Blackstone, perhaps most people have never heard of it.

But people who have heard of it will never forget it.

Blackstone Group is one of the world's top alternative asset management and financial advisory services institutions. It is also one of the world's largest independent alternative asset management institutions!

Three years ago, I managed more than 200 billion dollars of assets!

Attention, it's dollars!

No one knows how many billion Blackstone Group manages now.

Blackstone Group can be called a super chaebol. It has its presence in numerous international enterprises, such as apple, Citibank, BlackRock, Berkshire Hathaway, McDonald's, etc. Blackstone Group has a large share.

Hilton International Hotel Group is a subsidiary of Blackstone Group.

It's just a Hilton International Hotel Group, which doesn't surprise Zheng Chengping, but the Blackstone Group behind it is a giant.

Although Hilton International Hotel Group is not prominent among all the subsidiaries of Blackstone Group, no one dares to provoke.

Blackstone Group is enough to frighten everything!

Looking at the two foreigners politely came in, Zheng Chengping stood there as if facing the enemy.

"Is Mr. Chu in, please?"

The assistant president of Hilton International Hotel Group spoke. As an assistant, he can speak eight languages, and Chinese is naturally one of them.


Chu Chen came out.

"Hello, Mr. Chu."

After seeing Chu Chen, the assistant president came forward respectfully.

"I'm the president's secretary, James."

"This is the general manager of Hilton Hotels Asia Pacific." The assistant president introduces the middle-aged man next to him.

"Hello, vice president."

The middle-aged man in suit came forward and said respectfully.

Chu Chen, as the third largest shareholder of Hilton International Hotel Group, is the vice president of the company.

Vice President?

Ge Laozi and Ge Yiyun look at each other.

What's the name?

Does Chu Chen still have such a heavy identity?

Next to, after hearing the general manager of Hilton Asia Pacific region's address to Chu Chen, the whole person is silly.


Chu Chen... Chu Chen is the vice president of Hilton International Hotel Group?

Zheng Chengping seemed to be struck by thunder and was stunned.

No, he investigated Chu Chen's identity before.

The most powerful is the president of angel entertainment group.

How could he become the vice president of the world's top ten hotel groups?

In Zheng Chengping's astonished eyes, Chu Chen shakes hands with Hilton's Asia Pacific General Manager.

In the face of Chu Chen, the general manager, who is higher than the assistant to the president, is more respectful.

Who let chuchen be the person with the highest share of hildo international hotel in the Asia Pacific region?

Even Chu Chen a word, can let him be replaced.

"Mr. Chu, this is a letter from the president and some documents. Please accept them."

The assistant president handed some documents and a letter to Chu Chen.

"All right."

Chu Chen took the documents and letters and read them.

"Please sit down, two. I have something else to deal with. After that, I'll entertain two more."

After that, Chu Chen looks at Zheng Chengping.

Seeing Chu Chen's eyes, Zheng Chengping's whole body trembled, and a cold sweat broke out behind him.


Looking at Zheng Chengping and his younger brothers, the general manager of the Asia Pacific region is looking up.

"Vice president, do you need me to contact some people?"

The general manager asked Chu Chen politely. Hilton's Asia Pacific headquarters is located in Mordor. He has been in Mordor for seven or eight years.

Because of his identity and the Blackstone Group, he knew a lot of big people.

All over the country, he called out a big man, can scare Zheng Chengping half to death.

"No, no, no!"

Hearing this, Chu Chen didn't say anything. Zheng Chengping's face turned white and quickly opened his mouth.

Naturally, he knew that the general manager was terrible.

One phone call, I'm afraid he's finished, so I beg for mercy.

"Mr. Chu, I'm wrong."

Next second, Zheng Chengping asks Chu Chen for mercy.


Zheng Chengping slapped himself hard.

"I have eyes and don't know Taishan. I didn't recognize you. I want Meiyuan. I'm a fool."

Having said that, Zheng Chengping slapped himself again.

"Actually, the purpose of my coming here today is just to give you money."

"You see, there are two billion here. Please take it."

Zheng Chengping respectfully took out the two billion yuan that he was going to buy Meiyuan before and gave it to Chu Chen.At the moment, he finally realized that the material he had investigated before must be false.

Many special people have a disguised identity.

Standing behind the Blackstone Group, Chu Chen's true identity is not what he can find.

"Don't apologize to Mr. Chu yet."

Zheng Chengping yelled at his younger brothers.

Gudong, Gudong!

The next second, all the little brothers kneel down and slap in the face.

"The two billion is compensation for your offence, but it doesn't seem to be enough."

Put the card away, Chu Chen took a look at Zheng Chengping's younger brothers, if there is a point to Zheng Chengping said.

In an instant, Zheng Chengping understood the meaning of Chu Chen.

He really doesn't feel like kneeling, but after thinking about the Blackstone Group behind Hilton.


Zheng Chengping also knelt in front of Chu Chen.

"No more, 100."

Chu Chen light mouth.

Pop, pop.

Zheng Chengping gritted his teeth and began to work.


At the same time, a large number of people rushed into the plum garden, led by Zhong Guanghui and Wang Xingyun.

Like Mr. Ge, they heard that Zheng Chengping was leading people to Meiyuan.

If so, they may hesitate.

But knowing that the rising sun is Chu Chen's, they are more respectful to Chu Chen.

Therefore, after knowing Zheng Chengping's action, they also gathered a group of their own bodyguards and rushed to Meiyuan.

They came later because they were far away from Meiyuan.

"Brother Chu, are you ok?"

"Big brother, little brother is here."

Zhong Guanghui and Wang Xingyun took the lead to rush in.

However, looking at the scene in front of them, they were stunned.

I'll go.

Zheng Chengping, and countless Zheng Chengping's younger brothers, are kneeling in front of Chu Chen and slapping themselves in the face.

They're right.

Is this the lawless and reckless Zheng Chengping?!

Zhong Guanghui and Wang Xingyun rubbed their eyes, thinking that they were hallucinating.

But when they opened their eyes, they saw the scene.

You know, even if they both came, they just wanted Zheng Chengping to stop.

It is impossible to shock Zheng Chengping or make him give up completely.

But now...

ZHENG Chengping knelt down in front of Chu Chen, even slapped him in the face and kept apologizing.

The trough!

What a bull!

Mr. Chu is so awesome!

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, I'm afraid they couldn't believe it.

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