Holy Prison

Chapter 834: State of war

"One hour, no problem, wait a moment." The middle-aged man took the space ring and immediately got up and left. Number 7 waited slowly. About half an hour later, the middle-aged man returned.

"This is the information you want." The middle-aged man said a space ring and handed it to No. 7. This space ring was the one given before No. 7, but the space ring before was filled with spar. , Now this space ring contains many jade slips, and there are thousands of jade slips of various shapes!

Number 7 randomly picked out a piece and checked it and nodded slightly. "If you still need it, please find us Dark Moon Tower again. For old customers, we have a 10% discount!" The transaction was successful, and a smile appeared on the middle-aged man's face. A card appeared in his hand, "This is us The old customer card of Dark Moon Tower, when you trade again, you can enjoy a 10% discount when you show it."

"Thank you." On the 7th, he put the card away and left. Such a card is still more useful. Like this time, the purchase of information cost 300 billion catties of the best spar, if you can get a 10% discount. Only 270 billion catties can save 30 billion catties, 30 billion catties, which is not a small amount.

Not long after No. 7 left the tavern, he entered a restaurant, opened a room, and then entered the holy prison space. With so many jade slips, Chu Feng needed to read all the information in them, which took several days. Time is just coming.

In the sacred prison space, Chu Feng was practising while reading the information in those jade slips. Five days later, Chu Feng had already understood all the information in the jade slips. He, that definitely knows Wang Yuan Mansion better than most people in Wang Yuan Mansion! Even some of the Emperor God-level Emperor God-level experts in Wang Yuan Mansion probably didn't understand Wang Yuan Mansion as well as Chu Feng!

Since it is hostile, it is necessary to understand the opponent. After checking the information, Chu Feng knew that the total number of powerhouses in the Wang Yuan Mansion was 26 people, including 14 people in the Wang family. There are a total of four people in the royal family, and eight others who are not from the royal family but are the same powerful people in the Wang Yuan Mansion.

In terms of emperor-level powerhouses, the Wang family has 61 people, and Wang Yuan’s mansion has two hundred and twenty-three; in terms of emperor-level powerhouses, the Wang family has Emperor-level powerhouses of 330, Wang Yuan The mansion has about two thousand four hundred strong people at the Emperor God level.

Large and small, the Wang Yuan Mansion controls a total of one hundred and twenty-three empires. In addition, the Wang Yuan Mansion has about two hundred other forces, such as the killer organization intelligence organization established by the Wang family, two hundred or so. The forces are relatively large forces, and some of the relatively poor forces are not counted. If the small forces established by the people of Wang Yuan Mansion are also counted, the number is very huge!

Wang Yuan Mansion has existed in the abyss for so many years without enemies. After absorbing the information in those jade slips, Chu Feng knew that Wang Yuan Mansion had hatred with many forces, among which the hatred with two forces was the deepest. One is the Dark Elf clan, and the other is Ten Thousand Demons Ridge.

The source of the hatred between Wang Yuan Mansion and the Black Elves has been around for a long time. When some members of the Wang family entered the abyss, they just ran into a big chance. At that time, some of the Black Elves also encountered the big chance, two forces. There was a violent killing, because there were more people in the Wang family back then, so although the dark elves were relatively powerful in the abyss, some of the dark elves could only retreat that time.

The black elves were defeated, but this hatred was forged. From ancient times to the present, the war between the kings and the black elves has occurred many times. The strength of the kings is now stronger, but the black elves also have a lot of strength. The strength is not weak.

The hatred between Wang Yuan Mansion and Wan Yao Ling was because a person in Wang Yuan Mansion accidentally killed a descendant of a strong man in Wan Yao Ling. As a result, Wan Yao Ling took revenge. The hatred slowly grew deeper and deeper because of each other. The strength is not weak, and if you deal with the other party, you will lose more. So now Wan Yaoling and Wang Yuan Mansion have maintained a superficial peace, but some people in the two forces know that the hatred accumulated before is not so easy to dissipate. As long as one party's strength drops a lot, he will definitely be retaliated by the other party!

"The black elves, Ten Thousand Demons Ridge." Chu Feng kept thinking, "There are too many powerful people in Wang Yuan City. Under such circumstances, it is impossible to enter Wang Yuan City to save people."

Luoshui City, this is the capital of one of the empires controlled by Wang Yuan Mansion. "I heard that those guys in Wanyaoling have some restlessness again." A person whispered.

"The restlessness, can the beasts in the Ten Thousand Demon Ridge compete with our Wang Yuan Mansion? Their restlessness is not a moment or two. Sooner or later they will be destroyed. In other words, you killed the previous battle with the Ten Thousand Demon Ridge. How many beasts of Wan Yaoling?" The other person laughed.

"Not many, that is, a few thousand. I am a more kind person."

