30 million enemies is not small. Of those 30 million people, it is estimated that many have the ability to destroy Tianshou. !

Moreover, can people with a lower cultivation base underestimate them? Before the land of Nine Suns, Thunder Cloud Mansion and Haoyang Temple, there were eleven dominators in total, wasn't it because Chu Feng made him lose his temper?

Now Chu Feng secretly prayed that those masters should not give special treatment to the holy prison. If they can't enter the holy prison world by then, it will be a big cup!

The holy prison world is very powerful. If you can enter the holy prison world, at least if you can’t beat it at the time, you can also find a way to escape and shoot into the holy prison world and hide directly into the holy prison world, unless it is very special Otherwise, it will absolutely not work. You must know that when the time comes, there will be more than 30 million powerful people entering!

So many people have entered the world of the holy prison. If people know that Chu Feng is hiding in the holy prison and know where the holy prison is, then, will Chu Feng still use it?

The defensiveness of the holy prison is strong, and the endurance is high, but can it withstand 30 million saint-class powerhouses? That's not 30 million ants, it's 30 million strong men with at least the Sovereign-level cultivation base, and ten or twenty thousand quasi-dominant-level strong men. Many of them can also burst out Domination-level power!

"Captain, what do you think?" Qin Yue shook his hand before Chu Feng's eyes. "Nothing." Chu Feng shook his head. He took a deep breath, and he suppressed many distracting thoughts in his heart.

Entering the Sovereign Purgatory this time, it is possible that you will not be able to live out. If that happens, Feng Bingning and the others will die together with him. He can no longer see his father and children, Tang Ming, and other brothers and friends. The promise to Su Ling was only half a day before he would enter the Holy Venerable Purgatory. Chu Feng felt a little complicated, which was normal.

Bi Feng and the others will also go in, but there are still some differences between them and Chu Feng. They are dead and can be resurrected at that time. If Chu Feng dies, I am afraid that he cannot be resurrected.

Chu Feng offends many people. If he is not dead, the Su family will protect him. Others will not say much. It is not a joke to make Old Su angry; but if Chu Feng dies, the Su family will still If he is resurrected, the other controllers will be furious. Chu Feng is a human, but my junior is not a human.

You have to talk about a degree in everything. Before Feng Chu, he killed more than three million people. The Su family protected Chu Feng. This did not exceed the degree. If he was resurrected, he would exceed the degree!

Without overdoing, Grandpa Su can have the upper hand, if too much, it will be difficult for Grandpa Su to gain the upper hand! If Mr. Su insists on breaking the rules, if there are no rules, everyone will be in trouble!

"Senior, can you hear it?" Chu Feng said in his mind. "Well, what's the matter, let's say it quickly." Su Xu's faint voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind.

"Senior, I want to ask, in the Sovereign Purgatory, the power of the Holy Prison will not be restricted by then?" Chu Feng said. "No, more than 30 million people have entered the Sovereign Purgatory. If there are restrictions in this respect, do those guys have old faces?" Su Xu said, "Chu Feng, the Sacred Prison is more powerful, but don't be careless! "

"Junior, remember."

Chu Feng was respectful and authentic in his mind. He respected Su Xu very much. Su Ling, the third uncle, had nothing to say to Su Ling. Of course, Su Jiang and Old Su, treated Su Ling equally well!

Half a day is really not enough to do anything, but Chu Feng drank a little wine with Bi Feng and the others, chatted for a while, half a day passed without knowing it.

"Attention people who want to enter the Sovereign Purgatory in the Paradise Base!" A majestic voice resounded throughout the Paradise Base. Chu Feng could hear that the voice was still the voice of the former ruler of the Hong Family.

"The passage to the Lord's Purgatory will be opened ten minutes later. Everyone immediately gathers in the central teleportation area! The Lord's Purgatory is very dangerous. Those who want to enter it should consider it carefully, because there are so many people who enter. Once in, it will take a million years If not, no one will be able to come out of the Lord's Purgatory!"

Chu Feng frowned slightly. He didn't expect that after going in, it would take a million years to come out. In this case, he would have to hide inside for a million years!

Of course, if Chu Feng can kill everyone or catch them all, there is no need to hide for a million years, but does Chu Feng have that ability? Thinking about it, Chu Feng himself felt it was impossible!

"Chu Feng, millions of years, this didn't help you win this, you can do it yourself! Remember, there is no big problem of killing people in it, and it is your consideration to live." Su Xu resounded in Chu Feng's mind again. Among.

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