Holy Prison

Chapter 2299: Nine corpses forbidden magic ring

Without waiting for the thousand people to come over, Chu Feng took the initiative to meet him.

Feng Bingning and their eight women, and ninety-nine quasi-dominant-level heaven guards all appeared outside, and the 1,000 people who came from the giant sword were all surrounded by Chu Feng and others.

Without any nonsense, Chu Feng and the others took action together before the thousand people realized they were surrounded. The giant sword has good defensive power, but under the terrifying attack of Chu Feng and the others, the giant sword exudes. The gray light was swept away!

The defense was rudely broken, and many of the thousands of powerful people who were not prepared on the giant sword were bleeding from their mouths! "Receive!" Chu Feng moved the Nian Tianshou and appeared outside. At such a close distance, the Seventh-Rank Master could be admitted into the Holy Prison Space. In a flash, hundreds of those people were caught by the Tianshou and disappeared!

"Resist, die!"

Miao Feiying smiled authentically, all the ninety-nine Tianwei exudes a terrifying aura, feeling that tyrannical aura, and those who have not been arrested have their faces changed greatly, that kind of aura, ordinary There are no quasi-dominant-level powerhouses, only the top quasi-dominant-level powerhouses can emit!

Ninety-nine of the top quasi-dominant powerhouses, how can they be handled by a thousand people? Besides, there are not even a thousand people now!

Chu Feng had previously divided the quasi-dominant-level powerhouses into five levels, the first-level strongest, the fifth-level worst, and the fifth-level quasi-dominant-level powerhouses. Probably it has been able to beat the combination of four masters of the sage-level, the fourth class, can beat the combination of eight masters of the sage-level, the third, sixteen, second, thirty-two, and fourth At the first level, more than sixty-four holy masters can join forces!

Before the most recent enhancement, the heavenly guards were probably the third to the second class. There is no problem with an enemy with more than 20 Saint-level powerhouses. Now, the ninety-nine heavenly guards are already the first class. , There is no problem with opposing sixty powerhouses of the saintly rank, ninety-nine ones together, that can be against thousands of powerhouses of saintly rank!

This time the target was only a thousand. If they had no hidden means, Feng Bingning and the others wouldn't have to come out. Half of the heaven guards would be fine.

To be on the safe side, Chu Feng let Tianwei take the shot! On the surface, there are only a thousand people, and among them, there are less than ten quasi-dominant-level strong people, but who knows if there are a large number of strong people hidden in the dark, who knows whether they can burst out the dominant-level power? Let the sky guards take action together, the possibility of a crisis is much smaller!

Chu Feng took over a hundred at the first time, and the remaining nine hundred did not resist. They knew that with their strength, they couldn't resist at all!

If they are surrounded by ordinary quasi-dominant-level powerhouses, it’s okay to say that one of the worst quasi-dominant-level powerhouses can deal with four saint-level powerhouses and ninety-nine heavenly guards. Dealing with three or four hundred saint-level powerhouses, there are hundreds of others that can deal with Chu Feng and Feng Bingning!

Confronting the ninety-nine peaks of the quasi-dominant-level powerhouses, what a joke? With their current state, twenty of the ninety-nine peaks of the quasi-dominant-level powerhouses can definitely handle them!

If you don't resist, this will be easy to handle. Tianshou once again appears. This time, Tianshou has collected all the remaining nine hundred people into the holy prison space!

The next moment, Feng Bingning and the ninety-nine heaven guards all appeared in the holy prison space.

"Xian'er, clear the traces." Chu Feng said, power came from the holy prison, and the aura left on this side was completely eliminated in a short time!

"Fairy Burial West!"

Before being arrested, Chu Feng's location was revealed, and the news was passed quickly. In less than an hour, many people in the entire Immortal Burial had received the news.

As for the powerhouses on the devil blood and the monster corpse, they have not received the news yet. The distance is too far, and it is not easy to send the past!

After receiving the news that Chu Feng was in the West of the Immortal Burial, a large number of people in the entire Immortal Burial went to the West of the Immortal Burial!

As time passed day by day, more and more people were captured by Chu Feng into the sacred prison space, and at the same time, Chu Feng's sense of crisis became stronger and stronger. In ten days' time, he was positioned by several teams.

Those teams chased and killed Chu Feng. Needless to say, they were all caught by Chu Feng, and they were easily caught, but such good days would not last too long.

Those who enter the Sovereign Purgatory are the Sovereign-level powerhouses, the quasi-dominant-level powerhouses. They are not fools. At the beginning, there will be many who underestimate Chu Feng. However, after knowing that many teams are unlucky, the rest of the teams , Doesn't it increase strength? Wouldn't the powerful characters who can burst out to dominate level be hidden in a relatively small team?

"Nine corpses forbidden magic ring, go!"

In a place far away from Chu Peak, in a team of tens of thousands, Hong Yang said in a deep voice.

