Homo sapiens

Chapter 287 Helpless

"The third key point is weapons."

Redding Fan pointed to the photo.

The above lists various weapons and equipment that have been disclosed or discovered by the Homo sapiens company.

Army equipment: Cobra assault rifle (7 mm caliber), Cobra heavy machine gun (12 mm caliber), Cobra sniper rifle (12 mm caliber), Cobra pistol (7 mm caliber)...

Tiger auxiliary exoskeleton armor (can be matched with various universal modules), Lynx all-terrain armored vehicle (can be matched with various universal modules), Malayan Crocodile amphibious armored vehicle, Sumatran Tiger light tank...

Naval equipment: 43 Manila-class frigates, 8 Luzon-class amphibious assault ships, and 3 Greater Luzon-class amphibious assault ships.

One giant submarine with a displacement of 70,000 to 80,000 tons (suspected to be nuclear-powered), at least 10 or more large submarines, and an unknown number of small submarines.

There are also 173 large coast guard ships, 22 supply ships, 12 large hovercraft, and 27 special ships.

Its navy is equipped with special giant guns, nearly invisible large and small drones, Seahawk fighter jets (an improved version of the MiG-25), special silent mines and torpedoes.

Air force equipment: Eagle fighter (an improved version of the MiG-25), Owl helicopter, large and small drones, Jinpeng transport aircraft (can be changed into bombers and early warning aircraft).

Special weapons and equipment: Longgrand cannon, armed satellite (suspected).

After reading the introduction of these equipment, all the U.S. military generals present faced up to the strength of the Homo sapiens company.

Redding Fan pointed to one of the confusing satellite pictures: "Among these weapons, the greatest threat to us is undoubtedly the super submarine and the Longgrand cannon."

"According to reports from the Guam base, the opponent's submarines are obviously stronger than ours in terms of diving depth and noise reduction. This is also the reason why three Los Angeles-class submarines were driven out of the Luzon Sea."

A trace of embarrassment appeared on Benjamin's face. In this confrontation, their navy was indeed humiliated.

Lei Dingfan pointed to another picture, which was the Hailili taken at Changi Base: "In addition, according to Major General Sullivan's observation, Homo sapiens company's shipbuilding technology is also extraordinary. At least their materials are very high in strength. You can go head-to-head with the underwater rocks.”

Looking at the rough appearance of the Haili, Benjamin frowned more and more:

"If the submarines and warships of Homo sapiens can reach this level, then our missiles must be improved in a targeted manner, otherwise it will be difficult to break through their armor."

Mark William directly set the tone: "Whether they use this level of materials on submarines and warships or not, we must treat them as such and develop corresponding armor-piercing warheads."

John, the person in charge of the equipment bidding office, replied while taking notes: "I will ask the equipment bidding office to formulate a corresponding bidding plan."

Benjamin asked with a headache: "Equipment Research Office, how do you deal with the stealth technology and silencer technology of Homo sapiens company?"

Anthony, the head of the equipment research office, also looked confused. Since the conflict broke out, their office has been studying how to deal with the Homo sapiens company's stealth technology and silencer technology.

However, their office has gathered hundreds of analysts and experts in the field of weapons and equipment research and development, and they still have not thought of any reasonable technology.

He could only bite the bullet and speak now: "Everyone, the problem we encountered is that the opponent's aircraft can generally fly flexibly at ultra-low altitudes, and their absorbing materials are very good, unless this material can be obtained."

"The drone wreckage should have been seized, right?" Mark William looked at Benjamin.

But Benjamin shook his head in embarrassment: "No, the opponent's drones were all destroyed by explosions."

For suicide drones (i.e. cruise missiles), Homo sapiens company only applies a layer of special disposable absorbing material. This material has a characteristic, that is, it is only effective for 10 hours.

The material itself does not have a wave-absorbing function after spraying, but as long as a current of 172 to 175 volts is passed through for about 30 seconds, the wave-absorbing properties of the coating will be activated.

However, after activation, this characteristic can only be maintained for a period of time. This maintenance time can be adjusted. Once the time is up, the coating will automatically decompose into other components.

When burned by napalm and thermite, or blown into pieces, even if the US military obtains part of the wreckage, it will be difficult to develop the same material or discover its weaknesses through reverse engineering.

Many of the weapons and equipment of the Homo Sapien Company are specially kept confidential. Unless there is someone inside the Homo Sapien Company, America will have difficulty in obtaining these secrets.

Lei Dingfan sighed helplessly: "This is also our biggest trouble at the moment. The phased array radar we are currently equipped with cannot lock the opponent's aircraft."

The inability of radar to lock on to the target is definitely a nightmare for modern armies. Many weapons and equipment now require radar to lock on to the target before they can be destroyed and intercepted.

As for relying on manual observation, it is not feasible now.

This is not a Hollywood blockbuster.

If you want to rely on manual control of anti-aircraft guns to shoot down aircraft, you will have to equip the entire battleship with Phalanx cannons and anti-aircraft guns to be able to defend against highly stealthy ultra-low-altitude drones.

Similar to aircraft carriers and amphibious assault ships, aircraft need to be parked on the deck, and it is impossible to equip too many Phalanx cannons.

Mark William, who had an even bigger headache than Benjamin, asked: “Why can’t the radio jamming system make the Homo sapiens drones go out of control?”

"According to the feedback from the Fifth Fleet, they did activate the drone jamming system, but it had no effect on the drones of the Homo sapiens company." Lei Dingfan was puzzled by this at the same time.

Obviously they have fallen into the blind corner of inertial thinking again.

Conventional drones will be interfered because conventional drones need navigation and monitoring, which requires electronic equipment. The chip computing power of conventional drones is very average and cannot support intelligent programs at all. They can only follow the set settings. Program running.

A drone equipped with a biochip and magnetic field radar has its own computing power equivalent to a supercomputer, and does not require the support of satellite navigation and external radar, so it will naturally not be interfered with.

It's like a cell phone.

Mobile phones with traditional electronic chips cannot browse websites without Internet access.

A mobile phone equipped with a biochip has a very large database and computing power, and it can achieve the effect of "pretending to browse" a website.

For example, if you want to watch a TV series on your mobile phone, the biochip can compress the TV series data on the market into the database in advance.

In this case, whether there is Internet or not, it does not affect watching TV series.

This is the case with the drones produced by Homo sapiens.

The Pentagon also uses electronic systems as a basis to speculate on the drones of the Homo sapiens company, which is obviously trying to catch a tree.

After discussing for a long time, the Pentagon only came to one conclusion, that is, the Homo sapiens company has a great advantage over the US military in conventional weapons.

This conclusion made many US military generals very frustrated.

At the same time, it also dispelled some people's idea of ​​​​retaliating against the Homo sapiens company in a short period of time. Now that nuclear war cannot be fought and conventional hot war cannot be fought, naturally no one dares to clamor.

Day two of the Pentagon meeting.

An assessment report on the military strength of the Homo sapiens company was sent to the Council of the City on the Hill and the heads of the agencies on the surface.

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