In the sky the moon floats like a view of people's fears and confusion without dying immensely.

The evil dragon, an absolute strong man, was swirling overhead laughing at vulnerable people, enjoying the screams of desperate and overwhelming people.

The dragon knows.

That people's screams will taste good and that even the flesh of inferior organisms will suffice to satisfy their own tongues.

About that time, the dragon struck a crowd of people with a tough, rampant jaw that chewed up steel.

The weak man had no skill to exchange, ready to be the bait of life, no, he gave up and closed his eyelids.

But the dragon fangs don't reach.

It was the figure of a beautiful knight confronting a dragon that jumped into the eyes of those who opened their fearful eyelids.

The knight bundles his hair as beautiful as the night sky with a cloth as the sea of the south.

The sides are neat as angels portrayed in mythology, but the flames of their eyes, with a fighting spirit, are rolling more than the dragon's breath.

The knight does not pull a single step against a dragon as huge as a mountain, but slashes its scales with a sword that emits the light of the obsidian.

A dragon never doubted himself as an absolute strong man.

Thus I could not even imagine the emergence of those who hunt themselves.

Only when the meal for the dragon had changed into a battle for life.

"Behold! That is Lord Cruz, the Kingsguard knight!

You will be revealed as a transcendent who defeated Iscarios!

The masses are hacked by the voices that rise from nowhere.

"Master Cruz can slash you down whether you're a dragon or not!

Oh, my God! Oh, my God!

The fire of hope lit the hearts of the people who were dreaded by the emergence of the Savior, who from heaven could also use you.

But is it the work of a sexually evil God that doesn't appease people so easily?

The flipped dragon emits from its jaw a golden fire that will extinguish all of the world.

The knight turns aside, but the fire instantly ashes the robust fortress that surrounds the city and puts a great hole in it.

People who see the power of paranormal lose their words.

To the hearts of people who are likely to solidify again, the knight releases a very strong word, though flat handed.

"I will surely defeat this dragon!!

But if there is, the sword will be dull!

Run! Outside this city!

The knight clings to the back of the dragon and protrudes his sword.

The dragon flies faster than the wind to the north sky in an attempt to scream and shake off what rides its own back.

The people left behind were often frightened,

"Run! Master Cruz is right!

Undisturbing Master Cruz's battle is the battle we can fight!

"That's right! Let's all get out of here!

Through the dragon's drilled hole to Lyzerbesse, north of the capital!

And so the men that were imprisoned by terror began their own battles.

Join your heart and head to the northern capital, Lyzerbesse.



[◆ Annie]

"If you want an actor, the play will be tightened!

Master Farkas, that's amazing!

'Cause I'm gonna use my voice all by myself and do all the Mob roles.'

[No name even if reincarnated]

"My voice is big and convincing.

He's the strongest agitator I've ever seen. "


The more people, the more emotions propagate.

If negative feelings like fear propagate, it's a positive thing called hope.

I voluntarily moved to live, thanks to Farkas giving me an additional element of hope in my measures to just drive people away with fear and haste.

You mean people can't live without hope?

"Cahahahaha! Cruz kun majiuke with a thousand actors!

"I'm sorry. Gaos.

You're an evil dragon. What a stigma. "

'I don't care. It was fun and this is ok.

Let me get my honor back in time ~ '

I'm on Gaos' back, heading towards Nils Village.

Limul deposited it with Farkas and Lexie.

I broke my promise quickly, but Riml accepted without complaining one by one.

All we have to do is find Merliah.

Looking down the mountain road from above to the village of Nils.

By the way, there are signs of landslides caused by the effects of the earthquake.

I hope Melia isn't involved...

The moment I showed myself to Merliah, my magic senses suddenly began to react.

But that's not like a normal reaction, it refers to a place a few kilometres away, even at a straight distance.

The characteristic of the sensed magic... is the same wavelength magic as mine.


[No name even if reincarnated]

"Wow... finally, Merliah, did you even mount the detection radar..."

[◆ Mario]

'If you say so, Meliá is like a homhomhomme split right now.

It may also have something to do with Arthur's arm mounting and powering up. "


I don't care why, but I appreciate the results.

"Gaos, fly as I instruct."


They put him on the back of Gaos and move on into the mountains.

Along the way, I felt uncomfortable.

Meliá's going too fast.

If I'm sure of Riml's memory, I wish I was at most in front of the mountain path.

Moreover, the location indicated by sensing is far deeper than the village of Nils.

Why the hell did you go to a place like this?

A loud explosion sounded from the top of the mountain as if to block my idea like that.


[No name even if reincarnated]

'Come on, it's time for a crap!

From the fire escape, this is the Imperial side!

