Homo sapiens

Chapter 220 Chance Encounter

What can I buy with 500 gold dollars in Hongsawady?

You can buy 60 kilograms of chicken legs, or 500 liters of raw milk, and 2,500 eggs. This is the price before discounts. During maternity leave, the price of special food for pregnant women is usually 50% off.

After a comprehensive prenatal check-up and reimbursement of medical insurance and maternity leave subsidies, it doesn’t cost much.

During the evolution of the natural environment over millions of years, a complete set of "self-regulating mechanisms" has been formed.

For example, the lemmings in the vast tundra of the Arctic Circle are a typical example.

The Homo sapiens company behind the Qingye Group has simulated the human social operating model through supercomputing.

I discovered a lot of interesting things, but these are all secrets within the company and are not accessible to outsiders.

The company's think tank researcher still submitted a special report to Li Qingye.

It is necessary for Homo sapiens companies to make good use of the special window period of about 20 years at present - the update period during the advancement of organism systems.

The so-called renewal period in the advancement process of an organism system refers to a short transition period before it becomes a system with highly developed technology and materials.

During this special window period, groups that retain traditional concepts are still generally in a physiological period suitable for reproduction.

During this period, new concepts have not been formed, and the new generation of employees are still ignorant or unborn. These transitional groups still have a buffer period of about 20 years.

Therefore, Homo sapiens companies can adopt a complete set of guidance programs to delay the decline of the company's self-hematopoietic ability.

This window period is very important. Once this window period is missed, it will be more difficult to change the mindset of the new generation of employees, and the price will be higher than it is now.

The Homo sapiens company wants to become a giant company. Before artificial womb technology and human cloning technology are mass-produced, natural reproduction is the only way to increase the number of employees.

Allowing employees to maintain a relatively high level of self-blood production is protecting the fundamental interests of the company.

Lai Xiaoni and Fang Xinxin did not know the mystery, but they only felt that the three major groups were very humane.

"It seems like a lot of people speak Chinese here? I didn't even have to speak English all the way here."

Fang Xinxin smiled and poured a cup of black tea for her husband, and then continued: "You may not have understood it in depth. In fact, when you enter a restaurant, store, station, airport, etc., you only need to look at the badges of the staff's uniforms."

"Are there any details about this?" Lai Xiaoni came all the way and thought that many people in Hongsawady could speak Mandarin.

Fang Xinxin explained: “Those who wear emerald badges can speak Burmese; those who wear ruby ​​badges can speak Chinese; those who wear sapphire badges can speak English; those who wear amethyst badges can speak Thai; and Those with obsidian badges are usually multilingual.”

"That's it." Lai Xiaoni suddenly realized, and she looked at the waiters in the tea restaurant.

Sure enough, some were wearing ruby ​​badges, and others were wearing sapphire and emerald badges.

"In addition, when you take transportation, your identity information has actually been entered into the internal system. The system will automatically remind the service agency of some information so that the corresponding waiters can be arranged. This is my work experience at the airport." Fang Xinxin reminded.

Now Lai Xiaoni finally understood that it was not her luck that met a Chinese-speaking waiter, but someone specially prepared it for her.

No wonder many people who have recently visited Hongsawady are full of praise for the service here.

After all, the biggest worry when traveling abroad is the language barrier.

While chatting, the two of them talked about traveling again.

"Xiao Ni, if you want to travel in Taunggyi, I recommend you to go to Yanzi Mountain, which is the largest nature reserve around Taunggyi."

Then Fang Xinxin added: "If you don't like to see the pure alpine rainforest, you can also go to Hongyan Farm, which has the largest low-salt ham production base in Shan State. I heard that the ham is imported from Xuanwei in southern Yunnan. Variety."

Then Fang Xinxin introduced several other good places.

"It seems that Sister Xinxin often travels!" Lai Xiaoni quickly took a small notebook and remembered it.

"The company has at least 5 days off every month. When it comes to holidays, it's quite easy to get a week's holiday together. My husband and I often travel. If it weren't for the inconvenience of having a bloated stomach right now, I would have planned to go to Siam. Travel for a while.”

Maung Heshui suddenly said: "When the child is born, there will be more than eight months of vacation. It won't be too late to go then."

"I don't know what's going on with Brother Xinwu recently?" Fang Xinxin became a little worried.

Maung Heshui shrugged: "When he contacted me some time ago, he seemed to have said that he was going to Kachin to get jade. Several jewelers from Xiangjiang were going there to discuss business."

"Emerald? Isn't mining prohibited?" Fang Xinxin was a little surprised.

Maung Heshui, who knew some of the inside story, smiled dryly and said: "Private mining is prohibited. The development group still has three mining areas that are engaged in small-scale mining."

Lai Xiaoni, who heard about the famous name of Hongsawady jadeite, asked curiously: "Isn't there no jadeite for sale here in Taunggyi?"

"No, the specialties here are medicine and agricultural products." Maung Heshui's answer was simple and clear.

Speaking of medicine, Fang Xinxin quickly helped Lai Xiaoni: "Xiaoni, it is very cheap to buy medicines in Taunggyi. In addition, the hospitals here are also very good. Scar removal, plastic surgery, body odor removal surgery, color blindness correction surgery, not only Not only is the technology good, but the price is also reasonable.”

"Color blindness correction surgery? Can color blindness be corrected?" Lai Xiaoni was very surprised.

One of her former classmates from Kangaroo Country had red-green color blindness, so she went to learn more about this disease.

Fang Xinxin nodded: "This was developed by Dr. Li Qingye."

"Li Qingye? The scientist who invented the new antibiotic? The founder of Qingye Group?"

"Well, that's him."

"Do you have a specific introduction?" Lai Xiaoni asked quickly.

"The official website of Qingye Medical should have an introduction to this aspect."

Lai Xiaoni opened her laptop and connected to the signal of the tea restaurant. Soon she found relevant content on the official website of Qingye Medical.

This is a special technology that allows patients to see normal colors by implanting an artificial cornea and artificial bionic nerves into the patient's eyeballs.

Currently, this kind of surgery can only be performed by Qingye Hospital. The price is 50,000 gold dollars for both eyes and 30,000 gold dollars for one eye. In addition, the artificial cornea has a service life and can only be used for about 5 years on average.

After the corrective surgery, I will go to Qingye Medical to get a new artificial cornea, which will cost only 10,000 gold dollars for both eyes.

This technique is also suitable for conjunctival diseases, corneal detachment and damage.

In fact, this technology was developed by Li Qingye for his own genetic disease of red-green color blindness. However, what is now in commercial application is an adjusted and simplified version. The artificial cornea used by Li Qingye is permanent.

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