Holy Prison

Chapter 2350: The harvest of magic

"Chu Feng, your merit points have increased!" Miao Xian'er's surprised voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind.

Many people suffer from a mania, which is a kind of harm to them. If no one handles it, it is also a harm to others. If Chu Feng relieves their mania, he will naturally get merit points.

"Oh, the person who brought in the Demon Seed, I really have to thank him then." Chu Feng chuckled softly, merit points, dream ability, these are all things that Chu Feng really wants to get, now it is easy, dream Being able to recover, the merit points are actually increasing!

"If that guy knows that it will give you a lot of benefits, he will probably be very angry." Miao Xian'er said with a smile, "Thank you for so many people with afflictions. It is estimated that your cultivation level will be restored! At that time, the dreams in some people's bodies can be refined, and they can be mobilized at any time in the future!"

"Well, I'm busy for now."

Time continued to pass, and in less than two years, Chu Feng's dream had been restored to fullness! At this time, if the opportunity is right, Chu Feng bursts out the power of Meng Neng once and can directly kill the strong like Huang Peng!

The merit points have been a lot longer over the past year. Chu Feng’s merit points have reached 50,000, which is far from enough to upgrade the holy prison, and even strengthen the heavenly eye to the strongest state that can be strengthened. Can't do it, but Chu Feng is already quite satisfied, and the merit points obtained at this time are a windfall!

There are a lot of people suffering from magic diseases, and Chu Feng has not recovered them all in less than two years, so at this time, Chu Feng can still extract dream energy and gain merit points!

The extracted dream energy is still stored in the body. Can these dreams burst out together with the previous dreams, but after those dreams can be used, these dreams can be quickly supplemented. In this way, Chu Feng's safety The speed is greatly increased, if the enemy is not dead in one blow, he can immediately hit him again!

After more than three years, Chu Feng probably stored half of his dream energy in a full state, and his original merit points of 50,000 have risen to 80,000. The harvest is very good!

"Good person!"

Chu Feng sighed with emotion. One thing he is looking forward to now is that "good person", who will continue to make him some people with this kind of magical disease in the future!

"You're luck." Miao Xian'er said with a smile. If it weren't for Chu Feng to reach the second-rank high-level cultivation base in time, if those people with madness break out, the dead in Hongtian Universe will definitely not be one or two. If so, not only would Chu Feng have no merit, he would even reduce his merit a lot!

And if Meng Neng, there is no tyrannical power, he would never want to get it!

"No way, good character," Chu Feng said with a smile. He was in a very good mood at the moment. Originally, he had only 0.5 dream ability, but now it is 1.5.

Even a first-tier powerhouse like Huang Peng can be killed. If Chu Feng's previous hole card was only an A, then his hole card at this time is already a little king!

"You have to do it." Miao Xian'er said with a charming smile.

"I won't be happy, what's the point of life?" Chu Feng said with a chuckle, he disappeared in an instant without seeing Su Ling and others.

In the past three years, Su Ling and Feng Bingning and the others have got along well. Feng Bingning and the others were a little worried that Su Ling would be more arrogant when they were too high. They found out that Su Ling had her pride, but in some In front of people close to him, Su Ling has never put on the air of her Princess Su family.

Speaking of which, Su Ling was not so close before. At that time, her eldest lady's temper was not small, and the years in the paradise base made her change a lot.

When Chu Feng appeared, Feng Bingning and the women screamed with smiles on their faces. "Ling'er, depending on how you look like, we are still happily talking." Chu Feng said with a light smile.

"Captain, Sister Bing Ning and they are all very nice." Su Ling smiled. She was a little nervous before. After three years of getting along, Su Ling no longer worried, and she was very close to Feng Bingning and the others.

"I'm relieved if you get along well." Chu Feng said with a smile. "Brother Feng, look at your appearance, is there any benefit?" Lan Wen said with a smile.

"I got a little bit of benefit." Chu Feng smiled. He didn't say very specific, and made it clear to Feng Bingning and the others that he is now sure to kill a strong person like Huang Peng. This is not a good thing!

It's not that Feng Bingning and the others will leak secrets or anything, and they won't say anything about it, but after all, their strength is a little bit lower. If they know something, it means that Hongyi and other perverted guys know it. People know the size of their cards, and the probability of winning decreases!

"Bing Ning, have you seen your parents with Ling'er?" Chu Feng said.

Feng Bingning shook her head: "No, you should take this one better. Let's go to the other side of the earth now? Ling Mei has been looking forward to it for a long time."

"Sister Bing Ning, you are laughing at me." Su Ling's face flushed slightly.

