The man barked at the woman.

The restaurant owner looked at the man scornfully and said, "you are really poor.".

"How dare you think of my sister?"

The female brain circuit is strange.


When did he say that? Although there were some unrealistic ideas in his mind, he hid them very well.

"I knew for a long time that you are a scum man."

The woman was furious.

"I'm going to kill you."

After that, he grabbed the man, and the long manicure directly scratched the man's face.

"You're crazy."

The man was so angry that he started.

Chu Chen and Zhou Xingwen didn't want to waste their time here and walked into the restaurant.

They were eating and chatting.

"Are you going to get married?"

Chu Chen was very surprised.


Zhou Xingwen was very happy and nodded:

"I want to ask you to be my best man and help me support the show with your beauty. Don't you refuse?"

"Nonsense, can I refuse? If you don't come to me, I will blame you?"

Chu Chen is happy for Lao Zhou.

"But there's one more thing, too much trouble?"

Chu Chen's face is distressed.

"What's the matter?" Zhou Xingwen was very puzzled.

"If I become the best man, then all the bridesmaids will tell me what to do?"

Chu Chen spoke seriously:

"there will be a lot of pressure for other best men to stand with me."

Chu Chen said from the heart.

If such a thing happened that day and he stole the limelight of Lao Zhou, it would be bad. We must think about it.

"It's yours."

Zhou Xingwen make complaints about Tucao.

What did he think was wrong?

But he has known Chu Chen for a long time. Because he is so handsome, he has seen many things about Chu Chen being chased by countless girls.

It's also because of this that Chu Chen has few friends, and every day he has to be under invisible pressure from Chu Chen.

He was also very envious of Chu Chen at the beginning, but as time goes by, he just got used to it.

Drinking, Zhou Xingwen a little drunk, in the face of his brother, he is not hiding, said a few words from the heart.

"Ah, old Chu, you don't know how much it costs to get married now."

Zhou Xingwen has difficulties in his heart, but he can't tell his parents and girlfriend that he can only sue in front of his brother.

Anyway, after a drink, life goes on.

"Betrothal gifts, house, marriage, wine and banquet in the hotel..."

"my girlfriend is OK, but my father-in-law and mother-in-law are too snobbish."

While drinking, Zhou Xingwen said:

"in order to show off in front of relatives and neighbors, I have to book the banquet in a five-star hotel, have more than 16 tables, and use a luxury car fleet to pick up relatives."

"I check, even if the most common five-star hotel booking, all kinds of messy, the minimum budget is 200000."

This is still in the second tier cities like Jiangzhou, not the first tier cities, otherwise it will be more expensive.

"There are also wedding teams, which need eight luxury cars, and the worst cars need more than a million. After that, it will cost tens of thousands of yuan."

"Where can I get it out?"

Zhou Xingwen's family is not rich. In order to get married, his parents took out their life savings, gave betrothal gifts, and paid a down payment for buying a house.

There's no money left.

He doesn't have any higher education. His income is average. He has only saved tens of thousands of yuan, but now he is still 200000 yuan short?

Zhou Xingwen is desperate.

"Fortunately, my girlfriend gave me comfort. She said that a simple wedding would be OK. For this, she had a big fight with her parents and even broke up the relationship."

Hearing this, Chu Chen nodded.

According to Lao Zhou, his girlfriend really loves him!

"As a man, how can I let my girlfriend do that?"

Zhou Xingwen spoke.

Needless to say, because of his parents, girlfriend must be very painful.

"After all, it's her parents. If only a simple wedding is held, there will be countless troubles after marriage."

After that, Zhou Xingwen drank all the wine in his glass.

"It's just a hotel and a fleet?"

Chu Chen opens his mouth.

"Leave it to me, little one."

As long as tomorrow to send another day of takeout, Xilan international hotel is his.

It's a famous luxury hotel in Jiangzhou. It's a top five-star hotel, far beyond the requirements of Zhou's father-in-law and mother-in-law.

It's easy for him to make a phone call, not to mention a banquet hall, even for all the banquet halls in the whole hotel.As for the team, it's better to say.

There are no cars under 20 million in his garage.

That Rolls Royce is the first class, which is very suitable for being the leading car, domineering and dignified.

Then take a few cars from Junlin group, and the team will solve the problem.

At that time, I will definitely give the old perimeter face.

He wanted to see what Lao Zhou said to his snobbish father-in-law and mother-in-law.

Hear Chu Chen's words, some drunk old Monday Leng.

"Lao Chu, I've understood your kindness."

"It's not easy for you to deliver delivery."

Zhou Xingwen refused.

"Do you think I'm delivering delivery? I'm just experiencing life." Chu Chen explained.

"Old Chu..." Zhou Xingwen also refused.

"You're still not a brother. I'll take care of that."

Chu Chen opens his mouth.

Finally, Zhou Xingwen did not continue to refuse. He knew Chu Chen's character.

"Thanks, brother!"

This money should be borrowed by him. When he makes money, he will pay it back.

After drinking for a while, Chu Chen and Zhou Xingwen left.

Chu Chen had nothing to do with it, but Lao Zhou was a little dizzy.

Chu Chen helped Lao Zhou to the roadside, ready to take a taxi and send him back.

However, the car didn't wait, but a middle-aged couple just came shopping.

"Zhou Xingwen?"

Looking at Zhou Xingwen, the middle-aged man frowned.

"Why are you here, not preparing for the wedding, and still have time to drink, Zhou Xingwen, can you?"

Middle aged women are even more sarcastic.

"Dad, mom."

After seeing the middle-aged couple, Zhou Xingwen immediately spoke politely.

"Don't call me dad."

The middle-aged man retorted.

"Yes, you can't do what we say. You don't want to marry our daughter."

The middle-aged woman agreed.

Originally, they wanted their daughter to marry a rich man. Who knew that her daughter was so stupid that she found a poor boy.

This made them very angry and dissatisfied with Zhou Xingwen, so they deliberately made Zhou Xingwen difficult.

If it can be done, it's easy to say. If it can't be done, ha ha.

"How about five-star hotel

"And a fleet of luxury cars?"


Zhou Xingwen sighed and lowered his head.

"Why, not yet?"

Hearing this, the middle-aged woman suddenly became angry and yelled at Zhou Xingwen:

"you're going to get married in a few days, and you haven't made a hotel reservation yet, welcome team?"

"You're a loser!"

Hearing the middle-aged woman's voice, passers-by could not help looking here.

"Who says we don't have a team?"

A faint voice came.

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