Home of the Brave

Chapter 75: Redstone Ghost Mother

"Yes." Miranda nodded. "Because the gravitational orbits eventually converge towards the power orbit, as long as we move along this orbit, theoretically we should be able to reach the power orbit, but..." The witch's gaze fell to the overturned minecart over there, showing her desire. The expression that stopped talking. "The track in normal use should not be overturned. If this track has been abandoned, I don't know whether it can reach the power track..."

"There seems to be something on the track... is it a stone?" Xia Luwei went to inspect the place where the track was overturned, and found that there were large and small gravel scattered on the track. Xia Luwei picked up a piece of it and looked at it. It felt like a stone with a regular shape, but the light from the surrounding veins was too weak to see clearly.

"Wait, I have a way." Miranda walked over, put her hand on the holy flame wrist wheel, and concentrated on calling for the servant.

"The Holy Spirit conceived in the eternal heat and light, listen to my call... In the name of Miranda von Embryon, summon Patricia's servants to appear in front of me!"

With the call of the witch, a flame giant spewing flames appeared in the dark mine. The flame giant's body exuded dazzling light and heat, and looked extremely mighty in the dark. Xia Luwei couldn't help but exclaimed, and looked at the things in her hand with the flame of the flame giant, followed by exclaiming on the spot.

"Why, what's the matter? Xia Luwei?" The female knight's voice was full of panic, and Miranda couldn't help but panic.

"Miranda, look at this..." Xia Luwei passed what was in her hand, and the witch gasped as she witnessed it.

It was a broken arm, only the part below the elbow, and the fingers were also mutilated. In terms of length and thickness, it should belong to a dwarf. The arm is made of stone, but it does not look like a carved one. Every pore on the skin is clearly visible, and even the bone structure inside can be seen from the fracture. To this extent, it is almost no different from what it grows naturally.

Along with an indescribable tremor, a certain thought emerged in the hearts of the two girls. The female knight missed her hand and dropped her broken arm to the ground, while the witch tried to find a reasonable explanation.

"I heard that the dwarves will concentrate their failed works somewhere, but... I didn't expect it to be in the depths of this kind of mine..."

"Um...Um, maybe I feel embarrassed and don't want to be seen by others?" The female knight echoed.

"Anyway, it doesn't matter to us anyway, don't worry about it, hurry up and find the power track and go out... ah!"

Miranda, who strode forward, was suddenly caught by something. Fortunately, Xia Luwei, who was next to her, gave her an urgent help, so she didn't fall off.

"Thanks...thank you, there are a lot of rocks here..."

Miranda thanked Xia Luwei, but noticed that the female knight's eyes were different and her expression was stiff. She followed Xia Luwei's line of sight and looked at her feet, and her face turned pale in an instant.

What had just stumbled on her was a mutilated stone statue with only a head left. The stone statue was still the face of a dwarf, showing a struggling and roaring expression. Half of her head was shattered by something unknown, revealing the brain structure inside. The blue-gray stone veins under the flame of the flame giant showed a shocking scene like the blood of life, which made the two girls look frightened. Faced with such obvious facts, self-comfort seemed to have reached the limit, Xia Luwei looked at the witch next to her nervously and asked tremblingly.

"Miranda, here...it doesn't seem to be the junkyard you were talking about?"

Faced with the female knight's questioning, Miranda was silent for a while. Then, only a low groan leaked from the maiden's mouth.

"Petrification magic..."


"I have seen the demons' illustrated book compiled by the kingdom. It was mentioned that some demons can use petrified sorcery. The name seems to be..." Miranda recalled with her forehead crown. "Medusa."

Because the dwellings of demons are often dangerous demon realms that ordinary people cannot approach, humans have even less understanding of demons than dragons. In the Demon Illustrated Book compiled by the Kingdom, there are only a few high-level demon beasts. These demon beasts have appeared in the kingdom's territory, and they all brought serious disasters to the kingdom. Among them, the demon with petrification ability mentioned by Miranda is called "Evil Eye Demon" Medusa in the official records of the kingdom.

Among the superior demons recorded in the illustrated book, Medusa can be said to be an extremely dangerous existence. There are three records about her, one is a retreat village, the other is a prosperous town, and the third is a fortress on the border of a kingdom.

"Evil Eye Demon Fairy" Medusa appeared in these three areas, and the results were the same when they were left behind. Whether it is a village or a town, even the fortress of the knights can not resist the footsteps of the Evil Eye Demon Fairy. Wherever Medusa appeared, the creatures were turned into cold stone statues, becoming lifeless and dead. According to a handful of survivors, Medusa was a gorgeous beauty with a snake-headed body, but once she made contact with her eyes, she would be dragged away from her soul and turned into a lifeless stone statue.

