Chu Chen responded to Zhu Conghua.

Don't forget, Chu Chen is also the honorary president of Jiangnan Musicians Association, which ranks in the forefront of the country.

In the entertainment industry also has a not low status.

Chen Changqing, the former president of the association, once told him that Chu Chen was the chairman of angel Entertainment Group in order to make friends with him.

If you have anything to do in the entertainment industry, you can find him.

He has been the president of Jiangnan Musicians Association for so many years, and has a wide network.

As long as it's not a big deal, he can deal with it.

"Ha ha, just blow it, and invite those old acting stars. Can you please move those movie stars?"

Zhu doesn't believe it at all.

There are only a handful of movie king male stars in the entertainment circle whose acting skills have burst.

They have become famous and have high requirements for the films they play in.

I'm afraid it's hard for ordinary people, even them, to get such a person.

Especially Chu Chen, who has just taken over Angel entertainment, is just a novice. He also wants to invite movie king level characters. It's just a daydream.

"Chu Chen, don't dream?"

On the phone, Zhu Zhitong's satire came.

Not to mention Zhu assimilation, the directors on the scene did not believe that Chu Chen could move the movie king.

In fact, at the beginning, Zhang Zimo, the former president, also invited movie stars, but after asking several questions in a row, Zhang Zimo got a rebuff.

At that time, most of the men in major movies and TV series were popular little fresh meat. Although they had no acting skills, they had fans.

Therefore, Zhang Zimo finally chose Cheng rantao.

Even Zhang Zimo, who has been in the entertainment industry for 20 or 30 years, didn't get a movie star. Is Chu Chen OK?

When everyone doubts, Chu Chen makes a phone call.

"Brother Chen, it's like this. I have a movie here. I want to invite one..."

Chu Chen told Chen Changqing about the general situation.

"Of course, the cost is not a problem."

Chen Changqing thought for a while and said:

"brother Chu, I thought for a moment. For the person who is suitable for your movie, can you watch Gao Zhengqi?"

"I happen to know each other and have a good relationship."

Gao Zhengqi, an old actor, double movie king, is a real Performer, and has a very high position in the entertainment circle.

"Yes." Chu Chen nodded.

"Brother Chen, please."

Hang up the phone, Chu Chen looking at a room of shocked people.

Gao Zhengqi?

Will the chairman invite Gao Zhengqi to play the leading role?

Oh, my God!

Gao Zhengqi is really a powerful actor. He is also one of the few actors. Now when little fresh meat is rampant, he is still a popular star, the real movie king.

But if you want to invite Gao Zhengqi to play, it's just as hard as the sky!

How could the chairman please move?

"Ha ha ha."

On the phone, Zhu Zhitong sneered.

"Did you invite Gao Zhengqi?"

"Do you have that qualification?"

Movie stars like Gao Zhengqi also have a wide range of contacts. He has been in the entertainment circle all the year round and is familiar with the bosses of big entertainment groups.

Even when he saw him, he should be polite.

Chu Chen still wants to invite him?

What about dreams?

Zhu assimilation also want to satirize, Chu Chen's mobile phone rang.

"Hello, I'm Gao Zhengqi. Is this Mr. Chu? I'm introduced by elder brother Chen?"

Chu Chen picked up the mobile phone, inside came Gao Zhengqi's voice.

In a flash, the whole conference room was dead!


It's really Gao Zhengqi!

The chairman invited Gao Zhengqi. Are they dreaming?

All the top management were stunned and scared.

"Hello, I'm Chu Chen."

"Mr. Chu, I have some things to deal with tomorrow. I'll fly to the East China Sea the day after tomorrow, and I'll talk about the acting with you in detail?" Gao Zhengqi asked.


After chatting with Gao Zhengqi for a while and confirming the meeting time, Chu Chen hangs up.

"Wow, great chairman!"

"The chairman of the board is so powerful that Gao Zhengqi is really invited."

In the conference room, there was a burst of applause, and all the high-level officials looked at Chu Chen with admiration and admiration.

At the other end of the line, Zhu Zhitong was completely dumbfounded.


Are you kidding?

"Mr. Zhu, do you have anything else to say?"

Chu Chen light mouth.

Zhu was speechless for a moment.

Chu Chen invited Gao Zhengqi!!

"Hum, even if you are invited, what you shot before will be invalid. If you want to remake, you need at least 300 million to 500 million or more.""Now that so many companies stop working with you, do you still have money?"

In the end, Zhu Zhitong still didn't give up and asked with a sneer.

"Do I look like a man who can't even bring out 500 million?"

Chu Chen responded helplessly.

Dong Dong Dong.

The knock came again.


"Mr. Chu, I just received 1 billion yuan from the company's account."

A beautiful woman dressed as a secretary said.

One billion!

Originally, it only needed 500 million, and they could almost turn over the market. Now they have 1 billion!

Hearing this, Zhu congnan completely froze.

One billion!

Where did Chu Chen find a billion yuan!

Zhu Zhitong is roaring in his heart.

The market value of angel Entertainment Group is only 28 billion, and Chu Chen accounts for half of it, which is about 14 billion. Now all the money has been trapped.

How can Chu Chen easily take out a billion.

Zhu's speech was completely blocked.

"Asshole, asshole, I'm so angry!"

Zhu Congrong cursed and fell the mobile phone to the ground!

Originally, he was looking forward to the collapse of angel entertainment group, or to its vitality.

For this, he paid a huge price!

In the end, angel entertainment had nothing to do with it.

However, the total amount of money spent by ourselves has reached two or three billion.

But also to pay Cheng rantao's huge default fee!

This time, he will lose at least 500 million yuan!

Zhu Congxiang was blown up by the gas!!!


In the conference room, Zhu Congrong's angry curse was heard, and all the senior officials cheered.

At the moment, the high-level people of these Angel entertainment are really completely convinced of Chu Chen.

Their chairman is so awesome!

A phone call, invited the movie king Gao Zhengqi, casually took out a billion, alleviated the group's economic crisis.

Niu Bi, chairman Niu Bi!

"Don't think it's over this time."

Just when they finished, Chu Chen opened his mouth.

Chu Chen's words made them confused.

It's not over yet?

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