"Let's go, mom and dad, they are probably eager to see through, haha!" Chu Feng laughed. He waved his hand and instantly a light gate appeared in front of him, and the other side of the light gate was the earth.

After passing through the light gate, Chu Feng and the others quickly reached the earth, sensing Chu Feng and the others' return, and Chu Zhen, who was not at home, immediately returned.

"This is Su Ling, isn't this? Feng'er, who brought people to this side, didn't bring them back immediately." Mo Xiu said a little bit of blame.

Chu Feng shrugged and said helplessly, "Mother, didn't this bring people over? I can't help it either. So many people have a madness, and it takes time to deal with it."

"Don't listen to you... just like nagging." Chu Zhen smiled, "Bing Ning, you all sit down, Xiao Ling, sit down quickly, treat it as your own home, don't be restrained."

"Dad, thank you."

Su Ling's face was reddened and authentic, her dad shouted that the smile on Chu Zhen's face became a bit thicker. "Okay, okay! If Chu Feng bullies you in the future, you can tell me as much as possible, don't think he is already the master, I am still his old man, there is no problem in teaching him a lesson." Chu Zhen laughed.

"Dad, you forgot if you had a wife" Chu Feng sat down comfortably and curled his lips. "Why, do you have an opinion?" Chu Zhen stared at Chu Feng.

"No, there is no opinion at all." Chu Feng said quickly, Chu Zhen's voice fell, and Feng Bingning and the others looked at him a little badly.

"Nothing is fine." Chu Zhen smiled.

Chu Feng picked up a grape and threw it into his mouth: "No way, outnumbered, moms and dads, we will be here for some time, and the wedding will take place after the injury recovers."

"Well, there are only two in this family, me and your mother. It's really a little bit deserted." Chu Zhen said, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and everything are grown-ups. He spends a lot of time in the **** realm and holy realm, only to visit them occasionally.

It would take one to two million years for Chu Feng to recover from his injuries. Unknowingly, fifty to sixty thousand times passed, and Chu Feng discovered something exciting for him.

The magic disease has appeared again. The gods, the holy realms, and even the mortal realms all have people infected with the magic disease. As a result of Chu Feng's examination, they also have the magic seed in their bodies!

"Chu Feng, it seems that the people who have developed the magic disease do not know the situation inside." Miao Xianer said, if you know, especially if you know that Chu Feng has benefited, those people with the magic disease will definitely not reappear.

"It doesn't matter if he knows it, dreams can be obtained, and merits can be obtained!" Chu Feng smiled.

Without dealing with it, the number of people with a disorder has been increasing this time, and every one of them has not come out this time, and every one is hidden extremely deeply.

That is to say, Chu Feng's strength is very high, otherwise, even if he has a cultivation base like the fourth-rank master, it is estimated that he will not be able to find the abnormal situation of the devils!

Half a month has passed, and the number of people infected with magical diseases has surpassed the number of people infected before. At this time, Chu Feng has already begun to deal with them, and while he is dealing with them, the number of people with magical diseases has increased!

"Is there a helper?" Chu Feng said in his heart, "Monument should be on my side. There is no enemy on my side, there is more than one!"

In the end, the number of people infected with magical diseases greatly exceeded the number of people infected before, but this time, many of the infected people are people from the mortal world, and much less power is needed to infect them!

"Probably the power is twice as high as before, and there should be two people taking action." Chu Feng secretly said in his heart.

At this moment, all the devils and demons moved a little bit, and a flash of blood flashed in their eyes, and their bloodthirsty consciousness immediately drowned their sober consciousness.

Chu Feng sighed softly, and a wave of power instantly acted on every person with a disorder, and under the control of that wave of power, all the people with a disorder were firmly controlled!

If Chu Feng's cultivation base is worse, even if he knows who is the psychedelic, he would not have the ability to confine them together and confine those people together, which requires him to have at least the third-rank great perfect cultivation base.

It's just the cultivation base of the Third Stage Great Perfection, it will be more difficult to be imprisoned!

"What a wonderful person!"

Chu Feng sighed with emotion in his heart, and immediately absorbed and transformed the power of those with a disorder. This time it took Chu Feng six full years to transform.

In six years, the dreams that Chu Feng had obtained were enough for him to explode twice with all his strength, plus the previous one, after he exploded with all his strength three times, there was still a lot of dream energy left.

Three outbreaks, it is possible to kill three first-rank masters, Huang Peng, Su Jiang, and Hongying. The first-rank masters that Chu Feng knows now are Huang Peng and the three, and Su Jiang is still the old man!

In terms of merit points, in six years, Chu Feng received about 120,000 merit points, plus about 80,000 before, and Chu Feng's merit points exceeded 200,000!

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