If you're around here, you'll be swallowed up by the crushing stream!

◆ Works with

"Hurry! Hom Hom!


I know!

Gaos continues to fly low altitude along his mountain skin.

Eventually we reach a valley sandwiched with cliffs on both sides.

This is... in front of the aisle of God that leads to Idea's room workshop.

Are you saying you were putting things in a brilliant wrong place?

Pushing and killing discouragement, he gazed at the bottom of the valley and found a falling figure.


I jumped off the back of Gaos, barely checking.

By landing in a stream flowing at the bottom of the valley, he kills the shock and rushes to its body, which is falling.

Again, it was Melia.

I haven't even cloaked myself with a shirt and half a trouser outfit that's too light to head into the nesting mountains of monsters.

The wound doesn't look like it was painfully seen, but healing magic may have been activated.

However, he decided that his breathing was stable and safe.

"Melia! Get up!

When I shook my shoulder, I leaked my breath and slowly opened my eyelids.

The moment I met her eyes, she looked down first surprised, immediately relieved, and sorry.

"I'm sorry...... Mr. Cruz"

"I don't know what my apology is for, but I don't have time to say that right now.

I'll be out of here in a minute. "

In the meantime, let's take Gaos to Lyzerbesse.

I can't imagine how much the impact of the collapse of the Empire is.

But no matter what happens, I'll try to protect everything I want.



I'll be right down, just wait!

Gaos flaps his wings and slowly descends upon us... at that moment.

It just seemed like a glimmer of wind had passed through the valley.

But something attacked Gaos.

... Gaos' neck away from his torso and slapped him to the ground as he raised the ground.

"Yikes...... yaaaaaa!!

Master Gaos!!

Melia screams tall and tries to run over to Gaos.

I control my movements by holding them back. [M]

A little late, the torso was also slammed to the ground.


Gaos, who has only his neck, screams of a disconnected demon who is not converted into a humanistic language.

"Meh... I can't... I can't"

I lost my temper from Gaos' eyes.


[No name even if reincarnated]

"Lies... are you dead...?

[No name even if reincarnated]

'Wow, wow, wow!!

Gaos! Wake up!!

[◆ Auxiliary Guard]

"Homhom, be on your guard.

There's something here.

Something terrible. '


I can instantly kill Gaos...... you think it's something?

Impossible. Gaos' neck is protected by a horribly hard dragon scale.

If you are a dragon-damaging sorcerer with a special attack attribute, you will still not find the remnants of magic.

That incision is slaughtered by a sword.

Even Iscarios can't imitate Blade like that.

"Dear Gaos... Mr. Cruz...

Sorry, sorry...

If you don't come and help me... "

Meliá begs me for forgiveness as she weeps her face off.

I can't help but see that face stained with fear and sadness and my chest hurts.

I embraced Meliá's body to escape that suffering.

"I will not die.

You always said you'd keep protecting Meliá. "

I appreciate having both arms.

I can hug Melia at times like this.

Feeling Meliá breathing in my chest, I try to calmly exercise perimeter vigilance.


No matter how fast the slaughter may be, there is not even any view of its body from this position, which is far enough away.

I didn't see it for another reason...

"[Light Mist]"

Spray the magic around me around a radius of 10 meters with the Iscarios' magic radiation guidelines.

The fog of light purple broke into the area and found a spot where it would not stain the fog.

"[Lightning Blaze]!

With Meliá in his left arm, he unleashed magic with his right arm.

I caught something like a purple lightning bolt intertwined.


Brilliant! Good judgment!

My magic was played along with a fun laugh. [M]

It emerged loosely from the space where nothing was supposed to have happened.

The man, wrapped in a black aristocratic style outfit with bright white skin and bright red tri-white eyes on his hair, is thought to be a demon tribe.

Neither the body nor its characteristics are much different from those of a human being.

But even though he hasn't activated the magic, one scale of the immense magic that drifts is as big and rough as he's ever felt.

"Demon King...?

"That's right. Nice to meet you.


No, should I say 9E079 for the Elgaia model "

A chill runs on my back.

This man knows me.

And not me as an imperial knight, but me as a homunculus.

"I can even look scared.

Well, well, well.

You put your beloved Meliá in such danger. "

"You took Meliá."

"That sort of thing.

I had no idea you'd be back here so soon.

You were slapping me in the mouth, and Karellen is pathetic.

Thanks to you, I made a mistake. "

Carrellen's name came up, and he's crushing my behavior...

A spare attitude that sidelined you with enough fighting power to instantly kill Gaos.

"Pacis of Black Death......"

"Please specify. It's a good name to be afraid of me."

He hit Kashiwaki and pointed at me.


[No name even if reincarnated]

"If you think you're a bad guy, you're a rumored demon king!

