This Xilan international hotel is a famous five-star hotel in Jiangzhou, with a minimum value of several billion yuan.

Chu Chen is the new master here.

Angel entertainment group at the moment, Zhang Zimo hate Meng Tianyu, and also see Meng zhe very unpleasant.

I didn't expect such a thing happened. It seems that he will come back in vain this time.

Several other directors of angel entertainment were also indifferent and even gloating.

For a long time, Chu Chen spoke.

"I'm a generous person, too."

"Well, let Meng Tianyu slap himself 300 times here, and that's all."

Everyone was stunned.

Three hundred slaps?

Especially Meng Tianyu kneeling in front of Chu Chen almost cried.

Three hundred slaps, how generous?

I've only smoked 20 or 30, and my face is swollen.

One hundred, I'm afraid it's the limit.

Three hundred, even if it is not disfigured, half of his life is gone.

"Not yet. Thank you, Mr. Chu."

Meng zhe was a little relieved and quickly kicked his son on the ground.

"Thank you, Mr. Chu."

Meng Tianyu can only express his gratitude.

"I don't know the rules. Let him have a long memory this time."

Chu Chen waved his hand.

Younger generation, are you younger than me?

Do you really think you're my father, no, my elder?

Meng Tianyu make complaints about tears in his heart.

"You, pack up and go now."

Fei Yongning also spoke and harshly scolded deputy manager Liu.

After this incident, Fei Yongning must change the management of the hotel.

I'm afraid only in this way can president Chu be satisfied.

"By the way, throw them all out to me."

"Never step into Xilan international hotel in the future."

Looking at several security guards, Chu Chen points to Qi Xin and Qi Xin's friends.


Several security guards nodded and called someone to come.

Qi Xin, who just yelled to throw Chu Chen out, was thrown out as if by the security guards.

Seeing this scene, countless passers-by stopped to watch.

"Eh, isn't that the son of vice president Qi?"

"And that, manager Zhao's son."

Soon, they were recognized.

"How did they get thrown out of the hotel?"

In an instant, Qi Xin and them became the laughing stock.

Inside the hotel, Xu Rongrong's face is very white. At the moment, her mind is blank.

She once thought that she had been admitted to the top universities in China, but Chu Chen in ordinary universities was doomed to become an ordinary person.

But the fact is that Chu Chen soared to the sky, with a life span of 10 billion yuan. He owns Xilan International Hotel and angel entertainment group. As the president of entertainment group, he certainly knows Xia Mengqi.

Xia Mengqi is a hot singer at present. She has the potential to be a queen.

In the future, good training can definitely support a huge entertainment company.

Didn't expect that Xia Mengqi and Mr. Chu were a couple?

Oh, my God!

Zhang Zimo was shocked.

"Who are you?"

This girl actually calls herself Xia Xuejie?

This makes Xia Mengqi very puzzled.

"I'm also a student of Tsinghua School of economics and management. I'm a fan of you."

Xu Rongrong extremely surprised said.

She has worshipped Xia Mengqi for a long time, and this is the first time that she has seen a real Xia Mengqi.


Xia Mengqi's polite answer, because just now, Xia Mengqi's impression of Xu Rongrong is not good.

"Sister Xia Xue..."

Xu Rongrong spoke excitedly, but before her words came out, she was swallowed by herself.

She noticed Chu Chen beside Xia Mengqi.

Xia Mengqi and Chu Chen?

Looking at the two people standing together, Xu Rongrong was stunned.

"Isn't it?"

A terrible guess, which she could not imagine, appeared in her mind.

Is Xia Mengqi and Chu Chen together?

Thinking of this, Xu Rongrong trembled and almost fell down.

How could that be?

How could that be?

Xu Rongrong's mind is booming.

Her idol, unexpectedly walked together with Chu Chen.

Did Xia Mengqi also be conquered by Chu Chen?

Perhaps, only Xia Mengqi, the idol, is qualified to be with Chu Chen.

As for myself, it's a joke.

Xu Rongrong's face turned pale and his eyes were dull. He walked out like a walking corpse."President Chu."

All over, Zhang Zimo quickly came up, extremely polite mouth.

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