Holy Prison

Chapter 2318: Abduct a beast

Chaos mysterious sea.

Huang Yuan arrived first, and it didn't take long for Hongyang to arrive here.

"It's gone!"

Hongyang talked to Huang Yuan, both of them were annoyed. There was no room in the Lord’s Purgatory. Chu Feng didn’t come in early, and this time around 40 million people entered the Lord’s Purgatory. The easy things, I did not expect that more than 100,000 years have passed, Chu Feng and others have not died yet, they have already lost eight or nine million!

While being annoyed, they were also greedy for the Holy Prison. Chu Feng was able to do this, largely because of the Holy Prison, given their background, if they had the Holy Prison.

Hope is very beautiful, but reality is cruel for the time being. Chu Feng escaped into the Chaos Profound Sea and Feng Bingning entered the sacred prison space, which meant that what they had done before became useless again!

"Enter the Chaos Profound Sea?" Huang Yuan said.

Hongyang hummed softly: "Don't you enter the Chaos Profound Sea? If Chu Feng has been in the Chaos Profound Sea, we won't be able to kill him if the time is up to a million years!"

"If you enter the Chaos Profound Sea, we have to be more careful." Huang Yuan said, his relationship with Hongyang is not very good, but now because of Chu Feng, the two seem to be closer.

Of course, intimacy is just appearance. If Chu Feng died and the holy prison appeared, it would be strange if they didn't fight frantically! This time entering 40 million people, to a large extent, it was not to kill Chu Feng, but to fight for the holy prison! Chu Feng's strength is very strong, but he really doesn't send so many powerhouses as much as the powerhouses!

Some brothers might be wondering, why didn't anyone in the Su Family, Xuanyuan Family, and the Monster Dream force enter the Holy Prison for Power?

Chu Feng was chased and killed. In this matter, the Su Family and the Xuanyuan Family gave in a little bit. They gave in here, and they definitely got some in other places!

In fact, if Chu Feng can survive this time, then there will be no such large-scale competition for the holy prison on the bright side. The Su family did not send anyone to win such rights for Chu Feng. Chu Feng It is relatively close to the Su family Xuanyuan family. If they can become the master, then the Su family Xuanyuan family can also benefit from it.

As for the power of the Demon Dream, the demon dream ended when she was too lazy to participate. She was the most mysterious among the several masters. Her thoughts, Elder Su, they couldn't figure it out!

"Xian'er, how is Bing Ning?" Chu Feng said while sitting beside Feng Bingning's bed. As soon as Feng Bingning entered the holy prison space, she passed out. She was already very badly injured. It was desperate. In those two short hours, Feng Bingning was ballasting the power of the Saint Grid and the soul. As a result, the soul was damaged and some cracks appeared in the Saint Grid!

Feng Bingning relaxes when she arrives in the sacred prison space. If she doesn't relax, she may be able to support it for half a minute or even a minute. If she relaxes, she can't hold it for a second!

"Don't worry, it's okay." Miao Xian'er smiled and said, "Sister Bing Ning was injured very badly and consumes a lot of money, but now that the strength of the medical clinic is very strong, it is completely no problem for Sister Bing Ning to recover. Sister Bing Ning borrows the sage. The prison force has endured powerful attacks again and again. If you want to be more at ease, then you can strengthen the clinic after recovering from the injury."

Today, the Heavenly Eye, Heavenly Hand and Heavenly Guardian have already strengthened the third layer, and the doctor's words are only strengthened to the second layer, which can be strengthened with 20,000 merit points.

"Strengthening the Medical Institute" Chu Feng thought for a while and shook his head.

One hundred thousand merit points, and some resurrection merit points can be upgraded to the holy prison. At that time, if there are merit points, the heavenly hands will be strengthened again. When they are close together, the heavenly hands can dominate the sixth rank and directly receive the Holy Prison. In the prison space! If the Heavenly Guard is strengthened, then the Heavenly Guardian will probably be able to withstand the attacks of the general 4th rank master!

Although Chu Feng felt distressed for Feng Bingning, he still knew things like this. Feng Bingning is not anxious thing, and the clinic will always be upgraded by then!

Moreover, today's medical clinic is not weak, it is very possible that the medical clinic's treatment can completely recover Feng Bingning's damage!

Miao Xian'er nodded, and Chu Feng said: "Xian'er, you should go to other things first. I will accompany Bing Ning by myself, and then you will be with her."

"Brother Feng, then let's go down first." Lan Wen said, and soon all of their women retreated.

Chu Feng stretched out his hand and stroked Feng Bingning's pretty face. At first, Feng Bingning's pretty face was very pale, but it was still pale at the moment, but it was much better!

"Bing Ning, I have worked so hard for you. My husband is useless. I want you to go out and run." Chu Feng said softly. For Feng Bingning and the other girls, Chu Feng loved them very much. If possible, Chu Feng didn't want Feng Bing. Ning them take risks, just wanting them to live peacefully and happily, but now, there is no such condition!

