Holy Prison

Chapter 2302: Horror Immortal Burial Ground

"Xian'er, how do you enter the immortal burial ground?" Chu Feng said. Miao Xian'er knew this method, but he didn't know it now.

Miao Xian'er smiled and said: "This is easy, the holy consciousness covers the body, and the frequency reaches a certain level for a little time!" Miao Xian'er said that the holy consciousness enveloped the body and fluctuated, "That's the frequency."

Chu Feng nodded slightly, this is indeed easy, "Okay, I'll go out first!"

When the voice fell, Chu Feng appeared outside, and the holy consciousness enveloped his body and immediately fluctuated. Many people were not too far away from Chu Feng. However, the possibility of another powerful attack within those two or three seconds was still relatively high. low!

A cold voice came over, and Chu Feng had already been scanned by the strong sage consciousness. A sneer on Chu Feng's face disappeared. He just disappeared, and a powerful attack immediately bombarded him!

A few minutes later, dozens of powerful men rushed to the area where Chu Feng was just now. "Where is the Holy Prison?" Someone frowned. They scanned the Holy Prison and found no existence of the Holy Prison.

"Did we kill Chu Feng?"

"There is no vision, but here, it is normal for a quasi-dominant person to die without a vision."

"Is there a space passage here?"

More and more powerful people gathered. It didn't take long for someone to use the dominant scanning power, "No, there is no space channel on this side!" A quasi-dominant powerful frowned.

"This place... If I remember correctly, this place should be the place to go." A holy superior-level expert muttered. "Where?" someone asked immediately.

"A fairy burial place."

When these words came out, several people showed a stunned look on their faces. They also knew the Immortal Burial Place, but they didn't think of it for a while!

"If this is the place of the immortal burial, Chu Feng has entered the place of the immortal burial in all likelihood!"

"Yes, if Chu Feng's space jump, the space jump that should be generated will be a little bit stronger, and this area is not so easy to space jump now!"

"How to get into the burial ground?"

"Why are there so many buildings?" Chu Feng's eyes were surprised. He thought the place of the immortal burial site was gloomy, but the situation was far from what he estimated!

In the sight, one by one houses, one manor, castle, and even the city with the sky among the clouds! There is green grass at the foot, and in the distance, green mountains and blue lakes, the scenery is very good, but this place also has a shortcoming, lack of popularity! Not only are there no people, but there are no animals or anything!

Chu Feng said in shock. In this, the cultivation base was not suppressed, but the sacred consciousness was greatly suppressed. With Chu Feng's quasi-dominant level cultivation base, the sacred consciousness scan did not even have a kilometer in it. Just over nine hundred and ninety meters!

"Chu Feng, this is normal." Miao Xian'er smiled in Chu Feng's mind, "There are many powerful men buried in it. Who will allow you to scan the sacred consciousness here? , Positioning and other things are also greatly suppressed. By the way, you have to be careful if you enter those houses."

"I know this." Chu Feng said, the king of Chinese history, which of the mausoleums does not have a lot of traps? Here is the resting place for the masters of the quasi-dominant class. It is strange that there are not a lot of defensive methods. The graveyard of the masters of the holy master, even if a master of the masters enters, it is estimated that death may be possible !

"Xian'er, how far can Skyeye scan?" Chu Feng said.

Miao Xian'er chuckled and said, "It's much farther than the scanning distance of your holy consciousness, 100,000 meters. By then, there should be very few scanning distances like this."

"Well, let me check."

Chu Feng moved forward quickly, less than ten seconds before he went forward, a feeling of heart palpitations occurred, and a gray light gleamed from the eyes of a stone statue not too far away from him.

Chu Feng screamed in his heart. In an instant, layers of defense appeared in front of him, and the gray light fell on the defense formed by Chu Feng. Suddenly, the layers of defense turned into stones, and the gray light was much weaker. , But still fell towards Chu Feng.

The defense of the Dark Chaos Lotus appeared, and this defense was still much stronger than the defense that Chu Feng could easily create. With Chu Feng's quasi-dominant level cultivation base, it was enough to give full play to the defense of the Dark Chaos Lotus!

The gray light should not be able to break the defense of the Dark Chaos Lotus, but at this time, a sharp light flashed in the stone statue's eyes, and another gray light came out!

Chu Feng quickly stepped back several tens of meters, almost doing his best, the light from the eyes of this second stone statue did not completely break Chu Feng's defenses!

On the ground, there was a spot of rubble, that was the energy that Chu Feng got out was petrified!

