Chu Chen's words are startling!

Are you all here to apply for membership?

It's also very difficult. Only two of so many people can stand out.

You said you were here to be president?

You're kidding.

Everyone looked at Chu Chen and didn't know what to say for a moment.

"You're so good."

"Why don't you go to heaven to be president?"

Liang Wenlun took the lead in making sarcastic remarks to Chu Chen.

When you apply for membership, you want to be the president directly?

"That's it."

"You are such a bull."

"Don't mention the president. Before you were 40 years old, you could be a director or something here. It was already very powerful."

After liang Wenlun finished speaking, some other young people in the room also spoke one after another.

They all look at Chu Chen very unpleasant.

Brag force, you are blowing to the sky.

As for those beautiful women with temperament, they shake their heads one after another at the moment, and some even stay away from Chu dust.

They regard Chu Chen as a madman.

An arrogant lunatic.

"Little brother, are you kidding?"

"Little brother, I still want to keep a low profile. The president of Jiangnan Musicians Association, not to mention in the East China Sea, even in the south, is a big man in the whole country."

Chu Chen sighed.

He's so hard.

Every time they tell the truth, why don't they believe it?

At this time, Chu Chen's mobile phone rings, and Chen Changqing sends a message to let Chu Chen go to the No. 1 Performance Hall.

"You don't believe it."

Chu Chen turns around and is ready to leave.

"Don't go. You want to go after blowing the bull?"

"It's not so easy. You have to apologize for your arrogance."

When Liang Wenlun said this, others echoed.

They also felt that Chu Chen's words had caused deep harm to them.

Liang Wenlun sneered and said:

"as president, you have to prepare for more than ten years, decades, or hundreds of years?"

"In ten minutes, you can call me president."

Chu Chen light meeting.

Chu Chen made preparations for today's performance.

Before that, he practiced "piano music of the night 5" once at home?!

After that, Chu Chen left and went to the No.1 Performance Hall.

Liang Wenlun and others immediately catch up. They want to see what the boy is doing?

Ten minutes?

I'll call you president in ten minutes?

I call you uncle?

Finally, Chu Chen entered the No. 1 Performance Hall, while Liang Wenlun and others were stopped outside.

"We'll just wait outside, wait for the boy to come out, and ask him to apologize to us!"

"He still wants to be the president. It's just a dream!"

In the No.1 performance hall, Chen Changqing and a group of old-fashioned directors of Jiangnan Musicians Association are sitting there.

Chu Chen saw that the average age of these directors was at least 60 years old.

That's why Chen Changqing called them antiques.

When Chu Chen looked at these directors, the directors were also observing Chu Chen.

It's too young, isn't it?!

Although Chen Changqing has said that they are ready psychologically.

But after I saw Chu Chen, I was scared.

He's only a little over 20 years old. He's actually a piano master, and he's the master of all the masters?

How is that possible?

Not to mention the masters among the masters, even if Chu Chen is a master, they don't believe it.

The top piano master should be at least 40 or 50 years old.

As far as they know, the youngest piano master has been studying since childhood, and now he is almost 40 years old.

Chu Chen is half his age.

How could it be a piano master?

These directors began to doubt Chen Changqing's judgment.

Not to mention the honorary president, I'm afraid even the honorary vice president, this young man can't be the honorary vice president.


"Let's recognize that you are the honorary president of the association."

A director opens his mouth and goes straight to the subject.

"Piano of the night 5."

Said a, Chu Chen sat in front of the piano.

If you want to show your real strength, you should not play those super difficult songs.

It's about playing very simple music.

That kind of complex music, even if there is a real problem during the performance, can sometimes cover up the past.

But that kind of simple music, let alone a little wrong, even if it is a little wrong, it is easy to be found.Hearing the songs selected by Chu Chen, the directors who were deeply suspicious of Chu Chen just now really paid attention to them.

The next second, melodious piano sound came.

The directors listened attentively.

Slowly, they became obsessed.

There is no flaw in Chu chentan's flowing water.

In the end, all the directors' faces were shocked and amazed.

After chuchen finished playing, the directors who questioned chuchen just now stood up and applauded warmly.

"It's true that the hero is a young man!"

"So young, have such strength, admire."

Looking at Chu Chen, these old timers can't help talking.

"Ladies and gentlemen, now does the Council agree that Mr. Chu Chen will be the honorary president of our Jiangnan Musicians Association?"

Chen Changqing asked.


"I have no objection."

Finally, more than a dozen directors agreed.

"Adopted by the Council by a unanimous vote."

"Now, Mr. Chu Chen is the honorary president of our Jiangnan Musicians Association."

After that, Chen Changqing and Chu Chen leave the concert hall, ready to tell the news to other people in the headquarters.

Unexpectedly, just out of the concert hall, Chen Changqing met Liang Wenlun.

They naturally know Chen Changqing, so they greet each other politely.

Liang Wenlun can't help but want to sue Chu dust in front of Chen Changqing.

Want Chen Changqing to drive Chu Chen out of Jiangnan Musicians Association!

However, without waiting for Liang Wenlun to speak, Chen Changqing took the lead in announcing to the public: "they are all here. I'll tell you a very important thing."

"From today on, Mr. Chu Chen is the honorary president of our Jiangnan Musicians Association."

Hearing this, people were completely confused.

Looking at the time, it's only eight minutes, less than ten minutes.

Did Chu Chen really become the president of Jiangnan Musicians Association?

It's like a dream.

These people who had just questioned Chu Chen and clamored for Chu Chen to apologize to themselves did not dare to speak.

Liang Wenlun, in particular, was more embarrassed.

Finally, Liang Wenlun did not apply for any membership any more, so he ran away.

Soon, Chu Chen became the honorary president of Jiangnan Musicians Association, which was known by some big people in Donghai.

After all, the Jiangnan Musicians Association has a lot of contacts.

Leaving Jiangnan Musicians Association, Chu Chen is going to find a place to eat.

Just get out of the car, Chu Chen heard a surprised voice.

Chu Chen turns around and looks at the person coming to him. He is also extremely surprised.

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