Xia Mengqi was nervous.

She can't help holding Chu Chen and pretending to be a close couple.

She's praying, don't find herself.

I hope that this time, she made the right choice to change her mind.

Generally speaking, if you are chased, you must want to escape as soon as possible. In this way, it is the best choice to leave by car, while the slower bicycle is the first to be abandoned.

Xia Mengying changed her mind, stopped a bicycle, and changed her clothes before, and wrapped herself up tightly.

Hope not to be found out.

Standing in front of the railway station, several big men in black looked around.

"Look for all the cars in the neighborhood."

A leading man spoke.

Soon, they checked the vehicles nearby in batches.

As for Chu Chen's bicycle, they automatically ignored it.

Looking at the railway station gradually disappeared in the field of vision, Xia Mengqi was relieved, her judgment is correct.

"Little brother, what kind of bike are you

"How do I feel like I'm faster than the others?"

Xia Mengqi is very curious.

"Of course, it's more than 4 million. If you can't even compare with ordinary bicycles, it's really rubbish."

Chu Chen tells the truth.


"You said the bike was more than 4 million?"

Sitting in the back, Xia Mengqi was extremely surprised.

"Well, there are no more than four million bicycles in the world."

She has also seen a lot of big scenes, all kinds of top sports cars, but never heard that bicycles are so expensive.

Although far away from the railway station, but afraid of accidents, Xia Mengqi still dare not leave, can only continue to stay in the car.

More than ten minutes later, they came to Wenhuan Art Museum.

"Art Museum?"

Xia Mengqi was a little surprised after she got off the bus.

"What's the matter?" Chu dust turns a head, don't understand of ask a way.

"So handsome?"

Because just now too nervous, Xia Mengqi did not pay attention to Chu Chen's appearance, just want to quickly escape there.

Now, it is the first time that she has noticed Chu Chen's appearance.

Compared with Chu Chen, those little fresh meat in the entertainment circle are so weak.

"Let's go."

After saying this, Chu Chen went to the cultural Fantasy Art Museum.


Subconsciously nodded, Xia Mengqi followed.

Before I went in, there was an elegant piano sound.

There are only two pianos in the huge exhibition hall.

The first one is in the middle of the exhibition hall, and the second one is on the left corner.

Before the first piano, there was no one.

Instead, there were six or seven girls around in front of the second piano, looking at the man playing the piano with adoration and admiration.

The sound of the piano just now came from here.

Sitting in front of the piano was a man with white skin. He was tall, with long brown hair and the appearance of a melancholy prince.

"So handsome."

"This temperament, with sad music, I fell in love."

"Is this the male god for music?"

Six or seven girls gathered around and kept discussing.

At the end of the piano performance, the melancholy man got up and made a gentle bow.

"How handsome."

Seeing this, the girls were even more excited.

Up, the melancholy man just saw Chu Chen and Xia Mengqi who came in.

Although Xia Mengqi was wearing a mask and a beret, the melancholy man noticed her at a glance.

With years of teasing girls, walking in the flowers to practice the eyesight, only to see Xia Mengqi's eyes, he is absolutely sure that this is a big beauty, far more than these few onlookers of little girls.


However, when he noticed Chu Chen, he felt a strong threat.

How can this boy be more handsome than him? Of course, just a little?

"Next, I'll present a song for this beautiful young lady - to Alice."

Looking at Xia Mengqi, the melancholy man said gentlemanly.

Maybe the beauty can't compare with the man beside the beauty for the time being, but in terms of connotation, temperament and piano level, he will never lose.

Looking in the direction of the melancholy man, several girls noticed Xia Mengqi.

"Wow, she's so lucky!"

"I'm so sad to let the boys offer music on their own initiative."

Several little girls looked at Xia Mengqi, envious, envious.

The melancholy man began to play to Alice.

To Alice is a world famous song written by Beethoven.However, as soon as the melancholy man began to play, Xia Mengqi shook her head.

This melancholy man can cheat the little girl who doesn't know anything.

As a singer and star, she has met many big players, including a couple of famous pianists.

Not to mention compared with those pianists, even she plays better than this melancholy man.

Thinking, Xia Mengqi looks at Chu Chen.

She wondered what Chu was doing here. Could he play the piano, too?

the sound of the system appears in Chu Chen's mind.

Punch in.


[clocking success]

[congratulations on the master piano level]

with the reward of the system, Chu Chen suddenly had countless musical knowledge in his mind, as if he had studied piano for countless years.

Chu Chen closed his eyes and digested the knowledge.

At this time, the melancholy man finished playing and got up slowly.

He is ready to accept Xia Mengqi's worship and appreciation.

Thinking, a faint smile appeared on the melancholy man's face.

He got up and looked at Xia Mengqi.

The next second, he was stunned.

How could that be?

There is a big gap between the development of things and his imagination.

Xia Mengqi didn't pay attention to him at all, but stares at Chu Chen curiously.

Failed to seduce my sister?


So many years of flirting experience.

Even if this beauty is not convinced by herself, she should appreciate him very much.

The melancholy man didn't want to believe that he had just failed.

Thinking, he went to Chu Chen.

Since it doesn't work, it's a different way.

"Friend, can you play the piano, too?"

The melancholy man asks Chu Chen curiously.

"I just know how to play." Chu Chen answers.

He really can't play the piano until he finishes the task and gets the reward.

I just learned it.

"Is that so?"

After confirming Chu Chen's general piano level, the melancholy man sneered in his heart.

I don't know how to play the piano.

"Piano is a noble art." The melancholy man spoke.

"It needs to keep learning and listening to other people's opinions so that it can keep improving."

"To Alice, which I played just now, was also instructed by the master. I have a deep feeling for it."

The melancholy man suggested chuchen.

"You've just learned it. If you don't play it well, it doesn't matter."

"I can give you some advice."

As soon as the melancholy man finished, several of his little fans echoed.

"Master, do you want to instruct others? How excited?"

"Male god, that is a real piano master. You should be very happy and proud that he can instruct you."

"You will never forget this experience."

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