"Cheating, it's just an ordinary manor, why is it such a strong guardian power? Could it be that this manor is not buried in the holy ruler, but a master-level powerhouse?" Chu Feng secretly said in his heart. Guessed correctly, in this seemingly ordinary manor, the one buried is indeed a master.

Although it was only a Seventh-Rank Sovereign, the Seventh-Rank Sovereign was also a Sovereign. It was not easy for Chu Feng to stop him without using the power of the Holy Prison and Lion King mask.

"Go away!"

When Chu Feng left, his body stiffened, and then a powerful force hit him, causing him to be knocked back hundreds of meters in an instant. At the same time, a deep voice sounded over Chu Feng. In my mind.

Chu Feng was shocked. He was a quasi-dominant-level powerhouse. He was retreated hundreds of meters without even seeing the attack! "Chu Feng, it's the big willow tree." Miao Xian'er's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind.

Chu Feng's gaze fell on a willow tree, which was a large willow tree ten or twenty meters high, with its roots hanging down and looking very beautiful.

"It was one of the branches that just attacked you. This manor must be buried with a very powerful master." Miao Xian'er said in surprise.

With Chu Feng’s strength, he can basically see the seventh-Rank Dominant-level attacks. The attack just now was at least the sixth-Rank Dominant-level attack. Of course, the power did not burst out, otherwise, it would be like Chu Feng’s. Body, how can it withstand the sixth-Rank Dominant level attack?

"Xian'er, what is the approximate level of the attack just now?" Chu Feng asked in his mind.

"Sixth-Rank Intermediate appearance." Miao Xian'er said, "However, this is not the strongest attack from the willow tree. All the willow trees, the fifth-Rank attack and even the fourth-Rank attack can burst out!"

"I'm going!" Chu Feng was shocked, this place is terrifying! How long did he come in before he came across the terrifying stone statue and the more terrifying big willow tree.

Miao Xian'er solemnly said: "Chu Feng, you are careful to act here. It's not easy! Some people who die, maybe there are third-rank dominates, second-rank dominates or even first-rank dominates friends. Think about it, that's so strong. If you help your friend get it, will the guardian get it simple?"

"If you think about it, a first-rank master, it is entirely possible for something on this side to have the second-rank master-level attack power, even if it is a little bit, the third-rank master-level attack power is definitely not a problem." Chu Feng said.

Chu Feng said: "This is a good place to hide, but if many people enter it, it will disturb the peace of many seniors in it."

Having said that, Chu Feng respectfully saluted each of the four directions. "Seniors, this is the end of the trouble, and I hope you all, Haihan, seniors!" Chu Feng said.

Chu Feng said that a lot of followers appeared outside in an instant, and many of them immediately searched in all directions, and the information was continuously sent back by those followers, and the scanning of the sky eye also continuously harvested news. Chu Feng's investigation is much faster and safer by himself. Those entourages who come out are not good people, and they die if they die!

"Chu Feng, it will not be long before someone enters it," Miao Xian'er said. "That's for sure, but there should still be a little time." Chu Feng said, there won't be too many people gathered here in a short time, and there are fewer people, and those people are afraid that they don't have the guts to come in!

Time passed by, and Chu Feng himself was also checking. A few minutes later, he reached a mountain peak and entered the holy prison.

There were tens of thousands of entourages that were brought out by Chu Feng. Within a few minutes, their number had dropped sharply to about 6,000, and 4,000 of them died in just a few minutes!

It’s no problem for some buildings to approach, but there are many buildings that cannot be approached casually. There are four thousand followers, some were burned by a terrifying flame, some were frozen into ice and then broken into one place, and some were poisoned by gas. Corrosion in a very short period of time, and some were crushed into flesh by a flying rock mountain!

Chu Feng was an eye-opener for all kinds of methods of death, and at the same time, he was secretly fearful. Even if he ran into this bird place with his strength, he probably wouldn't be able to escape a death word!

"Xian'er, this place is so horrible, what should others do if they sweep the grave?" Chu Feng said. "The tomb sweeper naturally appeared directly at the place where the tomb was to be sweeped. You thought it appeared indiscriminately like you!" Miao Xian'er said with a stupid look of you, "If you build a new tomb, this side is not a new tomb area. "

"Those guys, why haven't they appeared yet?" Chu Feng said, "It should be impossible to not know yet. Is it because you know the horror inside and don't want to enter right away?"

"Eight out of ten are like this."

Outside, it was really like this. At the beginning, some people clamored to enter the fairy burial place quickly, but after someone told the horror of the fairy burial place, the noisy people quieted down one by one.

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