Holy Prison

Chapter 2328: Beasts gather

Apsi left, and it didn't take long before he conveyed Chu Feng's invitation to most of the domineering beasts.

"Fourth-Rank and Third-Rank" Apsey thought with some embarrassment. He is only a seventh-Rank master, and he rarely comes into contact with fourth- and third-Rank adults.

For the 5th-Rank ruler, there are three 5th-Rank Dominator fierce beast tokens that have already returned to Chu Feng. It is easier to see and convey the invitation. However, the 4th-Rank and 3rd-Rank rulers have already returned to Shufeng’s three fifth-Rank Dominators. There is no right to give Apsey tokens to let him bother!


At this moment, a deep voice rang in Apsi's mind, and Apsi was shocked. He knew that this voice belonged to a fourth-rank master.

"Master Byron!"

Apsi respectfully and authentically, a shark-like beast appeared in front of him, the size is also similar, but the strength is compared with ordinary sharks, that does not know how many times more powerful!

"Master Hei Ya wants to see you, come with me!" Byron said solemnly. "Master Hei Ya wants to see me?" Apsi said in shock. He knew, Master Hei Ya, that is the overlord of the entire Chaos Profound Sea, the third-rank strength dominates the peak, and the other third-rank master is only the third-rank junior!

"Well, come with me!" Byron said, he moved forward as soon as he said, and Apsey tried his best to barely follow without being left behind!

More than ten minutes later, Apsi arrived at a palace that looked very spectacular in the depths of the Chaos Xuanhai.

"Master Heiya!"

Entering the palace, Apsi is respectful and authentic. Although he is now following Chu Feng, with Heiya's strength, it is easy to take his life!

Sitting on the only throne in the palace was a woman in black. Her exposed skin was as smooth as silk, and her fragrant shoulders were exposed, **** and charming.

Secretly glanced at the black-clothed woman, Apsey's eyes flashed with envy. The fierce beasts can have dominance-level strength without the need for the universe, but the heavens are relatively fair. They are before they reach a higher level of strength. It can't be transformed into a human form. With such strength as Apsi, I don't know how long and how long will it be transformed into a human form!

Specifically, the fourth-rank fierce beast has the possibility of transforming into a human form. The higher the strength, the longer it takes to maintain the human form every year. Until the second-rank strength can be maintained in the human form!

"Apsy, Chu Feng still wants to summon some fierce beasts?" Hei Ya said with a chuckle. "This...yes sir." Apsi didn't dare to lie. When he said this, he was a little bit scared. The entire Chaos Profound Sea is also three hundred dominator level fierce beasts. Chu Feng called the fierce beast. , That's digging the foot of Heiya's wall.

Before he couldn't figure out Hei Ya's mind, it was normal for Apsi to feel a little worried.

"Is that sacred prison world of Chu Feng very strong?" Hei Ya said.

"It's very strong. That world is very stable. I heard Master Chu Feng say that that world was formed by absorbing the power of a Grade 1 to dominate the world! Master Heiya, now you don't want Master Chu Feng to summon the beasts here. I'll explain to him in the past." Apsi said cautiously.

Hei Ya said with a smile: "Don't worry, I don't mean to trouble Chu Feng. Apsi, in the world of Chu Feng, do you think you can be the master of the third rank?"

Apsi screamed, Hei Ya said so, he heard Hei Ya's meaning, it seems that Hei Ya has the intention to follow Chu Feng!

"Master Heiya, you"

"What are you, you just answer the older sister's question honestly." An unceremonious voice rang, and a strong man two meters tall walked in stride.

"Master Yu Zhang."

Apsi hurriedly saluted. Of course, this brawny man is not unfamiliar. This is how Chaos Xuanhai's other third-ranking beast became a human form!

"Big sister." The strong man nodded at Apsi and then bowed to Hei Ya.

"Um... Apsey, go ahead." Hei Ya said quietly.

Apsey quickly said: "Yes, Lord Hei Ya. Lord Hei Ya, I don't think there is any problem with that world that can accommodate third-rank masters, even ordinary second-rank masters can tolerate it."

"Sister, do you want to think about it again?" Yu Zhang said anxiously. "No, Yu Zhang, you can take care of the things on this side in the future." Hei Ya said quietly, "If you don't talk to one person, it's not easy to leave the Lord Purgatory or dominate the Purgatory. I don't like the Lord Purgatory. , Not much interest!"

"I will go and see the outside world."

Apsi was surprised that if Hei Ya entered the holy prison world and took the holy prison world as her mother world, then Chu Feng would be even stronger when he became the master!

This time he thought he would not be able to invite a third- and fourth-rank master beast, but he didn't expect Hei Ya to actually want to follow Chu Feng!

