Angel entertainment group, once one of the top ten entertainment groups, had a market value of 80 billion at its peak. "

"80 billion at the peak?"

His 18% shares were once worth 14.4 billion?!

Is that crazy?

After reading the information, Chu Chen has learned something about angel entertainment group.

No matter what, Chu Chen was very happy when he got 5 billion.


With Chu Chen becoming the angel Entertainment Group's "the mysterious rich man in Jiangzhou, Mr. Chu actually bought 18% of the shares at one go?"

Zhang Zimo was very surprised.

It's terrible for this mysterious Mr. Chu to take 5 billion shares in such a quiet situation.

"It might be an opportunity."

Zhang Zimo's eyes brightened.

Angel entertainment group want to rise again, without the support of external forces, it can not.

This time, the appearance of this mysterious Mr. Chu may be an opportunity for angel entertainment group to rise again.

"Help me contact Vice President Lin immediately, and book me a ticket to Jiangzhou by the way."

"The sooner the ticket, the better."

At the moment, Zhang Zimo can't wait to see Mr. Chu and have a good chat.

Half an hour later, Zhang Zimo and a few of his confidants had a good discussion, and also successfully reserved the air ticket for tomorrow morning.

They are expected to fly to Jiangzhou around noon.


The next day, at more than 9 a.m., Xu Rongrong arrived at the airport.

Yesterday, she received wechat. Mr. Meng Tianyu is coming to Jiangzhou today. As a landlord, Xu Rongrong is coming to pick up the plane.

Meng Tianyu is one of her peers, one grade older than her, and one of Xu Rongrong's pursuers.

Mr. Meng Tianyu is the vice president of the student union. He is good at learning, music, sports and so on.

It is said that the family is very rich, is worthy of the name of Gao Fu Shuai, self-motivated.

Thinking of this, Xu Rongrong unconsciously compares Chu Chen with Meng Tianyu.

It seems that Meng Tianyu crushed Chu dust in all aspects.

It's really a dragon in the sky, a reptile on the ground. It's impossible to compare.

"Xu Rongrong, how did you see Chu Chen then?"

Xu Rongrong couldn't help laughing at himself.

"I was blind."

Soon, a tall young man in sunglasses walked out of the airport.

He is Meng Tianyu, Xu Rongrong's pursuer.

"Xu Xuemei."

After seeing Xu Rongrong, Meng Tianyu waved his hand.

"Long time no see. You're beautiful again."


"Wait a minute. I'll take a call."

Meng Tianyu's cell phone rings.

"Well, you're outside the airport, right? Well, I'll come to you right now."

After hanging up the phone, Meng Tianyu explained:

"I have a friend in Jiangzhou who came by car and took us to the hotel."

Meng Tianyu and Xu Rongrong walk outside the airport.

Outside the airport, a small motorcade attracted a lot of attention.

The team has only five cars, but they are all Lamborghini, Ferrari and other luxury cars.

After seeing Meng Tianyu come out, a thin young man with Bentley was the first to say:

"brother Yu, here you are."

"This is Qi Xin, my friend. My father is the vice president of Fenglin group."

Meng Tianyu said.


Xu Rongrong spoke.

Although the surface is very calm, but the heart is very surprised.

Fenglin group, a famous enterprise in Jiangzhou, has a market value of 2.3 billion.

As the vice president of Fenglin group, he is worth at least several hundred million.

"This is my sister-in-law. Good sister-in-law."

Seeing Xu Rongrong, Qi Xin spoke politely.

"Not yet. He's my schoolgirl and a native of Jiangzhou. He's here to pick me up."

Meng Tianyu looked at Xu Rongrong and waited for a while before explaining.

To be honest, in addition to playing in Jiangzhou this time, his goal is to win Xu Rongrong.

"Not yet, sooner or later."

Qi Xin replied with a smile.

"Brother Yu, let me introduce you. This is Lao sun..."

Qi Xin introduced the owners of other luxury cars to one side.

It turns out that these are the second generation of the rich.

After listening to the introduction, Xu Rongrong was extremely curious.

What does Meng Tianyu's family do? Why are all his friends rich?

"This is my elder brother, Meng Tianyu and Yu Ge. I tell you, Yu GE's family is a shareholder of angel entertainment group, with assets of 10 billion."Qi Xin is very proud of the opening.


Several rich second generation are shocked.

Although they are all the second generation of rich people, their family assets are generally several hundred million or so.

Now, hearing that Meng Tianyu's father has a market value of tens of billions, the shareholders of angel entertainment group are very surprised.

"Yuge is good."

"Yuge is good."

Xu Rongrong was scared.

Angel Entertainment Group shareholders, 10 billion assets?

Is this Meng Tianyu?

It's amazing.

For a time, Xu Rongrong was a little excited.

This may be the boyfriend she is looking forward to, although there is a gap between her and the mysterious figure god.

Soon, under the arrangement of Qi Xin, Meng Tianyu and Xu Rongrong got on the bus.

Ten minutes later, they got off at Xilan international hotel.

"Yuge, this is the top hotel in Jiangzhou. I've arranged a suite for you and rented a banquet hall. Some of my other friends are there to wash the dust for you and taste the delicious food in Jiangzhou."

Qi Xin spoke.

"I'll take your salute to your room first, and you and your sister-in-law will go to the banquet hall."

After that, Qi Xin and a few friends took the initiative to leave, deliberately leaving Meng Tianyu and Xu Rongrong alone.

Meng Tianyu took a look at the note left by Qi Xin and threw it away.

"109 ballroom."

Meng Tianyu and Xu Rongrong chatted and walked towards the banquet hall.

Meng Tianyu didn't notice. He took the note left by Qi Xin upside down. The real banquet hall was actually 601.

Meanwhile, an Aston Martin stopped outside the hotel.

Chu Chen and Xia Mengqi come out.

Xia Mengqi wants to learn piano from herself, for fear that she will run away without her, so she follows her.

After seeing Chu Chen, a middle-aged man in a suit came over.

"Hello, general manager Chu. I'm Fei Yongning, general manager here."

The middle-aged man said politely.


"Please follow me. As you ordered, I reduced the scale of the ceremony to a 109 banquet hall."

Under the leadership of Fei Yongning, Chu Chen and Xia Mengqi go to the banquet hall.

Soon, they came to the banquet hall.

As soon as they entered, a voice of surprise came.

"Chu Chen?"

In the banquet hall, Xu Rongrong was surprised to see Chu Chen.


Chu Chen is also a eyebrow pick, how to meet Xu Rongrong here?

Next to Xu Rongrong, Meng Tianyu heard the name and immediately became energetic.

He has investigated Xu Rongrong and knows that his ex boyfriend's name is Chu Chen.

I didn't expect to meet you by chance.

Good, good.

This time he won Xu Rongrong is sure, he will step on Chu dust, hold beauty back!

Thinking, Meng Tianyu went to chuchen unskillfully:

"boy, you seem to be in the wrong place!"

"Who are you, worthy to be here?"

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