Homo sapiens

Chapter 245 Equipment and Beating

After the artillery battle.

More than five hours have passed.

The Tianzhu army was filled with mourners, and the surroundings of the twenty-one large pits were in a mess.

Inside the river valley base.

Thunder Dragon One has quietly returned to the base's submersible port, and a large number of technicians are inspecting the hull and gun barrel of Thunder Dragon One.

Gu Li looked at the reconnaissance report in his hand and was not too surprised by the results of Thunder Dragon One, but he still reminded:

"The movement speed of Thunder Dragon One is still too slow. Once the enemy understands its situation, they will definitely use saturation strikes."

As the designer of Thunder Dragon One, Alexei said with a smile: "General Guli, don't worry, this is just the first-generation version, and I will upgrade Thunder Dragon One next."

"Upgraded? Has the ground effect ship's flight speed almost reached its limit?" Guli asked curiously.

"Yes, even if our engine power is relatively sufficient, the speed of Thunder Dragon One has reached its limit. 480 kilometers per hour is its limit speed."

"Then how to increase the speed?"

"It is not to increase the speed, but to reduce the size and build a batch of self-propelled artillery surface effect ships with a caliber of 150 mm. With our material advantages, the weight can be compressed to about 80 tons, the flying height is maintained at about 15 meters, and the flying speed is It can reach 650 kilometers per hour."

Haha, why do you guys have such big imaginations? Gu Li complained secretly.

Alexey continued: "The improved version of the Thunder Dragon ground effect ship can be used as a ground strike group and can be hidden underwater. Even if the opponent has an artillery radar, it will take a few minutes to launch rocket launchers and missiles after locking it. Encirclement and suppression.”

"Furthermore, the modified Thunder Dragon ground effect ship can completely fly away from the place with one shot. At a speed of 650 kilometers per hour, it can move more than ten kilometers in two or three minutes. In addition, the ultra-low-altitude flight radar cannot lock , the battlefield survival rate will skyrocket."

Guli secretly thought, fortunately, the production cost of many materials of Homo sapiens company is very low, otherwise the ordinary forces would have gone bankrupt long ago according to the crazy designs of you big heads.

Gunships like the Thunder Dragon 1 have various stealth designs, and can even be covered with an optical camouflage layer to make them invisible to satellites.

After using extended-range shells, even 150 mm caliber artillery shells can have a range of 60 to 70 kilometers.

Of course, the Thunder Dragon ground-effect ship can not only be used as a self-propelled artillery, but can also be transformed into a carrier platform for rocket launchers, anti-aircraft guns, and missiles.

The main reason why missile vehicles are not used is that the vehicle speed is too slow. In the face of modern artillery radars and early warning aircraft, the battlefield survival rate is too low.

Moreover, there are only a few roads in the Assam branch's control area. The targets are too obvious, and the road conditions are still very poor.

Therefore, some people in some bases before the Assam branch are thinking about how to solve this problem.

Alexey, who came from Lucia, had worked at the Caspian Shipyard before. He had seen large ground-effect ships like the Caspian Monster, so he proposed the ground-effect ship plan.

Thunder Dragon One is one of his experiments.

Thanks to the strong technical reserves of Homo sapiens, Alexei's Brontosaurus ground-effect vessel is proceeding very smoothly.

For example, the low-altitude flight control problems, ground obstacle avoidance problems, mountainous terrain problems, engine high energy consumption problems, and hull structural strength problems that previously plagued ground-effect aircraft have all been solved one by one.

This thing is a sharp weapon for the Assam branch that does not intend to live on the ground, the terrain is relatively complex, and the road foundation is not very good.

After all, this new type of ground effect ship does not need roads, and the parking site does not need to be too demanding. It can be parked on water, swamps, grasslands, and farmland.

Moreover, it can be used as a carrying platform for a variety of weapons, moves faster than an armed helicopter, and can fly at ultra-low altitudes.

Unless the Tianzhu people use early warning aircraft to hover around 24 hours a day, there is really nothing they can do with the Thunder Dragon ground effect ship.