[◆ Mitch]

"Dude... you're strong enough to use that Bergrinda and treat it like a parsley, right?

Hom Hom, you can't win alone!


Oh...... the strongest and worst in this world at the moment.

Esteria wasn't talking about aggressive aggression against humanity.

"Why am I here, the lazy one?

But you heard.

The answer is simple. I'm here to see you. "

"To me?

"Yes, yes. I live much longer than I look.

In the meantime, I've done a whole lot of experience.

Good deeds, evil deeds, pleasure, grief, triumph and defeat, I tasted them without liking or disliking them in the millennia of months, and as I did so, I couldn't get a living feeling from the emotional shifts that were in me alone.

The existence of itself is light and brought to life by wedging interest in others…

I love other people, in a physical way. "

The eagle attitude and the way you talked about eating people that only feels like you're being rolled corny over your palms.

I don't look down like Karellen, I don't tease myself.

"Maybe he and I were alike in the sense that we were bored.

So I was attracted to acacia. "

Also, I've been spinning words as if to read my emotions.

Do you also know about Acacia?

"I'm the one who left Acacia's eyes out of the reach of humans.

I wonder if I would have been happy as a human being if I had used it to such an extent as to predict tomorrow's weather and dinner, but I would be under the illusion of being chosen for what I was mistaken for, and so on.

Well, it was an emotion that deserved to be loved, both for its hilariousness and for its pious devotion to God. "

"Even about Acacia's eyes...

Apparently, what's in my head is a prospect. "

"I'm not trying to impress the Almighty.

I'll look into what I'm interested in, and I'm just saying I can do enough to look at my complexion and guess what I'm thinking.

For example, you... Cruz, you'd better say.

That's a good humane name, Merliah. "

Speaking up, Meliá shrugged her shoulders and shivered.

When I glance at him, Pacis snorts at him. [M]

"Don't be frightened just because you spoke up.

Was your first impression too bad after all? "

"What did you do to Melia!?

There is anger in words.

"I'm not doing anything serious.

I have a magic engraving on my back that is deeply engraved, so I want to see what it looks like.

I just opened it.

Ha ha, it really hurt strangely not to freak out, but I didn't scratch one. "

The opening of the magic engraving involves a great deal of pain.

I opened it in half, etc... there's no way I can forgive it.

I let go of my hand, which held Merliah, and took my sword, and flew towards Pacis, and cut her open.


Pacis twists his body and turns on my attack.

I keep repeating the attack, but I can't even make him take it instead of hitting it.


From my moving vision, I can see your sword stopping. [M]

Well worked out, but it can't be my threat. "

With that said, Pacis's figure disappeared like smoke.

The kind of magic that Bergrinda used?

"Don't go with Bergrinda's failed tricks or Esteria's toys."

Looking back at the voice I heard from behind me, Pacis stood behind Merliah and grabbed her jaw.

"Don't touch Melia!

"Hmm. Good emotion.

Pure anger like a wonderfully unmixed toddler and an exclusive desire for drooly and cloudy males.

Cruz, the taste of the emotions you've grown is different from that of a human being.

After all, it didn't seem like the wrong place to put my eyes. "

Meliá is frightened and frightened of her body.

There is an absolute opening to combat power, and with Meliá at hand, there is no way to strike me in the hand.

Do you beg for your life? No, you can't.

I'm not the one who can expect sympathy, and I can't offer him conditions that are beneficial.


[No name even if reincarnated]

"Auxiliary Guard! Mario!

Is something wrong?!?

[◆ Auxiliary Guard]

'I'm desperate to think.

But the conditions are too bad '

[◆ Mario]

"A strong character in this hand is a stone to be alert to, but there's nothing you can do about it if there's a difference so far.

I feel that he is too different in character from the enemies he has been opposed to.

I don't feel like I can win if something miraculous happens and Blade or Iscarios rushes to rescue me. "


Is that why you can give up?

You don't have to win.

You can let me die.

At least we can save Merliah.

"Cruz kun. Who are you talking to?

All of a sudden, the question that was thrown at me freaked me out and solidified me.

No way, I noticed the existence of the Koitz fairy!?

"It's not communication...

It's not like it's another personality.

Is parallel activation also possible if it is a homunculus-specific thought circuit......?


[No name even if reincarnated]

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Don't. Whoa, whoa!

Didn't Merriam find out who Homhom is just now, like he's different from a human being, or he's unique to Homncrus!?

[◆ Mitch]

"There I care now!?

But you do seem to find out... '


Priority is low in this situation.

More than that.

"Whoa! You just rocked.

I see... maybe you haven't told Merliah anything about yourself "

Pacis grabs Merliah's jaw and is forced to pull his face in front of his own eyes.


