Holy Prison

Chapter 2348: Mania (1)

"Are you sure, others can't have it?" Su Jiang said, Meng Neng couldn't even see through Su Wu, so that Chu Feng could resist Huang Peng with the second-grade advanced cultivation base, and Su Jiang also wanted to have it. Hearing Chu Feng said that others could no longer have it, he felt disappointed and asked.

Chu Feng nodded: "Well, if others can have it, I don't mind that uncle, you and the old man and others have that power."

"I know." Su Jiang sighed slightly, not to mention them. If such power can really be controlled by others, then Chu Feng will definitely let Feng Bingning and the others have Su Ling, but Su Jiang did not listen to Su Ling. Speaking of things in this area, if Su Ling had such power, she should have talked to him.

"That kind of power is very powerful, and only you can have it, otherwise it must be no small trouble." Regarding Mengneng, Su Jiang also figured it out. It is his son-in-law who has Mengneng and not. Others, if they are depressed, Huang Peng and others should be depressed!

Chu Feng said: "Uncle, I wonder if there is anything else?"


Su Jiang took a sip of the tea ceremony, "Chu Feng, when are you going to have your wedding with Ling'er? Do you do it yourself, or do you need me to help you out?"

"Well, I have to ask Ling'er what he meant. I have to see if Ling'er wants a grand wedding, or just invite some friends for a small but warm wedding." Chu Feng thought for a while. Sometimes more or less, it is estimated that there will be some trouble to your uncle's place."

"Hehe, you can live a happy life as a junior." Su Jiang said with a light smile, "Chu Feng, I won't plan for you for your future path. Okay, it's okay, you can withdraw first."

"Uncle, I have something to ask." Chu Feng said.

Su Jiang nodded: "Ask."

Chu Feng said: "Uncle, it is Lin Tian, ​​Tumeng, and Long Bai. Lin Tian separates good and evil. How can they merge? The world of Tumeng collapsed, how to recover, what kind of person is Tumeng, he made Is the promise worth trusting? How about Long Bai, who is half dead now, can he be resurrected?"

"There is another question. Have you ever heard of the uncle Hongyun pawnshop, my master used to be a thing at the Hongyun pawnshop in order to save me, including an arm, and the hope of becoming a master, how can I redeem it?"

Su Jiang scolded with a smile: "You really have a lot of problems!"

"Lin Tian separates good and evil, how to merge, I don't know this, and the old man doesn't know about this. I asked the old man about this. Ordinary people can't separate good from evil at all. Those who reach Lin Tian's realm have never separated good from evil. As a precedent, if you want to help him, you can only slowly figure out a solution by yourself."

"Tumeng and Longbai are both important to their promises. If they promise you something, you can believe it. With your current strength, they really promised anything, and they dare not fail to fulfill their promises."

Chu Feng said: "Long Bai didn't promise what I am. I owed him a favor. Now he has some strength. If he can, it's better to pay it back."

"Both of them are more troublesome." Su Jiang frowned, "Tu Meng's deity should have been suppressed in a certain place by Tu Tian. Tu Meng can't recover unless his deity is liberated." ."

"Long Bai’s core of dominance consciousness should be in dominator purgatory, and there are many places where the masters don’t understand. Long Bai’s core of dominance consciousness should be traumatized, as long as you find it, then think of a way to get When the wound is gone, he can be resurrected. He is not completely dead now."

Chu Feng said with some doubts: "Uncle, the relationship between the Su family and the Xuanyuan family should be pretty good, right? How can you watch them to this point?"

"Hongyi and Tu Tian have no scruples when they take action?"

Su Jiang frowned and said, "There were some problems back then. The old man was in a closed-door session at a critical time in his training. It's just the power of the old man Xuanyuan who couldn't resist Hongyi and Tutian."

"Long Bai and Tumeng were designed to break some of the rules. Grandpa Xuanyuan is not a good shot even if he does it! Afterwards, our Su family also got a first-tier master, so I became a first-tier master. After going out and making trouble for a while, the matter disappeared."

"It turns out that... Uncle, I heard that there are ten places for the first-rank master, why is there only three?" Chu Feng said in a puzzled manner.

Su Jiang shook his head: "I don't know this, and the old man doesn't know, otherwise, the actions of Hongyi and the others, the old man and the old man Xuanyuan will not let them pass like that."

Of the three places, the Su family occupies one, which is already very good. "What about the Xuanyuan family?" Chu Feng said, the Su family took up the spot, but the Xuanyuan family did not.