Guli even considered customizing a batch of Thunder Dragon ground-effect ships as transport ships that can quickly move field troops.

He suddenly thought of a question: "Engineer Alexei, what is the range of the Brontosaurus ground effect ship?"

Alexey thought for a while: "The range of Thunder Dragon One is about 5,000 kilometers, and the improved version of Thunder Dragon ground effect ship is about 2,000 kilometers."

"2,000 kilometers? That's enough. If it's transformed into a troop carrier, it can carry about 30 people!"

Alexei raised an eyebrow: "Troop transport ship? If the heavy equipment is removed and a 30mm cannon is used, it can indeed carry 30 fully armed soldiers."

"What if we use Thunder Dragon One as the basis?"

"Thunder Dragon One? That can transport 200 fully armed soldiers."

Guli touched the stubble on his chin: "Can we let the ground effect ship launch an attack in flight?"

"Huh? General Guli has the same idea as me. My next step is to improve this problem." Alexey said happily.

The reason why the self-propelled artillery of the ground effect ship has to stop and fire is because of the recoil; the reason why the self-propelled artillery of the ground effect ship has to stop and fire; the reason why the rocket launcher and missiles have a sudden reduction in weight can easily cause the flight to lose control.

In fact, with the biochip and smart technology of Homo sapiens, it is still possible to improve this aspect.

The two talked for more than half an hour, and finally Guli agreed to help Alexei apply for special resources for the Thunder Dragon ground-effect ship project.

Guli has planned to apply to the branch to manufacture 200 to 300 small Thunder Dragon ground effect ships and 50 large Thunder Dragon ground effect ships.

As for the manufacturing base, it certainly cannot be placed in the Siliguri corridor, not even in the Darjeeling area.

Only the more closed Zhuyu and Manipur are suitable to become manufacturing bases for ground effect ships.

After watching the Thunder Dragon One performance battle.

Guli bid farewell to the base's chief Python Feilong and engineer Alexei, and secretly headed to the Darjeeling base with his men.

In the past few days, Assam and Tianzhu have not been calm, but they have been fighting, especially in air combat, which is basically every day.

But basically, Assam has the advantage in air combat.

Mainly due to the advantages of magnetic field radar and the harassment of drone groups.

Even a Mirage fighter plane can't gain much benefit from hundreds of drones.

Just in the middle of the night after the artillery battle ended.

The revenge of the Tianzhu Air Force is coming.

Three Mirage fighter jets, plus five MiG-25s pulled out from the storage warehouse, quickly approached the Siliguri Corridor.

The moment these planes take off.

The magnetic field radar at the Darjeeling base immediately locked the positions of these aircraft.

Then three small airports hidden in the mountains quickly opened their gates, and 60 fixed-wing drones equipped with rocket engines quickly took off.

Rather than saying this is an aircraft, it is better to say this is a cruise missile.

The drone flying close to the ground was not detected by the radar of the Tianzhu Air Force at all.

The moment the planes from both sides met over Siliguri City, the drone revealed its ferocious face.

The rocket engine exploded at full strength instantly, and the speed suddenly surged to Mach 2.5.

A Mirage fighter plane had no time to react and was attacked from three sides by three drones.

"Damn it!" The pilot pressed the cannon button in panic, and the cannon fired violently at the drone rushing forward.

But he was too naive.

The drone exploded on its own, and a large number of steel needles were sprayed in all directions like a goddess scattering flowers.

The desperate pilot could only pull the ejection seat.

However, his body was penetrated by several steel needles. The severe pain caused him to pass out and then hit the ground.

Other aircraft quickly pulled up, and during this period, two more MiG-25s were destroyed by more than a dozen drones.

The two sides fought for more than ten minutes, and finally only two MiG-25s and two Mirage fighter jets retreated safely.

Faced with this kind of drone raid, the Tianzhu Air Force was very powerless, mainly because the drones were not afraid of death at all. Low-cost drones and expensive fighter jets fought head-on. Even if it was 10 for 1, the fighter side would lose money. of.

Thank you for your support (ω`), and thank you to book friends "cooper141", "Brother of Entrepreneurs", and "Tigerhill" for their rewards.

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