"The rising sun?"

Zhong Guanghui thought for a while, but didn't know.

"It's just a cruise ship. What's the matter?"

Zhong Guanghui doesn't understand. After all, he is only a rich man in Donghai. He can't know everything.

Just after graduating from Harvard, Wang Xingyun came back to know about the rising sun.

"Uncle Zhong, this rising sun ship was custom built by Mr. Riley, the executive director and general manager of Fortune 500 enterprises in the world."

"I heard in the United States that Mr. Riley sold the rising sun."

"I didn't expect that when I went back to the East China Sea, I found the rising sun in the harbor."

Wang Xingyun introduces to Zhong Guanghui.

Even if it's in other places, but the mysterious owner of the rising sun is in the East China Sea.

If you can get to know him, it will be of great help to his future development and the promotion of the enterprise.


After listening, Zhong Guanghui was not calm at all.

Originally, he thought it was a private yacht. He also had it.

No matter how expensive it is, they can afford it.

But I never thought that the owner of the rising sun was so powerful!

I bought the rising sun from the general manager of the world's top 500 enterprises. This mysterious rich man has some terrible connections.

"In that case, we must check."

Zhong Guanghui nodded, such a mysterious rich man in the East China Sea, really want to make friends.

"I think so, too." Wang Xingyun nodded.

Zhong Guanghui saw Chu Chen sitting there a little distracted, so he asked curiously:

"brother Chu, do you have any clues?"


Seeing that Zhong Guanghui actually asked the president of an angel entertainment group, Wang Xingyun was full of disdain.

He knows the ghost!

"What clue?"

Chu Chen just received the news of Yan Luoshui, said a few days, hope Chu Chen and she can go to Yan's home, to deal with master Yan.

Chu Chen agreed to come down, just thinking how, completely did not notice the conversation of Zhong Guanghui and Wang Xingyun.

Hearing Chu Chen's reply, Wang Xingyun showed a trace of sneer on his face and shook his head helplessly.

"A clue to the owner of the rising sun?"

Zhong Guanghui explained.

"Xiao Wang and I both want to find out who is the mysterious owner of the rising sun?"

Chu Chen also why, casual mouth:

"don't check, far in the sky, near in front of you."

Far away, near?

Zhong Guanghui and Wang Xingyun were stunned.

Neither of them is the owner of the rising sun, only...

Chu Chen is the owner of the rising sun?!

Thinking of this conclusion, Zhong Guanghui and Wang Xingyun were shocked.

Zhong Guanghui took the lead to react and laughed:

"I didn't expect that the owner of the rising sun was brother Chu. What a coincidence."

To tell you the truth, Zhong Guanghui made friends with Chu Chen, gave Chu Chen Zheng Banqiao's painting and crown membership card.

But he is optimistic about Chu Chen. He thinks Chu Chen has been a hundred billion rich since he was young. Maybe he can go further in the future.

Of course, he didn't think too much.

Between 100 billion and 200 billion, though only one word short.

But if you want to change from one to two, it's just as hard as the sky!

He has no hope in his life. As for Chu Chen, he thinks he has a few percent chance.

It is because of this few percent of the opportunity, he is so good Chu Chen.

But now...

"it's amazing that brother Chu can buy the sun from Mr. Riley."

Zhong Guanghui is really convinced this time, said from the heart.

I'm afraid it's just a matter of time for brother Chu to have such a strong network of contacts and turn his assets into 200 billion in the future.

At the moment, Zhong Guanghui is very glad that he did what he did before and spared no effort to make friends with Chu Chen. It's really right.

"Where, where."

Chu Chen modest mouth.

What, Mr. Riley? He doesn't know who it is.

As for its former owner, Chu Chen had no idea.

But he could not speak out the system, so he spoke modestly.

Chu Chen's modest words shocked Wang Xingyun even more.

Listen to Chu Chen's tone and buy the sun from Mr. Riley. Is it common?

The trough!

Wang Xingyun is a fool.

Bullshit, bullshit!

Wang Xingyun suddenly realized.

What is the president of angel entertainment group? This is Chu Chen's disguised identity.

Chu Chen is definitely a young man who comes out from the super rich family to exercise.Otherwise, how can we have such strong connections?

Chu Chen didn't say anything, but Wang Xingyun made up a lot of things by himself, such as Chu Chen's background, his identity, and how powerful he was.

He was wrong. He was really wrong.

As expected, he is still too young. His eyesight is not good at all. Uncle Zhong is very good.

Thinking about it, Wang Xingyun picked up the glass and said humbly:

"brother Chen, I admire you so much."

"Here's to you, little brother."

Facing the extremely polite Wang Xingyun, Chu Chen is not easy to refuse.

"I can even get the sun. I'm really convinced."

"If there's anything wrong with brother Chen in the future, just say hello. I'll do my best to help him."

Wang Xingyun quickly made up for his previous mistakes and tried his best to please Chu Chen.

At the moment, Wang Xingyun looks like a little brother.

"You're welcome." Chu Chen responded.

The dinner ended in Wang Xingyun's constant praise and praise of Chu Chen.


A new day is coming.

Chu Chen opened his eyes and heard the familiar and kind voice.


[check in task, check in or not]

it's only a few days ago, and there is another check-in task. The system is really wonderful.

Chu Chen didn't hesitate to say:

"sign in."

I don't know what the reward for this check-in is. Last time, it was the top super run, the amazing speed of Hennessy viper.

What is it this time?

Chu Chen was looking forward to it.


[congratulations on the successful check-in]

[system prompt: today is the 88th day for the host to get the system, and the system will provide super prize]

"super prize?"

Even the system said so, this reward will be amazing!

Chu Chen rubbed his hands and looked forward to it.

[reward: Lucky turntable lottery once]

with the sound of the system.

In front of Chu Chen's eyes, a lucky turntable with countless options emerged.

Looking at all kinds of rewards on the lucky turntable, Chu Chen was shocked!

He read it subconsciously:

"reward assets of 10 billion."

"Award a 20% stake in 100 billion Airlines Group."

"Reward to become Didi's third largest shareholder."

"One of the top science and technology research institutes in China will be awarded."


Looking at these rewards, Chu Chen's heart beats faster and looks forward to it.

It's a super prize.

"Here we go."

Click the lucky wheel.

The lucky draw officially began.

Chu Chen stares at the lucky turntable, looking forward to the reward for a while, nervous.

Slowly, the speed of the lucky wheel slows down.

Finally, the lucky wheel finally stopped!

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