Ma Hezhi's face was overcast, and his eyes were turning around Du Linlin's body.

At this time, several friends behind him also spoke.

"I'll go. Is this wedding romantic?"

As he spoke, the dandy walked forward and came to a huge love made of 9999 roses.

"But I just don't like it!"

Having said that, the dandy suddenly began to kick countless roses in a row.

Seeing this, countless women are heartbroken.

Such a beautiful love is gone.

"Still using such a high-end stereo, do you match it, a group of inferior people?"

Bang Dang!

Another dandy also began to push down the stereo beside him.

There was a huge crash that caused a lot of screaming.

Everyone in the banquet hall was in danger.

"You've gone too far!"

Zhou Xingwen stood up, his face was red and angry.

Even if it's normal, I came to his wedding today to make trouble.

Deceiving others too much!!!

"Who on earth are you?"

"Who gave you the courage to do so?"

Zhou Xingwen's father stood up and yelled at Ma Hezhi and others.

These people are too presumptuous, in broad daylight, to make trouble at other people's weddings.

"Hahaha, who are we?"

"Lao Hu, tell him who I am and who gave me the courage."

Ma Hezhi, fearless, moved a chair and swaggered in the middle.

A thin man came out and said with a sneer:

"I tell you, this is the prince of Ma group. Mr. Ma Tongping, the boss of Ma group, is his father."

"You said who gave him courage."

With this remark, the banquet hall immediately fell into the uproar, and countless people were shocked.

"My God, he is the prince of Mahalanobis group?"

"The Mahalanobis group, the three or four billion dollar group?"

"The horse trade is a ruthless man, especially in Jiangzhou."

"No one who provoked him came to a good end."

The comments came one after another, and everyone looked at Ma Hezhi in fear. He was very scared.

Zhou Xingwen's father's face also changed greatly.

This dandy is actually the son of the horse trade?

Oh, my God.

Du Jianbai and Jiang Li are even more shivering.

"It's over?"

"It's really over this time."

Du Jianbai's voice trembled with a strong sense of fear.

"Otherwise, the wedding will be cancelled."

Jiang Li's face turned pale and suggested.

"Do you have any royal laws?"

"How dare you do that?"

Among the guests, a young man with glasses and a sense of justice could not help but stand up.

"Ha ha, Wang fa?"

Ma Hezhi scoffed and replied wildly.

"In Jiangzhou, here, Laozi is the king law!"

What else does the glasses youth want to say? At this time, Ma Hezhi's two bodyguards walk towards the glasses youth.

"Today, I will let you know what wangfa is."

"Pull him out and break his legs."

Hearing this, people were terrified.

On the stage, several bridesmaids were also very nervous. Suddenly they saw Guo Haoran beside them. When they saw him, they thought of Guo Haoran's aggressive words.

"Brother ran, isn't your family powerful?"

"Go and persuade."

"Yes, brother ran."

Hearing these words, Guo Haoran's face suddenly changed.

At the moment, he really wanted to slap himself with regret.

Are you Han Han? Why did you pretend to be forced just now?

Seeing that Ma Hezhi's bodyguard is about to catch the young man with glasses, Chu Chen is ready to stand up.

Ma Hezhi is brave enough to fight in his own territory.

Not waiting for Chu Chen, Guo Haoran stood out.

"It's true that brother ran is so tough?"

"But brother is a man."

"It's not like someone who's only handsome. As a result, it's useless. Even his brother's finger can't match it."

"That's it, that's it."

"He is a counsellor. He is incomparable compared with brother ran."

Chu Chen helplessly shook his head and looked forward.

He wants to see what Guo Haoran is going to do.

"Master Ma."

Guo Haoran held his head hard and opened his mouth.Of course, he is not going to intercede for the young man with glasses, let alone persuade Ma Hezhi to stop.

Guo Haoran is ready to beg for mercy and ask Ma Hezhi to let him go.

The woman who went to Temo.

Unfortunately, several bridesmaids didn't know what Guo Haoran thought, and they still looked at Guo Haoran with adoration

"what are you going to do?"

Sitting there crazily, Ma Hezhi looks like a boss with a cigarette in his mouth.

"Master Ma..."

with his back to the crowd, Guo Haoran was obsequious and ready to beg for mercy.

Just then, a voice came.

"Mr. Yuan Yunfa, chairman of Tengyun group, came to congratulate us."

With this sound, the whole banquet hall was quiet for a moment.

Tengyun group?

Isn't that a famous company?

With a market value of more than 9 billion yuan, it is said that even the cleaners inside need bachelor's degree or above.

How can the chairman of Tangtang Tengyun group come here?

And congratulations?

For a moment, countless guests were confused.

They are not qualified to know yuan Yunfa?

"It must be brother ran."

"Yes, it must be because my brother ran was here that Yuan Yunfa came to congratulate me."

At this time, the bridesmaids could not help discussing.

Looking at Guo Haoran, I admire him more.

Their brother ran is really not simple, too powerful!

Don't mention other people, even Ma Hezhi and a few friends are stupid.

Yuan Yunfa?

Mr. Yuan?

No matter Ma Hezhi or his friends, although he is a dandy, his family's assets are generally $12 billion.

Among them, the most powerful is Ma Hezhi, with a family fortune of nearly 4 billion.

But even if they add up, I'm afraid they can't match the boss of Tengyun group.

"Mr. Ren Feihan, President of Yibo design company, came to congratulate us."

Another voice came.

The people who had been confused were even more stunned.

Yibo design company?

The big company that was listed some time ago with a market value of 12 billion?

Ma Hezhi, who was sitting there arrogantly, trembled and stood up in shock.

Ren Feihan?

Are you all here?

This is a man of the year in Jiangzhou's business circle.

You can strangle these dandies with your fingers.

"Mr. Xue haoqian, President of Huihua group, came to congratulate us."

Hearing this, Ma Hezhi almost fell down because he faltered and his legs softened.

Xue haoqian?!

Even Xue haoqian, Xue Zong is here!!!

If his father Ma Tongren is a ruthless man, then Xue haoqian is a hero who takes everything.

In his early years, Xue haoqian started from scratch and fought for the world with his fists.

Now we have set up a huge company of 15 billion, which is in business.

Don't mention the rich second generation, dandy.

Even if their parents saw Xue haoqian, they would respectfully call out general manager Xue.

Why is Xue haoqian here?

"Chairman of Wanming group..."

when Ma Hezhi thought Xue haoqian was the most powerful man, another voice came.

"President of Bairun industry..."

"Antai company..."

one voice after another.

At the moment, Ma Hezhi's mind has become a blank, his whole body trembles and his heart roars.

How is that possible?!

Why do so many big men come here to congratulate?

This is unreasonable!


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