When he heard his companion's words, others looked at him.

"What's the matter, you counselled?"

Lao Guo, Guo wenle said discontentedly.

In his territory, there is nothing to be afraid of. They are the boss here.

"Of course not, just a little bit. Do you think about it?"

"What if that kid had a big background just now?"

The young man who told us to stop asked a few people.


this question has stopped other people and they don't know how to answer it.

"It's impossible. You've met a man with a big background who drives a 300, 400, 000 Benz?"

Someone retorted that they had noticed Chu Chen's car just now. It was just a Mercedes Benz.

"I'm still a little worried. In this way, let's ask Lao Guo to check it out."

Youth advice.

"Anyway, as long as you look at the membership level of this boy, you can roughly know his identity."

Guanyun golf course is a famous senior golf course in Donghai.

Who in Donghai hasn't been here?

As long as the guests come here, Guanyun golf will assess the relevant membership level according to the identity and assets of the guests.

The higher the membership level, the higher the authority.

Just look at the membership level of this boy, you can determine his identity.

"Yes, that's a good way."

"Lao Guo, check it out quickly."

Several others urged Guo wenle.

"All right."

Five minutes later, Guo wenle came back.

"How's it going?"

"What level of membership is he? Don't tell me what platinum or diamond he is?"

Several people asked in a hurry.

Diamond members here are worth about 10 billion, even Platinum members are worth 1 billion!

"Hehe, what do you think?"

"Platinum, Diamond members?"

Guo wenle sneered and said: "he is not even an ordinary member."

Ordinary members here are worth about 10 million.

"Not even 10 million?"

"It turned out to be a poor man!"

Everyone laughed, and even Liang Wenlun was relieved.

They are afraid that Chu Chen is a big man. It's not good for them to kick the iron plate.

It turns out that he is a poor man who doesn't even have 10 million waste.


"Let's go and tease Mr. Chu."

Under the leadership of Guo wenle, a group of young brothers went to the dust of Chu.


Chu Chen just entered Guanyun golf course. Brother Zhong suddenly called and said that there was something urgent in the company and he would be 15 minutes late.

So Chu Chen turned around in Guanyun golf course.

Because the first time I came here, I was not a member. Chu Chen came to the common area and played by himself.

Because of the appearance of the explosion, chuchen attracted the attention of many female customers, and some temperament beauties surrounded chuchen.

So Chu Chen couldn't even play well. He was very distressed.

It's hard to be handsome.

"This place, we need it. You can go to other places."

The voice of hegemony came.

Not far away, Guo wenle and Liang Wenlun swaggered over, extremely arrogant.


"What qualifications do you have for us to leave!"

Hearing Guo wenle's words, other guests expressed their dissatisfaction one after another.

"Why, just because my father is the general manager here."

Guo wenle sneered and said triumphantly.

Just because my father is the general manager here!

A very simple sentence, but let these guests can not refute.

Your dad's such a jerk. We can't get in trouble.

In desperation, the guests had to leave bitterly.

Only Chu Chen was still standing there.

"Little brother, let's go."

"Let's play in another area."

"Little brother, his father is the general manager here. We can't afford it. Let's go first."

Several beauties advised Chu Chen that the hero would not suffer from the loss in front of him.

They invited Chu Chen to play elsewhere.

See here, those childe elder brother more angry.

Why do so many beautiful women invite him?

Although they have also been involved with many girls, they have all spent money on them, and they still take the initiative.

From small to large, apart from the money worshippers, they have never been pasted upside down by beautiful women.

You're looking at this pauper.

It's just that they are a little more handsome. Those beauties almost depend on Chu Chen.And so much more.

The more they think about it, the more angry they are.

"No way."

"He can't play in other districts."

As a landlord, Guo wenle first stood up and ordered Chu Chen domineering.

"You have no choice but to leave Guanyun golf course."

"Yes, get out of here!"

"You are too poor to play here."

The other boys echoed.

"You are so overbearing!"

"I can't be here. I can't go to other districts yet!"

"A bunch of scum!"

Those beauties were not happy and began to scold Guo wenle.

The more they listen to the scolding of these beauties, the more jealous Guo wenle is of Chu Chen.

"If you go or not, I'll find a security guard to throw you out."

Guo wenle gave an ultimatum.

"Get out of here?"

"Go away!"

Liang Wenlun was also very arrogant.

Chu Chen shook his head helplessly:

"I'm waiting for my friend here."

"Are you sure you want to drive me and my friends out?"

Chu Chen's words, these childe elder brothers don't agree at all.

"Your friend?"

"If you are a poor pen, I'm afraid your friends are also poor pens!"

"I'll drive you out today. What's the matter?"

"this is Lao Guo's site. He is the boss here. He has the final say."

Several childe brothers sneered.

Guo wenle did not speak, but took direct action.

Three or four security guards were called.

Guo wenle pointed to Chu Chen and ordered:

"you guys, throw him out for me!"

The next second, three or four security forward, ready to chuchen out.

Seeing this, Guo wenle showed a banter expression on his face.

Now they are waiting to see Chu Chen's embarrassed appearance.

Or Chu Chen does not want to go, extremely flustered by the security chasing everywhere.

The second is what they want to see most.

It was like a lion playing with his prey.

One word.


"I see who dares to move!"

A majestic voice came.

A group of bodyguards rushed over and subdued the three or four security guards.

Then, two middle-aged people came.

They were also known by Chu Chen yesterday. Although they were not as valuable as brother Zhong, each of them had assets of 70 billion yuan.

They came for a while. Originally, after they came in, they were ready to go directly to the place arranged by general manager Zhong.

But when passing through the common area, Chu dust was found.

Looking at Chu Chen is surrounded by beauties, they wait in the distance, don't want to also dare not delay Chu Chen's good thing.

Just did not expect to wait for a while, but until the group of Childe brothers.

After seeing two middle-aged people, Guo wenle was confused.

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