The strength of the quasi-dominant-level strong is not weak, but there are still masters and masters on it. If he does not work hard to climb up, he who has the holy prison will eventually end up in a ash!

"Bing Ning, one day, no one can hunt you down, if there is one, I will kill one thousand, ten thousand, I will kill ten thousand! Even if tens of thousands are slaughtered, I will never let you feel wronged. !" Chu Feng held Feng Bingning's hand, and Feng Bingning and the others, it can be said that they are the scales of Chu Feng, and they will die if they touch them!

Feng Bingning's eyelashes moved slightly but she didn't open her eyes. She probably heard what Chu Feng said, but the heavy injury made her unable to wake up at all.

A few hours later, Chu Feng called Lan Wen and the others in, and Feng Bingning's injuries had stabilized quite a bit now.

"Wen'er, please accompany Bing Ning, Hongyang and the others have entered the Chaos Profound Sea, I will play with them." Chu Feng said, as the cold light flashed in his eyes, if he could catch Hongyang and the others in the Chaos Profound Sea, This is naturally the best thing!

"Brother Feng, go and work." Lan Wen smiled, "Sister Bing Ning will be fine. If she wakes up, we will definitely call you!"

Chu Feng nodded and disappeared. The next moment he appeared in front of Apsi in another dimension.

"Master Chu!" Apsi lowered his head and said, its posture was lower. On the one hand, it really couldn't beat Chu Feng. On the other hand, it could be mixed in the holy prison world in the future. If Chu Feng becomes the master at that time , The strength is definitely much stronger than it is today!

Chu Feng said quietly: "Apsy, a lot of time has passed. The matter of confessing Yana should have been completed?" "My lord, this must be done." Apsy said.

After they separated from Yana, Chu Feng and the others went to the demon corpse. Now two months have passed, just contact, two months is enough!

"Then let's go over!" Chu Feng said.

Hongyang and the others are extremely powerful. To catch Hongyang and the others, maybe they have to borrow the power of those fierce beasts. The fierce beasts are originally the power in it, and there is no problem for Chu Feng to borrow their power.

However, whether they are willing to use their power to deal with Hongyang and the others is a question. After all, Hongyang and the others are too special. It is okay if Chu Feng is not dead. If Chu Feng is dead, then they will be in the world of the holy prison. Even if Zhong didn't die, it might not end well.

Apsi appeared outside, Chu Feng did not appear outside, but made a Tianwei appear outside. It didn't take long for Apsi to carry that Tianwei to Yana's territory.

As a result of the sky-eye scan, within Yana's territory, there were many masters at this time, and the number was fifty or sixty! Most of them are seventh-rank strengths. There are four of the sixth-ranks, and one of the fifth-ranks is at the fourth and third-ranks, and there is no one. Such a strong person, Yana wants to be in contact with it is not easy!

Fifty or sixty dominator-level fierce beasts, all of them exuded a powerful aura, Apsi approached, and their eyes fell on Apsi one by one.

To be precise, it fell on Apsi's body, Tianwei!

"The power of horror, if it can be used by me." Chu Feng's eyes flashed in the holy prison space. It is no problem for a low-level 7-Rank master to win a 100 Saint-class powerhouse, a 7th-Rank Great Perfect master, and at the same time There is no problem against a thousand saint-level powerhouses, those fifty or sixty dominator-level fierce beasts can simultaneously fight against thirty or forty thousand saint-level powerhouses!

If it is not a head-on confrontation, but a guerrilla warfare or something, even one million saint-level powerhouses or even 10 million saint-level powerhouses can be slaughtered by those fifty or sixty dominion-level beasts!

"Apuxi, you can let them enter the holy prison world first, if they are not satisfied in the holy prison world, they can come out at that time." Chu Feng's voice sounded in Apsi's mind.

Apsi immediately flew with those ferocious beasts. None of the fierce beasts had the same wisdom as Apsi. As a result, Chu Feng thought it would take a lot of work, but Apsi did not take long to convince those ferocious beasts. The beasts, all the fierce beasts quickly entered the holy prison space without resisting.

Entering the sacred prison space, those fierce beasts are constantly tossing, they have to see whether this world is strong enough and whether it meets their requirements.

Under the test, those fierce beasts are very satisfied, the stability of the holy prison world is extremely high, not to mention that the highest among them is only the fifth rank, even if the fourth and third rank fierce beasts enter it, it is impossible to let the holy prison. The world collapses!

After trying the stability, the fierce beasts immediately checked the size of the holy prison world, and if they were in prison, they would not be satisfied.

After checking the results, naturally they are all very satisfied. The Holy Prison World has absorbed the power of Tumeng World, so it is strange that the size cannot satisfy them!

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