Wu Caishen entered the Sovereign Purgatory and fell on the Immortal Burial, Hong Yang also fell on the Immortal Burial, and Lan Zhuo and the others fell on the other two pieces!

A black circle soared into the sky with endless fierce power and flew into the distance, and from the black circle came a series of terrifying roars!

"Chu Feng, where can you run to?" Hong Yang sneered. This Nine Corpse Forbidden Devil Ring is a very rare dominator. If it weren't for this mission, he probably wouldn't get the Nine Corpse Forbidden. Magic ring!

Nine corpses were sealed in the Nine Corpse Forbidden Devil Ring, and those nine corpses were made by nine living people. Each of the nine people has a quasi-dominant level of cultivation!

In order to refine the Nine Corpse Forbidden Devil Ring, it was not just nine people who died. Hong Yang was more aware of this. The nine quasi-dominant-level war corpses also swallowed nine powerful masters with the strength of the saints and nine saints. Before being swallowed, the powerhouses of the sacred level strength each swallowed up the nine powerhouses of the Saint King level.

Just beheading a guy who didn't open his eyes, Chu Feng's heart palpitated, as if some danger was approaching.

Without any hesitation, Chu Feng immediately entered the sacred prison space. He had just entered the sacred prison space when a huge black circle fell to the ground with a huge and fierce might.

On the ground, all the plants in the ring-covered area died in an instant, and all the animals became crazy in an instant. They roared with red eyes. After just a few roars, all the animals in the huge area covered by the ring All are dead, small things as small as ants on the ground, and giant snakes as large as hundreds of meters long!

In the sacred prison space, Chu Feng was shocked. If he was outside just now, without using the Heavenly Guard, it is estimated that in a short time, he would fall to the ground and turn into blood like that many animals!

"The corpse."

Miao Xian'er was surprised and authentic. "Xian'er, what is a corpse?" Chu Feng said quickly, but he didn't know much about it.

"Evil stuff, the refining of a corpse tool requires a large number of corpses, and a good and alive man was brutally killed. This corpse tool is a master tool. It is estimated that the refining of it also uses a master-level strong The body of the person, but that doesn't need to kill the good and the good people, the ordinary dominates the body of the strong person." Miao Xianer said.

"The corpse weapon is similar to the rest of the treasures, but it is very evil, and it has been isolated by some people. Chu Feng, the trouble is coming. When this corpse weapon arrives, it will definitely not take long for many powerful people to come over. You don't have too many. Time is used to escape!" Miao Xianer said.

Miao Xian'er said a lot, but she said very quickly. At this point, Chu Feng entered the holy prison space in less than five seconds!

Axicheng appeared outside, Chu Feng, Feng Bingning and the others, and the ninety-nine heaven guards naturally appeared outside, as did Bi Feng and the others!

The terrifying roar of the corpse rang, and the nine corpses attacked Axi City fiercely. "Py" Axi City's defense was corroded, but there was no problem supporting it for a period of time.

"Boom!" Axicheng's artillery sounded, and the shells blasted above the Nine Corpse Forbidden Magic Ring. The Nine Corpse Forbidden Magic Ring was trembling, but it was not broken by a single blow!

"Ruling Heaven Sword!"

Chu Feng shouted in his heart. Yin Ming waved in his hand, and a huge golden sword light fell on the Nine Corpse Forbidden Devil Ring. "Roar" a huge scream came from the Nine Corpse Forbidden Devil Ring, Chu Feng’s Yin Ming, the power to deal with evil is capable of supernatural power, and corpses are naturally evil things.

Yin Ming is not a weapon to dominate, but the increase in power, coupled with the restraint of power, the damage of a sword to the Nine Corpse Forbidden Devil Ring will not be less than the one before Axi City. Of course, this has one very important thing. The reason is that the Nine Corpse Forbidden Devil Ring has just received a blow from Axi City, and its defense has weakened a lot!

"Bing Ning, attack!" Chu Feng said, if they leave before the person who made the Nine Corpse Forbidden Devil Ring arrives, everything is easy to say. If they don't leave, then the trouble will be big!

If there are many powerful people around the Nine Corpse Forbidden Devil Ring, will Chu Feng and the others have a way to survive?

"Quick, speed up!"

In the distance, Hong Yang said with excitement, he could feel that the Nine Corpse Forbidden Devil Ring had withstood a powerful attack at this moment. Such an attack might have come from Chu Feng and the others!

As soon as he thought of the harvest after catching Chu Feng, Hong Yang was very excited. When the holy prison was sacrificed, his status in the Hong family would definitely be able to go a step further!


Axi City's attack, at the moment when Axi City's attack fell, Chu Feng's attack also fell on the Nine Corpse Forbidden Devil Ring. This time, the Nine Corpse Forbidden Devil Ring suffered more damage!

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