I jumped toward Pacis.

But all of a sudden, there's so much gravity all over my body that I get slammed to the ground.

I can't move one finger.

"Don't worry, I won't take it and eat it.

I'm tired of eating human meat.

More than that...... Merriam.

Do you love Cruz?

Merliah puts her eyes on the abrupt question of Pacis.

"Look dumb...

Are you fucking with me?

Pacis takes his sword out of the void like Esteria and puts it on my cheek.


"Then answer the question.

Do you love Cruz?

Melia says, shaking her lips.

"Oh, love... I am..."


The moment Pacis listened back, Merliah's back glowed and became like a bow.


"Merriam!! Stop it. Whoa!!

Pacis blocked his ears with his fingers,

"Shut up. Just shut up for a second."

And when you say and you stare at me, my voice ceases to speak.

At the same time, the light on Merliah's back went out.

"Haa! Ha ha..."

"Well. I'll ask you again.

Do you love Cruz?

absurd breath at Pacis repeating the same question. But Merliah,

"Ah... I love you"

"Even if they do this?

Light floats on Merriam's back again.

"Ugh! Ahhhhhhhhhh!

No, no, no, no, no!

"It will hurt. You'll be scared. But I won't let you die.

Your murder is in my hands. [M]

Please return a different answer.

I'll make it easier for you soon. "

Meliá raising her voice to severe pain.

Tears are spilling out of those eyes.

Pacis doesn't remember the joy of hurting Merliah.

He's right, I'm the one who's interested.

Stop it! Stop it. Eh!!

My body doesn't move one finger, and I don't have a voice trying to scream.

I can't forgive myself for Meliá being hurt because of me...

No sword, no magic, no Arthur's arm entrusted to Floria that has ever been forged will ever make sense to him.


My powerlessness...

Then the same interaction is repeated in front of me over and over again.

Melia repeats her words saying she loves her, even though she can't help but continue to be exposed to so much pain.

It was so hard on me that I couldn't help it. [M]


◆ Works with

"Damn!! Can't you manage it!!

There's nothing we can do but send word to Hom Hom!

[◆ Wild boar]

'I can't!

In the first place, it's unusual that words are being delivered to Homhom!

We just have to wait for Homhom to do something about it!


Don't make it easy for me to tell you what to do.

I'm doing it if I can.

It has always been so.

I've risked my life to protect Meliá.

For me, Merliah is more important than life.

It's not just life. Because Melia is so important that you can throw away everything you've ever gotten.

Yet there is nothing I can do.

Being alive... was it something so regrettable?

"Hahaha...... awesome. Awesome.

Even Merriam won't break her heart if she's exposed to this much more painful pain than death.

Kurus-kun is struck by despair when he sees the sight.

Neither did the emotions of others so palatable in their long lives.

I'm glad you're alive. "

Pacis grinned with satisfaction.

"But I feel sorry for Melia.

Because they keep lying to the people they love so much. "

That's how I let go to throw Meliá away.

Meliá leans closer to me as she crawls to the ground and reaches out.

"Ku... Mr. Cruz..."

At the moment when her hand tried to reach me, Pacis stepped on the back of Merliah's hand.

The bones in my hands break when I hear a noise of makeup.

"Aaah...... ku!

"It would be a mild pain compared to earlier.

But you must have a different fear of breaking your body than pain.

That's what people are for. "

Pacis grabs his hair and lifts his head while gravitating on me.

"Let me tell you the truth about Melia.

How he has continued to lie cruelly in relief. "

Pacis laughing at me and Merriam for saying that looks like the most fun I've ever had.

"Mr. Cruz... lied..."

Melia stares at me, distressed by the pain.

I feel like my eyes are blaming me. I want to meditate on my eyes, but I can't even do that.


◆ Works with

'Hey, don't!

Don't talk any more! Fucking demon king! '

[◆ Ozigi Sou]

"Bad personality! If you can't bend your feelings with pain, now psychic attack!?

Die! A hundred pens. Die!

[◆ Wild boar]

"One day, I was thinking that the time might come for Melia to find out about Homhom.

But that's not how it's done!

It's not something exposed with such malicious behavior!


The fairies are furious.

Pacis isn't completely readable in his head.

But I feel the emotions and theoretically assemble the information I know to read the thoughts.

That's why I react to the fairies' words in my brain. I guess I look like I'm hearing an illusion.

After looking at me chilly with surprised eyes, I turned to Meliá.

"Oh... he was lying.

If I were known, my relationship with you would collapse in an instant.

Yes, in a nutshell... Cruz isn't human. "

Piscilli, and the sound of broken glass echoed in my brain.

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