Because Medusa's Evil Eye was too terrifying, the Kingdom had planned to organize a crusade against the Evil Eye Demon Girl, but in the end it had to give up because it couldn't recruit people. Later, as Medusa disappeared in the kingdom, people gradually left the evil eye demon's nightmare behind, but they did not expect that she would be lurking in such a place!

If you were caught in a dark mine and met the Evil Eye Demon Girl, if you use the analogy of worsening the situation, I am afraid that you can't find a more dangerous situation than this.

"...According to the description of the illustrations, the petrified creatures will turn into stone from the skin to the internal organs, just like... this kind of appearance." Miranda said with difficulty.

"Such an appearance..." Xia Luwei's gaze fell on the broken dwarf's head on the ground, and she felt a chill rushing into her body from the soles of her feet, and she couldn't help but shiver.

Suddenly, the witch next to her let out an exclamation. Xia Luwei turned her head and looked around, only to see Miranda pointing somewhere in front of her with trembling fingers, her face almost as pale as paper. Looking in the direction that the witch was pointing, Xia Luwei could see the appearance of dozens of meters in front of him with the help of the flames on the flame giant's body. It is made up of thousands of dead dwarves. Some dwarves have broken hands and feet, some have broken internal organs, and some scream...

These extremely tragic appearances are piled up in front of the stone statues fixed in blue-gray, and when seen from a distance, they are like a wall of **** solidified with despair and death. The despair, full of vision, and the thick death breath, came from the top of the sky. The shocking scene far beyond the description of "horror" made the female knight's feet soft, and the other side The maiden, even more couldn't help but knelt on the ground and threw up...


A low sigh sounded in the gloomy underground.

This is a cave located deep underground, with an area equivalent to the size of two football fields. There are several thick crystal pillars in between, extending from the ground to the zenith, supporting a sky dome nearly 100 meters away. In the deep and vast darkness, a faint blue light radiated from the crystal pillars, reconciling the surrounding darkness, making the entire space appear quiet and serene.

The one who sighed was a gorgeous-looking beauty. She had wheat-colored skin and long fiery red hair, and she looked exotic on the outside. Her upper body was naked, and a pair of voluminous **** were exposed, and as she moved forward, her snake-like waist was gently twisted like a crime-if a beauty like this appeared in a tavern in a town, There is no doubt that it will become a fanatical pursuit of adventurers. The guy who is willing to throw away his daughters in exchange for a pro-Fangze, I believe there are as many as they need.

However, it is a pity that such a ecstasy beauty is not an object that an extraordinary person can suffer. In fact, all the guys who were bewildered by that beauty almost ended up turning into cold stones in the end.

In fact, she is not a pan-human race, and the body similar to humans is only above the waist. Her lower body is a long snake tail with red scales, which slides quietly. In the official records of the Gulambel Kingdom, she was called the "Evil Eye Demon Fairy", and for the dwarves of Tieyan Mountain, she was more accustomed to using the "Red Rock Ghost Mother" to refer to the queen of the demon tribe. Redstone mines are the kingdom of demons. Medusa regards all demons as her own young children, teaches them how to survive with wisdom, and watches them grow slowly in ignorance.

The process of educating young children brought Medusa unspeakable pleasure, but was often interrupted by the harassment of the dwarves.

For the goblin tribe, the dwarves are evil invaders. There are thousands of dwarves who died under the demons, and the same thing happened to the other side.

No matter how many dwarves die, Medusa won't care, but she is distressed by the sacrifice of the young children. In countless battles, she could not remember how many dwarves were turned into stone statues by her. The remains of the dwarves discarded in the mine have been piled into walls tens of meters high. However, even so, those bearded guys who were as hard as granite still did not give up their fight for the underground world.

Medusa had also thought about going to destroy the dwarf colony, but before she put this idea into practice, the Silver Emperor Frost and Snow descended on the Frost Mountains. The dwarves built the Frost Palace as a price, and the emperor recognized their status as a leader. If Medusa blatantly attacked the dwarf colony, it might be regarded as a provocation to the emperor's authority, and fighting against the silver dragon, Medusa hadn't even thought about it.

Although in the concept of ordinary people, monsters are often regarded as powerful creatures second only to dragons, the difference in strength between the two is far more than the literal series.

As a result, Medusa had to acquiesce in the dwarven tribe’s ownership of the existing mine, and took the initiative to restrict the range of activities of the young children, but it was barely safe. However, in recent years, with the rise of above-ground hot spring villages, the ghosts have turned their targets to travelers who come to Tieyan Mountain. Since the tribesmen were not protected by the emperor, Medusa no longer restrained them, only when dwarves or adventurers invaded the territory occasionally, they would be punished according to the situation.

Medusa has no ambitions for the dwarf settlements and the streets on the ground. The vast underground world is large enough to accommodate her and her young children. I thought that such days could continue, but the harsh reality forced her...

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