"I hear you're going to throw me out?"

Fei Yongning looks at Liu Hongcai with a smile.

But in Liu Hongcai's opinion, this smile is more terrible than the devil.

"General manager... General manager, you heard me explain."

Liu Hongcai's whole body trembled and his speech was a little unclear.

See this.

Qi Xin, those people are completely stupid.

General manager?

Is this middle-aged man the general manager of Xilan international hotel?

Are you kidding?

Hit the iron plate?!

Qixin, you look at me, I look at you.

It's all big eyes and small eyes. I don't know what to do.

You know, they are just some dandy, relying on the family's assets of several hundred million, acting recklessly.

Because of their family, they know some people, but most of them are like deputy director Liu.

The general manager of Xilan international hotel is not qualified to know even their parents.

They have provoked the general manager of Xilan international hotel?

And in other people's territory, you want to throw them out?

Isn't that a big joke?

The next second, Qi Xin and they all look at Meng Tianyu.

Meng Tianyu is their last straw.

Yuge should be able to compete with the general manager of Xilan international hotel.

Meng Tianyu and Xu Rongrong were equally stunned.

This middle-aged man is the general manager here?

How is that possible?

Xu Rongrong was very surprised, some at a loss.

How could Chu Chen know such a big man?

It's not reasonable.

Fortunately, Meng Tianyu's psychological quality is a little better and he has slowed down.

"Cough, I'm sorry. I didn't expect that it was Mr. general manager."

Meng Tianyu was a little polite.

"I'm sorry just now. I apologize for Qi Xin."

The next second, Meng Tianyu threw all the responsibility on Qi Xin.

"We don't know the identities of you and your relatives. I'm sorry."

Chu Chen is just a poor boy. How can he have the chance to make friends with the general manager of such a big hotel?

Therefore, Meng Tianyu speculated that Chu Chen was probably a distant relative of the general manager.


Next to him, Xu Rongrong breathed out when he heard this.

That's right. Chu Chen can't know such a big man. This general manager must be Chu Chen's relative.

Xu Rongrong thought in his heart.

So far, Xu Rongrong still thinks that Chu Chen is a waste who doesn't know how to make progress.

"To introduce myself, I'm Meng Tianyu, the son of Meng Zhe, the second largest shareholder of angel entertainment group."

Meng Tianyu moved his father out, hoping to scare or shock Fei Yongning.

Of course, he lied. His father is indeed the top manager and shareholder of angel entertainment group, but he has only 2% of the shares. He is not the second largest shareholder, ranking behind 10.

But in order to pretend to force, in order to face, Meng Tianyu deliberately father's identity toward big said.

In fact, Meng Tianyu wants to boast that his father is the president and the largest shareholder of angel entertainment group.

But on second thought, the president of angel Entertainment Group sometimes appears in the interview, and his surname is not Meng. If he is exposed, it's not good.

So, step back, he said the second largest shareholder.

You may know the first largest shareholder, the president, but the second largest shareholder, except the senior management of angel entertainment group, or some big figures in Donghai City, can't be known in Jiangzhou.

Meng Tianyu said, with a proud expression on his face, reaching out to shake hands with Fei Yongning.

Knowing his terrible identity, the general manager must be scared.

As for Chu Chen, I'm afraid he will be scared to death when he knows that he has offended such a big man as himself.


"Yuge dad is actually the second largest shareholder of angel entertainment group?"

"Brother Yu's family is so powerful."

After hearing Meng Tianyu's words, Qi Xin was surprised.

This identity is enough to frighten the general manager. After all, angel Entertainment Group is a big company with tens of billions of dollars, which is not comparable to the general manager of a mere hotel.

Next to Meng Tianyu, Xu Rongrong's face also showed a shocked expression.

"The second largest shareholder of angel entertainment group?"

"Is Mr. Meng so powerful?"

Xu Rongrong was very surprised. She never thought of it.

Meng Xuechang is not only versatile and self-motivated, but also modest and low-key.

It's perfect.

In the future, Meng Xuechang will graduate and take over the shares of his family. He will become the second largest shareholder of tens of billions of group, the level of vice president, and an absolutely successful person.This is the boyfriend I have to wait for!

At the moment, Xu Rongrong completely heart, she decided.

After that, she accepted Meng Tianyu.

Looking at Meng Tianyu's hand, Fei Yongning did not respond.

He was also very surprised that Meng Tianyu's family was so powerful?

But in front of the president of Chu, Fei Yongning still wants to be cold.

Chu can always buy Xilan international hotel with a value of 3.5 billion at will, so his identity is certainly equal to Meng Tianyu.

"When did I become your father?"

Just then, a voice of surprise came.

Everyone was confused.


What did they hear?

Where are the lunatics from?

In such a serious time, say so.

"What did you say, boy?"

"Are you looking for death?"

Qi Xin first spoke and angrily denounced Chu Chen.

Several of Qi Xin's friends echoed.

Dare to say that their brother Yu wants to die?

What's brother Yu's identity? What can this boy say?

Xu Rongrong is also contemptuous.

"Chuchen, you've gone too far."

Xu Rongrong stood up and scolded Chu Chen.

Originally, she thought that Chu Chen was just ignorant and didn't want to make progress.

But now it seems that not only that, Chu Chen is also so uneducated, absolute rogue!

She was really blind at that time. She even took a fancy to Chu Chen and confessed herself?

Compared with Meng Xuechang, Chu Chen is a clown and a madman!

"What did you say, boy?"

Meng Tianyu was furious and denounced Chu Chen.

Dare to humiliate him?

He won't let chuchen go today.

"Boy, kneel down in front of me and slap yourself 30 times. Maybe I'll forgive you."

"Otherwise, you will regret it for life!"

Meng Tianyu opened his mouth coldly, like a poisonous snake.

"Ha ha."

Chu Chen shrugged his shoulders and answered helplessly.

"I am the second largest shareholder of angel entertainment group. You just said that your father is the second largest shareholder of angel entertainment. Isn't that very clear?"

"I'm your father."

"But I'm curious. When did I become your father?"


Hearing Chu Chen's words, Xia Mengqi didn't hold back and began to laugh.

Soon, Fei Yongning and other hotel executives couldn't help laughing.

"Boy, you want to die!"

Meng Tianyu is really angry.

After that, Meng Tianyu is ready to fight Chu Chen. Since he doesn't kneel down, he will kneel down.

"Stop it!"

A serious voice came.

Zhang Zimo, President of angel entertainment group, and a group of directors came in.

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