"Hehe, not everyone has the opportunity to become the first-rank master. Some people from the Xuanyuan family tried it back then, but it didn't succeed. I was lucky." Su Jiang said with a light smile.

Chu Feng frowned and said: "Uncle, there are only three places, and now all three places are full, then if my luck reaches the second-tier great perfection, doesn't it mean that there is no hope of becoming the master of the first-tier."

"That should be a long time later, maybe you can directly break through the bottleneck and become the master of the first-rank!" Su Jiang said with a light smile.

"The quota is actually obtained, but it is easier to break through the bottleneck. You have the holy prison and the unknown powerful power. You may not need it. That is to say, Huang Penghong and others are worried about it. Otherwise, you think Will they be afraid of you as a second-tier powerhouse?"

Chu Feng nodded. If necessary, he will do his best to get a place for himself!

"Uncle, where's the Fortune Pawnshop?" Chu Feng said.

Su Jiang frowned and said, "This is not easy. The owner of the Hongyun pawnshop is Hongguang, Hongying's younger brother. Hongguang is also the second-rank master, and he is second-rank Consummation!"

"Hongyi is also more aware of Hongguang's son. If it weren't for Hongguang's failure to reach the second stage of Dzogchen, then the chance would probably belong to Hongguang! Hongguang's personality is more similar to his father's. , Looks good to talk, in fact, after you come into contact, you will feel that this person is very good to talk!"

"I know Hongyun pawnshops more clearly. Hongguang said that for Hongyun pawnshops, there is only pawning but no redemption! There is only one way to redeem, and that is to **** the more precious things he values. Fortune pawnshops are one thing. The top-level master weapon, unless the old man takes it, even I will not get the **** inside before killing Hongguang! If the old man takes it, this is basically impossible, otherwise it will be messed up." Su Jiang said.

Chu Feng's brows were also frowned. Master Tianhen pawned things, he would definitely want to get them back, but if Su Jiang felt it was difficult, it would be difficult to get them back!

"Chu Feng, it's not easy for this old man to speak to you, but I can give you a try, but Hongguang may not give me this face!" Su Jiang said.

"Uncle, if you are not sure, you don't have to force it." Chu Feng said, "Even if I don't have that strength now, I will have that strength sooner or later!"

"Try it! If there is nothing else, you can go down first. Ling'er is getting a little impatient. If there is a problem, I will let you know." Su Jiang said, "Now you don't want to deal with such things. First recover from your injury."

"Uncle, then I will retire first."

After Chu Feng got up and saluted, he left the Immortal Martial Hall and went to Su Ling's place. Su Ling immediately asked nervously, and he was relieved when Su Jiang had no trouble.

"Ling'er, go to Hongtian Universe with me first, how about it?" Chu Feng put his arms around Su Ling's waist and chuckled softly. "It's been a long time since I went back to take a look. If you were in the past, I also saw your parents."

"What parents, I haven't married you yet." Su Ling said authentically, but a shy joy flashed in her eyes. "Sooner or later, haha!" Chu Feng laughed and said, "There is nothing to do on this side now, so it's decided. After going back for a while, I will recover from the injury first, and then the wedding will be held."

"If it is held now, I am worried that someone will come and make trouble. If someone makes trouble, only your father and the others will do it. This is not very good."

Su Ling nodded: "Well, I wanted you to recover from your injury before you have the wedding. Grandpa will help you before, plus the powerful resilience of the Holy Prison, it shouldn't take too long to recover. ."

"One or two hundred thousand years." Chu Feng said.

"Not long." Su Ling said with a light smile. For a practitioner like them, one or two hundred thousand years is really nothing, and it may be billions or tens of billions of years to practice casually!

"Then go!"

Hongtian universe.

"Sister Bing Ning, what can we do? Or, let's inform Brother Feng, otherwise, things may get worse and worse!" Lan Wen said with a worried expression on her face.

In the hall where Lan Wen was, Miao Feiying and the others were there, and Tang Ming, Zhouwen and others were also there, all of them looked a little gloomy!

"Wait a second, if Feng is finished, he will definitely come back. There may be something on the other side. We can still control the current situation for the time being." Feng Bing condensed.

"Han'er, what's the latest situation?"

Chu Han smiled bitterly: "Mother, now I can't control it a bit. The latest results show that some do not show maniacs, and many have maniacs. The specific number has not yet been released, but it is estimated that it will not be too few! It’s okay to say that those who have manifested the mania, if those who have not manifested the mania, will break out."

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