"That's to say, let's have our welcoming team come right away."

The neighbor's friend spoke.

"Go away."

"Go away."

At this time, the other people in the neighbor's house started directly and drove Zhou Xingwen to one side.

"You..." Zhou Xingwen was very angry.

I can't help it. Let's wait for the Chu dust to come.

Upstairs, at Zhou Xingwen's girlfriend's house, his father-in-law Du Jianbai and his mother-in-law Jiang Li stood in front of the window, looking at all this coldly.

"It's really a loser."

Du Jianbai and Jiang Li sneer.

"I didn't expect that the old Qu family got married today."

Du Jianbai was a little surprised.

"Lao Qu is blessed to find a good son-in-law. It's said that there are several clothing stores in his family, with a fortune of 20 million to 30 million?"

Jiang Li, mother-in-law, said enviously.


Du Jianbai was very surprised.

"So powerful?"

If only their daughter could marry such a rich man.

"No, the two families are married. It seems that the wedding team may meet together." Du Jianbai was a little worried.

My son-in-law is a loser.

But Lao Qu's son-in-law has a lot of money.

Can Zhou Xingwen's team compare with that of Lao Qu's son-in-law?

When the two teams meet, there is a sharp contrast between them, so their family will lose a lot of shame.

There are many luxury cars in other people's homes, but the more they think about it, the more angry Du Jianbai and Jiang Li are.

"There's Zhou Xingwen's take out friend, who is even more shameless."

Thinking of that night, Du Jianbai said with disgust.

"Yes, what luxury cars do you boast about? Each one is more than 5 million?"

Jiang Li agrees.

"A delivery man, why doesn't he say he's a billionaire, a big man with three shakes in Jiangzhou?"

"Brag, not draft."

At the thought of Chu Chen, the couple was even more sarcastic.

Downstairs, the motorcade of neighbor Lao Qu's family came.

The first is a Bentley Continental with more than two million cars, and behind it are seven white BMW x5s, eight cars in total.


"The wedding team of the old Qu family is really elegant."

Some boring people in the community have been watching around for a long time.

Looking at the welcoming team of the old Qu family, everyone can't help sighing.

"By the way, it seems that Lao Du's family are getting married today?"

"I don't know how their team is?"

These people are very curious.

"I'm sure I can't compare with Lao Qu's family. Lao Qu's son-in-law is a rich man."

"And Lao Du's son-in-law, you see, was stopped there."

Some people know more about it, so they speak.

When they heard this, they shook their heads one after another.

Lao Du's son-in-law is not good.

It's no match for Lao Qu's son-in-law.

"See, our welcome team is coming, Bentley Continental, where's your family?"

Looking at the coming motorcade, the neighbors taunted Zhou Xingwen.

"Seven BMWs and one Bentley are definitely the most luxurious wedding team in the community in recent years."

The neighbor Lao Qu's son is very proud.

Many people nearby boast that the old Qu family has a good son-in-law.

"Chu Chen, are you here?"

"But the road here is occupied by other people's welcome motorcade?"

Received a call from Chu Chen, Zhou Xingwen explained.

"They are unreasonable, they have to occupy the center of the road and leave no space for them."

"Let's go and have a look first."

Chu Chen's voice came from the phone.

Before BMW Bentley could stop, a domineering Rolls Royce came slowly.

Rolls Royce behind, the same super run, extremely dazzling.


"Why don't they stop and come this way?"

Looking at Rolls Royce, I didn't mean to stop at all. I started here.

The driver of the last BMW was nervous.

This is Rolls Royce. If you scratch it casually, you will get all your wealth into it.

"Don't stop. Let's go."

The BMW driver did not dare to stop Rolls Royce and immediately contacted Bentley in front of him.

Bentley didn't dare to neglect at all.

The next second, drive directly from the downstairs, next to Laoqu's family, and drive to the distance.

Several other BMWs also drove by, and didn't mean to stop at all.They offered to let the road out.

Seeing this, Lao Qu and his family are silly. What's the matter?

Just when they were very surprised, Rolls Royce slowly drove downstairs.

Looking at the domineering and dignified Rolls Royce, the old Qu family stopped talking.

"What kind of car is this?"

"It looks so big. I don't know who is more expensive than BMW?"

Nearby, the onlookers were very curious.

They only know BMW, Mercedes Benz and other popular cars.

"This is Rolls Royce. Even if it's the cheapest, it's going to cost millions. One car can withstand ten BMWs."

Next to him, a middle-aged man couldn't help explaining.

These onlookers are confused.

What else is so expensive?

"How can the cars behind them look so awkward?"

An old lady couldn't help asking.

"It's a sports car. It's more expensive. It's worth millions."

The middle-aged man explained again.

Hearing this, everyone was shocked again.


Some people count the number of luxury cars by the number of times until they stop more than 20.

It's not that the car is gone, it's that the car is too far away to see clearly.

"At least 30 luxury cars."

"A car is worth several million, which add up to hundreds of millions."

Looking at the luxury car fleet, the onlookers were numb.

At Chu Chen's command, the motorcade stopped.

Chu Chen walked out of Aston Martin and came to Zhou Xingwen.

"What's the matter, Lao Zhou?"

Chu Chen sees Zhou Xingwen surprised appearance, can't help but ask a way.

"Old Chu, is this your team?"

Rolls Royce, as well as countless super run, Zhou Xingwen was extremely shocked.

"Yes, it's just that there are fewer cars. Make do with it."

Chu Chen opens his mouth.

Time is too short, otherwise Chu Chen can get more luxury cars.

"Make do with it?"

Zhou Xingwen said foolishly.

As for the old Qu family, they are even dumbfounded at the moment.

So many luxury cars, is that ok?

Any one of them, second kill all their cars.

It took a long time for Zhou Xingwen to react. He went to the arrogant son of Lao Qu and asked.

"Now, what else do you have to say?"

"You say, is this road worthy of our motorcade?"

For a moment, Lao Qu's son, who was proud just now, did not dare to speak.

It's horrible.

So many luxury cars, Rolls Royce, Ferrari, Aston Martin...

upstairs, Zhou Xingwen's parents-in-law were also shocked.

Their eyes stare round, a pair of incredible appearance, Lengleng Leng looking at the team of Chu dust below.

So many luxury cars, the first or the legendary Rolls Royce?

They're not dreaming, are they?


Suddenly, Du Jianbai screamed.

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