"It's really not many. I killed at least 100,000. If there are more battles, I will kill him tens of millions!"

This is a tavern, and the two chatted with a smile. They didn't see a guy in the tavern a little farther away from them, his face was already blue with anger.

"Death to me!" The angered half-dead guy approached the two people who had spoken before. He reached the two people and slammed down the killer. At this moment, one of the two moved. As soon as the man among them stretched out his hand, he grabbed a dagger that stabbed behind him.

"So courageous!" The strong man who grabbed the dagger yelled and snatched the dagger and then used the dagger to chop off the attacker's head.

"Unlucky, really unlucky. One day he didn't want to kill, he actually killed someone. Brother, let's change places and drink again." The two quickly left, and the young man's body was left on the ground. Soon it was in the tavern. Many people were surrounded.

The Ten Thousand Demon Ridge shook. The person who died was a descendant of a big figure in Ten Thousand Demon Ridge. What happened this time was very similar to the previous ones. The hatred between Ten Thousand Demon Ridge and Wang Yuan Mansion was relatively deep. This time the incident occurred. It was like a fuse that ignited the anger of many people in Wan Yaoling.

Wan Yaoling immediately checked, and the result of the inquiry was that the two people in the tavern that day died not long after the murder.

"Wang Yuan Mansion, deceived people too much, thinking that killing those two people would be deadly inconsistent? The murderer was from the royal family, that's enough!" Wan Yaoling, a green-robed old man roared authentically.

"The third child, calm down, if we fight with the Wang family, we will also suffer heavy losses."

"Shit, it wasn't your junior who died! That was the junior I loved the most. His talent was also very good. He actually died in the hands of Wang Yuanfu. Under such circumstances, you still call me Shinobi? Wang Yuan The government must pay for this time!" The green-robed old man roared.

Wan Yaoling is not peaceful here, and Wang Yuan's mansion is also very unstable. "What's the matter, who killed Wang Feng and Wang Yun?" Wang Hao, the head of the Wang family, said with a deep glance at the people present.

"The two of them, didn't one of you kill them?" Wang Hao said. "Patriarch, I think it is useless to check this again now. It is true that Wang Feng and Wang Yun, the two of them, killed the little guy in the Ten Thousand Demons Mountain. Yaoling's revenge." Wang Hao said in the hall where they were.

Wang Hao frowned slightly, he always felt that something was wrong, but he thought about it carefully, but he didn't know what was wrong.

"Contact the Ten Thousand Demon King, I want to talk with him." Wang Hao said.

Here, Wang Hao wants to talk with the boss of Ten Thousand Demon Ridge, the old man in green robe has already left Ten Thousand Demon Ridge angrily.

On the first day, several talented descendants of the Wang family died; on the second day, in an imperial capital controlled by the Wang family, a green cloud enveloped the entire city. In the city, at least two hundred king families died, including an emperor. Class powerhouse!

Wan Yaoling’s revenge made Wang Hao angry. The negotiation broke down before the start of the negotiations. The Wang family’s powerhouse was also urgently used. After the death of an Emperor God level powerhouse in the Wang family, there was also an emperor in Wan Yao Ling. The god-level powerhouse died in the hands of the king's powerhouse!

Chu Feng was surprised to learn a series of messages. He believed that under his instigation, the Wang family would definitely have something to do with Wan Yaoling, but he didn't expect the two forces to have such a fierce fight.

Chu Feng’s previous plan was to cause some friction between the two powers, and then if he started to kill the people of Wang Yuan Mansion, Wang Yuan Mansion would probably suspect that it was the hand of Wan Yao Ling, and the two powers would fight fiercely. stand up. But Chu Feng still underestimated the hatred between Wang Yuan Mansion and Wan Yao Ling, and underestimated the hot temper of the people of the abyss!

On the third day that the green-robed old man left the Ten Thousand Demon Ridge, a powerful emperor **** and some weaker characters died on the Ten Thousand Demon Ridge. On the fourth day, Wang Yuan Mansion was the capital of an empire. It was completely destroyed, with more than a million deaths, among which there were two to three hundred members of the Wang Family, and most of the rest belonged to the Wang Yuan Mansion.

On the fourth day, the Ten Thousand Demon Ridge also killed a lot of weaker people. At the same time, on this day, the Wang Yuan Mansion and the Ten Thousand Demon Ridge were fighting with each other. Although the result of the battle was Both of them were powerhouses who did not have the god-exalted level died, but both sides had more than half of the god-exalted powerhouses who were seriously injured.

On the fifth day, Wang Yuan Mansion announced that it had entered a state of war. Not long after that, Wan Yao Ling also announced that it had entered a state of war with Wang Yuan Mansion. Because of the declaration of war by two major forces, the Wang Yuan Mansion and Wan Yao Ling area were in chaos. !

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