Did Chu Chen spend 730000 just now?

That's the money for a BMW.

Zhang Biyun was stunned there.

For a long time, Zhang Biyun suddenly thought of Mo Yu Wan beside Chu Chen.

"Yes, Chu Chen must have made a small white face for that woman. The 730000 just now is definitely not Chu Chen Hua's

Zhang Biyun thought of a very reluctant explanation.

"It must be so."

After some psychological comfort, Zhang Biyun went out and called her 50 year old boyfriend to urge him to come as soon as possible.

And in other stores around, clothes almost bought, when Chu dust ready to go back, suddenly saw not far away Patek Feili logo.

As the saying goes, when the poor play with cars and the rich play with watches, they should buy one piece if they have empty hands.

"Come on, let's go to Patek Philippe."

Chu Chen takes Mo Yu to Patek Feili.

"This watch is so beautiful."

Patek Philippe shop, coquettish voice.

At the moment, Zhang Biyun is flirting with a 50 year old man.

Hearing his girlfriend's coquetry, Lu Qian took a look at the watch.


Lu Qian stopped talking. It's good to buy a few thousand yuan thing for Zhang Biyun at ordinary times. Now Zhang Biyun wants 130000 yuan. Is he crazy?

Lu Qian was about to speak when two guests came into the shop.

In an instant, Lu Qian was stunned.

How beautiful!

Lu Qian was surprised by Mo Yu Wan's perfect appearance.

"Chu Chen, is that him again?"

Following Lu Qian's eyes, Zhang Biyun had a gloomy face.

"Do you know him?"

Lu Qian asked Zhang Biyun in surprise.

"Well, a poor student."

Poor students?

When Lu Qian saw Chu Chen, he thought that Chu Chen was a rich second generation. After all, he had such a beautiful female companion.

It turns out to be a poor student, which is easy to do.

Chu Chen doesn't pay attention to Zhang Biyun, but takes Mo Yuwan to turn around in the shop.

He stopped in front of a fine black lady's watch.

"Sir, this is our classic watch series 4895r-001, sapphire crystal glass, 18k rose gold inlaid with 164 diamonds."

See Chu Chen stop, beauty sales said with a smile.

"It's absolutely every girl's dream."

Chu Chen side, Mo Yu Wan see this black watch, is also in front of a bright, very beautiful.

"It goes well with your girlfriend's temperament. You might as well have a try."

Took a look at Mo Yu Wan, the sales suggested.

Mo Yu Wan a Leng, just want to explain what, but was Chu dust ahead of time.

"Well, give it a try."

Hearing this, Mo Yuwan is stunned. Is it...

thinking, Mo Yuwan's heart beats faster.

In Lengshen, the sales have put the watch on Mo Yu Wan's hand.

The effect is really very high, the temperament and appearance is perfect, with this black watch, Moyu Wan appears more noble.

Chu Chen nodded with satisfaction, for his own people, Chu Chen is not stingy.

When Chu Chen was ready to let the sales pack, an old man came over and said with a smile:

"this watch goes well with beautiful women."

"To introduce you, I'm Lu Qian, financial director of Yibai company."


"Honey, I want it. Can you buy it for me?"

Zhang Biyun points to the wristwatch in Mo Yuwan's hand and says deliberately.

"I'll take this watch. Pack it."

Lu Qian's generous mouth, of course, he didn't buy it for Zhang Biyun, she didn't deserve it.

The reason why Lu Qian bought it was to please Mo Yuwan.

Hear Lu Qian to buy, Zhang Biyun a face to show off looking at Chu dust, as if to say.

See, this is my boyfriend, Patek Philippe, buy anything, have money.

"Yes, sir. 1579900 yuan. Would you like to pay by card or not?"

Beauty sales said with a smile.


Lu Qian was dumbfounded and stunned on the spot.

More than 1.57 million, more than 1 million for a watch?

Lu Qian thought that this watch was only tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands. For this perfect beauty, he bought it.

But who would have thought it would cost more than one million!

Even if his car arrived, he couldn't get more than one million yuan.


Wait a minute, see Luqian did not speak, beauty sales again.


Zhang Biyun also anxiously shakes Lu Qian's arm.Finally, Lu Qian was extremely embarrassed: "I have no money."

Hear here, Zhang Biyun is silly, have no money?

Beauty sales face is also a change, no money to install what big money, a waste of her time.

"Do you like it?"

Chu Chen doesn't answer those two people, turn round to ask Mo Yu Wan.

"I like it."

Mo Yu Wan subconsciously opens his mouth, but the next second Mo Yu Wan reacts.

"No, no, Mr. Chu, it's too expensive."

Although she was hired by the company with a high salary, her annual salary is only one million yuan. It's too luxurious to buy a 1.5 million yuan watch, even she dare not think about it.

Say, Mo Yu Wan will take off the watch.

"Well, you like the most important thing."

Chu Chen holds Mo Yu Wan's arm and stops her.


Seeing this, Lu Qian was extremely disdainful.

He admits that Chu Chen is very handsome and can tease his younger sister, but he doesn't believe that Chu Chen has the strength to buy this watch.

A poor student, what to wear?

"President Chu..."

Mo Yuwan still wanted to refuse, but he stopped because of Chu Chen's eyes.

"I'll take it. Pack it."

Chu Chen says to beautiful woman sale.

Hear here, originally depressed beauty sales immediately in front of a Leng.

What a domineering little brother, handsome and rich!

"I bought this one, too."

After looking around, Chu Chen found himself a 2.85 million Patek Philippe 6104r-001.

At the same time, Chu Chen found a blue watch, which is very suitable for Bai Lingling.

"All three."

Chu Chen opens his mouth at will.

Hear Chu Chen's words, the whole store's sales are stunned, these three tables add up to 5 million!


Lu Qian sneered. He wanted to have a look. If he had no money, what would he do?

"There are also three wristwatches. I don't think you can afford one."

Zhang Biyun is more sarcastic.

At the moment, the beauty sales are also a little suspicious. It's five million yuan for two houses.

Although the little brother looks very handsome, does he really have so much money?

"That's 5165900. Who are you?"

"Five million, so cheap?"

Chu Chen surprised to say, he thought to nearly ten million?

However, Chu Chen's casual words fell into everyone's ears, just like thunder.

5 million is still cheap!

Is this Shenhao?!

In the eyes of everyone's exclamation, Chu Chen pays the money and leaves with Mo Yu Wan.

God ho!

They saw the real Shenhao today. They spent 5 million yuan, but they didn't blink. Instead, they thought it was cheap!

Evil rich man!

Lu Qian and Zhang Biyun, who were standing there, became the objects of ridicule.

And ridicule others?

Two poor pens!

Being watched by the crowd, Lu Qian became more and more angry. He felt that he had lost all his old face and turned to walk out of the shop.

Just out of the shop, Lu Qian was suddenly stopped by a middle-aged woman.

"Lu Qian, what are you doing here?"

The middle-aged woman is Lu Qian's old card, the tiger in the family.

Seeing Lu Qian leave, Zhang Biyun goes to chase him.

"Honey, wait for me."

As soon as Zhang Biyun came out, she happened to meet a middle-aged woman.

Hearing this, the middle-aged woman turned gloomy.

"Lu Qian!"

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