Holy Prison

Chapter 2331: Shall we play again?

"Hongyang, do you want me to open a little more conditions?" Chu Feng said with a smile.

Hongyang and the others tightened...If Chu Feng's conditions were lowered, they would shrink like this, and they would change from the correct choice to being fearful that it would affect the improvement of their cultivation in the future.

Before Chu Feng lowered the conditions, their two million people were played by Chu Feng to less than one million. If they were played again, it is estimated that there will not be many people left!

Now it is possible to shrink the defense, and when there are fewer people, there will be no qualifications to shrink the defense!

"Chu Feng, you reported your specific strength, we may agree to play, otherwise, we won't be fooled by you, who knows how powerful you hide?" Lan Zhuo sneered.

Chu Feng smiled lightly and said: "Brother Lan, that would be very boring, isn't it? Well, ninety-nine heaven guards, in the next time, I will only use 30, and follow my fierce beast power to continue to use it. To be idle is to be idle, shall we play again?"

"Thirty heaven guards, four of them in Bi Feng, eight of them in Bing Ning, plus me, the total is forty-three, you are more than 900,000, twenty thousand to one!" Chu Feng said, " You are divided into one hundred teams, one team, the maximum number of people does not exceed 15,000, how about?"

"If we don't catch us clean, it seems that he feels uncomfortable in his heart!"

Hong Yang cursed in their hearts and removed 69 Heavenly Guards. Such conditions are much more favorable than before. If they refuse to agree, it will have a strong impact on their cultivation!

"If you can't agree, if you agree, we will probably all be arrested by Chu Feng, 40 million people, if we come to annihilate the entire army," said a quasi-dominant powerhouse, this person's identity is not low. , His father is the third rank dominates the strong, so he can speak in front of Hongyang and the others.

"Look at what Chu Feng said first. Today's conditions will not have much impact on our future cultivation base." Lan Zhuo said.

A few minutes later, Chu Feng did not receive any response from Hongyang and the others, "Brother Hongyang, with such conditions, I still fear in my heart, this is not good, haha, should I lower some of the conditions? Or, for thirty days. Wei, only use ten. Pigge and the others don’t do anything. It’s just Bing Ning, me, and ten Tianwei, a total of 19 people? By the way, the previous conditions were limited to the immortal burial. This time we don’t have this. One condition, three yuan, Chaos Xuanhai can go!" Chu Feng laughed.

"Really?" Hong Yang sneered. He knew the strength of the sky guards. The sky guards were top quasi-dominant level. It was just ten sky guards plus Chu Feng and the others that their power had fallen in Hong Yang's eyes. To a very low level.

As for Feng Bingning and the others, Hong Yang and the others also know a little more about Feng Bingning's strength, and their understanding of Lan Wen's strength is still in the past!

"Chu Feng, why did the heaven guards subtract so much, but Feng Bingning and the others still use it?" Huang Yuan's voice rang.

"Why? They are the masters of the Holy Prison Tower. If something happens, the power needed to resurrect them is less than half of the Tianwei. Do you need more reasons?" Chu Feng smiled lightly.

Feng Bingning and the others are the masters of the Holy Prison Tower, and they know this Huang Yuan. It takes less than half to resurrect them. Such a reason is enough!

"The conditions have been set out, and I will give you ten minutes to consider them. If you still cannot accept such conditions, the consequences may be a little bit serious at that time, Jiejie!"

In Chu Feng's laughter, Hongyang and the others frowned. Such conditions are still not agreed, and there will definitely be a lot of demon at that time. If they agree, Hongyang and the others are worried that it will be another pit!

"Shall we agree?" Hongyang swept some people around and said, some people around are of higher status. As for the others, Hongyang is not interested in asking their opinions at this time. If you ask, Their opinion is definitely not agreed.

Huang Yuan said: "Chu Feng actually added the latter condition. I don't think he really wanted to fight with us. He also made such conditions disgust us. If we shouldn't, then we will be bad. Influence; if there is something wrong with it, he will probably go to the devil blood or the monster corpse. He knows that we are in this state and it is not easy to enter the Chaos Profound Sea!"

"It is possible that many fierce beasts have belonged to Chu Feng. He has a much better understanding of the Chaos Profound Sea than we do. It is his calculation that we chased into the Chaos Profound Sea!"

"Or, we don't agree with the conditions for the spread of Chu Feng's scope. Is the battlefield or the situation in the fairy burial?"

"This...I don't think it is too good. For Chu Feng, it is also on our own. If Chu Feng retreats to something else, we can spend the rest of the year with peace of mind. Not bad! Let's not think too much about catching Chu Feng It’s the most important thing to survive these 100,000 years, Chu Feng, we can play with him slowly in the future!"