"Master Heiya... If you take the holy prison world as your mother world, Master Chu Feng will definitely be very happy." Apsi said, "Master Heiya, some other adults"

"I'll send an order to let them go." Hei Ya said.

Chu Feng thought it would take a long time to wait, but he didn't expect that Apsi would appear in front of him in less than a month.

"My lord, great news." Apsi asked for the credit, taking the Holy Prison World as his mother world, and then Chu Feng can be said to be his immediate boss. It is good to please and please!

"What good news? It's called the third and fourth rank master, right?" Chu Feng chuckled. "My lord, all notifications have arrived, and all will come." Apsi said.

There was a look of surprise in Chu Feng's eyes. Some of the fierce beasts would not give Apsey any face. He estimated that there were more than two hundred and twenty fierce beasts, and it would be very good to have 200.

"Hey, my lord, it's like this." Apsi talked about Hei Ya's affairs. Hei Ya issued an order. Which of those dominating the fierce beasts would dare to violate?

"Black Ya"

Chu Feng thought in his heart that Hei Ya wants to join, this may be a great thing, or it may not be a good thing, if Hei Ya has no good intentions.

"Apsy, how much do you think Heiya might have left sincerely?" Chu Feng said. Apsey said strangely, "My lord, of course this is very much."

"Master Heiya has no hatred with you, and the holy prison has no effect on us. Master Heiya has no reason to be your enemy."

"That's true." Chu Feng nodded slightly, as he said so, but Chu Feng still kept an eye on him. If he is in a dream now, then it is definitely not uncommon for something contrary to common sense to occur!

On the second day after Apsi's return, two hundred and twenty dominator-level fierce beasts gathered on the shore of the Xianbury Chaos Profound Sea, and Chu Feng was on this side!

"Hello everyone!"

Chu Feng glanced at the fierce beasts and dozens of people present. Those ten people were also fierce beasts, but they were now in human form.

"Everyone likes to speak directly, so I'll just say it. If I become the master, I still have 80 to 90% certainty. Even if I die, the creatures in the holy prison world will not perish! I need your help if Everyone, let the holy prison world become your own mother universe. I will be good at that time, and everyone’s good will be indispensable!"

"Maybe everyone wants to understand the situation of the holy prison first, let's go in and have a look. I swear by Shengge. If you don’t like it and don’t want to stay, I will not force you to stay in the holy prison. In the world. After understanding, those who don't want to stay can leave immediately!" Chu Feng said.

What Chu Feng said was indeed relatively straightforward, and many of the fierce beasts looked at Chu Feng with a kinder look.

"Everyone, let's go in and take a look." Hei Ya chuckled lightly. Her words revealed that none of the fierce beasts raised objections. Among these fierce beasts, she has great prestige!

Hei Ya is the pinnacle of Rank 3 strength. Those fierce beasts are the highest in rank 3 Elementary. It is estimated that all the other fierce beasts will not be able to beat Hei Ya. In this case, it is only strange that Hei Ya's reputation is not high!

"Don't resist the suction."

Chu Feng said, the suction of the holy prison appeared, and the next moment, Chu Feng and Heiya and the two hundred and twenty fierce beasts entered the space of the holy prison.

"This space is very stable!"

"The air is much better than that in the Lord's Purgatory, and the sunlight is better than that in the Lord's Purgatory. There is no such warm sunshine in the Lord's Purgatory."

"This place is not bad."

Entering the sacred prison space, many fierce beasts are bright, the environment of the Lord's Purgatory, it can not be compared with the environment in the sacred prison world.

"Hehe, everyone, go around, pay attention, don't hurt people here." Chu Feng smiled quietly, he had a feeling that many of these fierce beasts would choose to stay.

"Everyone is gone." Hei Ya whispered, her voice fell, and the beasts disappeared one by one and went in all directions.

"Friend Hei Ya, shall I accompany you around?" Chu Feng smiled. "Okay." Hei Ya said with a light smile, "Chu Feng, if your deity appears, are you afraid that we will be against you?"

"Will it?" Chu Feng smiled.

"It seems that even if you die, Chu Feng, you can come back to life. The Holy Prison is really powerful." Hei Ya said. Chu Feng didn't answer Hei Ya's words. For such things, there is no need to talk to her before Hei Ya merges with the holy prison world, "Friend Hei Ya, you must have some other questions to ask." Chu Feng moved forward. One side said.

Hei Ya looked at the surrounding environment and smiled faintly: "Naturally, there are some, Chu Feng, I don't know if I take the holy prison world as my mother world, what benefits and obligations do I have? In terms of freedom, will it be possible? restricted?"

"Friend Heiya, benefits and obligations are equal, the more benefits, the more obligations! As for freedom, you have complete freedom without harming my interests!" Chu Feng chuckled.

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