Homo sapiens

Chapter 261 Converts (4)

Ed came out of the dental operating room and grinned in front of the mirror.

The big yellow teeth that used to be interlocked are now extremely neat and white, making him look a bit more handsome.

And compared to Ed's dental surgery.

In the ophthalmic operating room, Root, the two doctors and several nurses who operated on him were not so relaxed.

Root's left eye was blinded by a flying pebble, and now the entire eyeball is basically unusable, so the surgeon chose to remove the eyeball and then implant an artificial eyeball.

Implanting an artificial eyeball is not difficult.

The real difficulty lies in the connection between the nerve circuit and the bionic neurons of the artificial eyeball, which requires the surgeon to carefully connect it to keep vision intact.

The operation lasted more than six hours.

The visual nerve connection between the orbit of the left eye and the artificial eyeball was completed.

After Root was woken up by the doctor, he subconsciously opened his eyes, and then he saw the bright and dazzling operating room lights.

Then he reacted: "My eyes have recovered?"

"We still need to test, Xiaoya, check him again." The surgeon turned his head and ordered one of the nurses.

Xiaoya nodded: "Okay."

Root was brought to an eye testing device, and nurse Xiaoya performed a dioptric and colorimetric examination on his left eye.

While inspecting, he carefully fine-tuned the device connected to the artificial eyeball until Root's left eye reached its optimal condition.

Due to the particularity of the Assam branch, the artificial eyeballs used by Root are better than the civilian artificial corneas currently launched by Qingye Group. At least the corneas do not need to be replaced every five years.

Root, who originally thought he could only become a one-eyed dragon in the future, is now very excited.

When he walked out of the ophthalmology department, he saw many recruits coming for surgery. Ed stood up and waved to him: "Lute, you are the only one left."

It was exactly 11:30 pm.

The four of them walked out of the hospital door together.

There is a street right in front of the hospital. The buildings on both sides are six stories high, and on the ceiling above the street is a biological display screen.

At this time, the biological display screen has entered the starry sky state, with a bright moon in the middle, which looks no different from the night sky on the surface.

The area where the hospital is located consists of dormitories and some office areas.

Since Siliguri Base City is positioned as a highly militarized area, there are not many ordinary residents here, and many of them are relatives of security guards.

The Prisoner Rehabilitation Camp in the training base is about 2.3 kilometers away from the First Hospital in Siliguri.

Instead of taking the electric bus, the four walked back to the boot camp.

Even late at night.

There are also many pedestrians on the street.

On the billboards on both sides, some strange advertisements will flash from time to time, or various domestic and foreign news will be broadcast.

Ed, who had already put on the bone conduction patch, suddenly stopped and stopped in front of a billboard.

[Today’s news: 1. Large-scale riots broke out in the Tamil region of southern Tianzhu, attracting great international attention...]

Ed even saw a few shots from his hometown, which made him worried involuntarily.

Others stopped too.

"Tamil? Isn't this where your hometown is, Ed?"

"Did something happen over there too?"

Root patted Ed on the shoulder: "Don't worry."

Ed showed a reluctant smile: "Thank you, I don't know what will happen in the future. It would be great if Tamil could be as developed as Assam!"

Others feel the same way.

Although they had only joined for a day or two, through their observations and various supporting facilities and benefits, they felt that the Assam branch was really good.

For people like Ed whose hometown is in enemy-occupied territory, after comparing the various situations in Assam and Tianzhu, it is easy to see who is better.

For example, the medical services they enjoy today, if they were in Tianzhu, not to mention small soldiers like them, even Brahmins and Kshatriyas would not necessarily be able to obtain this level of medical services.

Not to mention other aspects, just in terms of food, Tianzhu Army's food is notoriously poor.

Some Tianzhu soldiers who serve in plateau and high mountain areas, their daily staple food is white sugar. It is only the ordinary people of Tianzhu who are used to being submissive that they can adapt to this kind of diet.

As for the Internet, it is often said that there are more vegetarians in Tianzhu, but this is just because you can talk while standing without pain.

If they could eat meat, eggs, and milk, they wouldn't refuse it. The problem is that they can't afford it, not that they don't eat it. Many people are passive vegetarians.

Tianzhu has an annual grain output of 300 million tons and a population of 1.4 billion. It can also export 10 to 13 million tons of rice and 5 million tons of wheat every year. The per capita grain is only 203 kilograms.

With this level of per capita food, there is simply no food left to feed livestock, chickens, ducks and geese. Naturally, consumption of meat, eggs and milk is out of the question.

Ed, Root and others who have served in the Tianzhu Army know this very well. Among those officers of Kshatriya and Brahmin origin, which one does not eat meat?

The Redwood Federation in Tianzhu and South America is also a godlike existence like a crouching dragon and phoenix chicks in other countries around the world.

Tianzhu still has a population of 1.4 billion, making it difficult to increase per capita.

The annual grain output of the Redwood Federation is about 260 million tons, the population is only 214 million, and the per capita grain is 1,215 kilograms. However, the Redwood Federation has 60 million people who do not have enough to eat.

This kind of black humor-like magical plot appears in reality.

Ed had the most sumptuous meal in his life last night. Meatloaf, fried eggs, curry rice and vegetables were all available in the cafeteria as long as he could eat them.

He thought it was just for welcoming the new year last night, but today he discovered that it was a standard part of his daily diet.

According to the instructor's explanation, these ingredients are now very ordinary artificial foods, which are produced and eaten only in temporary emergencies.

If you are at the company headquarters or a base city with better conditions, you will basically eat better eggs, pigs, cattle, sheep, chickens, ducks and geese.

Ed was greatly shocked by this. Although he did not understand what Versailles literature was, he did feel the rich style of the Assam branch.

In Ed's opinion, if the standard of living in the base city of Siliguri is poor, then the Tamil area in his hometown is hell on earth.

It’s no wonder that people like Ed and others reflect on why their hometown still looks like a ghost when life in Assam is so wonderful.

As soldiers of the Tianzhu Army, they knew something about the Assam rebels, who had only rebelled against Tianzhu for about a month.

Even though they had been secretly prepared before, the earth-shaking sudden change before them still made Ed and others feel unbelievable and fell into uncontrollable reflection.

Why can't Tianzhu, after more than seventy years, compare with the sudden rise of forces like Assam?

Although this reflection is one-sided, it is also full of prejudice.

But at this moment, Ed and others were full of curiosity about everything in the Assam region, and even unknowingly developed a fanatical worship.

And they showed completely different attitudes towards everything about Tianzhu, full of negative reflection and contempt.

In fact, it is very normal for such changes in mentality to occur.

A man was struggling desperately in the slums. Suddenly one day he was adopted by a rich man and lived a life without worries about food and clothing.

What will happen to this person's mentality?

Will he miss his days in the ghetto?

No! Not only will he not miss it, he will also despise and despise his past life, and reflect on why he was useless in the slums, but now he can have enough food and clothing.

Most people would think so.

This is human nature.

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