Nine minutes later, Hongyang and the others discussed the results came out, continue, fight!

It is a trivial matter that the remaining hundreds of thousands of people are arrested, and their future is a major matter! Moreover, in their view, it might not be possible to turn defeat into victory.

If you kill Chu Feng or catch Chu Feng, all those caught by Chu Feng can be released, and they will transform from a huge shame to glory!

"Chu Feng, we have fulfilled your conditions. Let's swear. Don't use more power quietly!" Hongyang sneered. "Heh... if I swear, you must also swear that you will score a hundred teams, each with a minimum of one hundred people and a maximum of 15,000 people!" Chu Feng said quietly.

"No problem." Hongyang said in a deep voice, 15,000 people, this standard is not low, if it is high, it will be a husky state!

Soon, Shuangyan swore an oath. Chu Feng moved a little further away. Hongyang and the others formed a team. Except for Hongyang, which had more than 14,000 people, the rest of the teams were less than 10,000 people. !

For every team, Hongyang strictly ordered that they were at the highest level of vigilance at any time during the last 100,000 years. As long as they survived, everyone can get a lot of benefits. If they don’t survive, they will find someone here. If they slack in more than 100,000 years, Hongyang and the others will severely punish them!

In addition, Hongyang and the others strictly ordered each team to enter dangerous places, even if the dangerous places felt that there were many treasures! Having survived these last more than 100,000 years, this is the biggest requirement of Hongyang and the others. To seize Chu Feng, this is only their secondary requirement. We can only seize it when safety is guaranteed!

In the holy prison space.

"Feng, Hongyang and their teams, the defense is really tight. It is estimated that in the next 100,000 years, their defense will not be much looser." Feng Bing condensed.

Chu Feng drank a sip of tea and chuckled: "Unexpectedly, I didn't think about how many people could be captured before the cultivation level was upgraded. I did this just to disperse them. If the real master is coming, If I am crossing the robbery with the devil blood or the demon corpse, they cannot reach the devil blood or the demon corpse."

"Brother Feng, but if you have such a condition, you can't use the power of the fierce beast of submission." Lan Wenxiu frowned, "Is it possible for them to reach the demon blood corpse by then?"

"Hehe, you also know that it is the power of the fierce beast of submission." Chu Feng smiled.

Lan Wen's eyes lit up: "Those fierce beasts that haven't surrendered... Brother Feng, you are so treacherous, those fierce beasts, if Hei Ya gives them an order, they must help a little!"

"Hmm... I didn't want to use Heiya's power too much to create such conditions. Now that Hongyang and the others are in such a state, we are really not very good at arresting people, but it is not completely impossible! The power of the Seventh-Rank Ruler has exploded. With your power and the power of the Holy Prison, let’s do more calculations. It is not impossible to catch some teams!"

"Creating possibility in the impossible, isn't this very interesting?" Chu Feng said with a light smile.

Feng Bingning's women nodded slightly. Indeed, with their strength, coupled with the power of the holy prison, as long as they design more, there is hope for success!

Hongyang and the others are at a disadvantage in Feng Bingning's strength. They don't know that Feng Bingning and the others are now quasi-master level cultivation, and Feng Bingning and the others can reach the seventh-level master level after borrowing their power. Strength! As long as Feng Bingning and the others are lower in strength, Chu Feng and the others are unlikely to catch people!

For a hundred years and a thousand years, Chu Feng was looking for opportunities, but after ten thousand years, Hongyang and their teams did not give Chu Feng any chance to shoot!

The Lord’s Purgatory is not a place of peace. In 13,000 years, Chu Feng and the others had their first chance to appear. A team encountered a space storm, and a team of nine thousand people died over a hundred, most of them were Hit hard under the terrible space storm!

The Sky Eye was locked on a wicked person in the team. After receiving the news of that team's disaster, Chu Feng rushed over for the first time, and then connected those people to the holy prison world to provide them with medical treatment.

After solving a team, Chu Feng brought Hongyang and the others a message, and then Hongyang and their ninety-nine teams became one of the 100 teams again in Hongyang. One hundred people were ordered to leave the main team and hide. There were one hundred in number, and they were considered a new team.

After receiving Chu Feng's notice, Hongyang and their teams cannot be less than one hundred. This is an agreement between the two parties!

For 17,000 years, Chu Feng and the others had been busy for a long time. They calculated a team of 10,000 people. Before the surrounding team rushed to rescue, Chu Feng had already caught people and left for several hours.

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