Liu Ruobing is not very sensitive to beauty. She likes boys who have connotation, artistic accomplishment and know music.

Unfortunately, so far, she has not met a boy who makes her look sideways.

Liu Ruobing also ridiculed himself before, and might have to "note solitary life".

Now, seeing that Chu Chen has a piano at home, she is also curious. Can Chu Chen play it?

Hearing Shen Zhilan's question, Chu Chen, who was anxious to cook tea eggs, casually replied:

"a little."

"I remember that Ruobing seems to have learned piano since childhood?"

Looking at Liu Ruobing, Cui Junhui said.

"If ice, how about a song?"

Liu Ruobing nodded. Now is not the time to be modest.

She wanted to pull back a game in front of Chu Chen too much. She had failed before, but she had learned music since childhood. She shouldn't have failed in music.

And Liu Ruobing also wants to take the opportunity to turn Cui Junhui and Shen Zhilan's eyes away from Chu Chen.

She doesn't think Chu Chen is a good person now.

Steel straight man, Chu Chen such handsome steel straight man?

After today's event, Liu Ruobing guessed that Chu Chen's steel straight man, no, reinforced concrete straight man, should be Chu Chen's.

Chu Chen is a scum man, a big scum man.

Although she said she was cheating on her best friend, she was still good for her best friend.

She doesn't want to let her two best friends fall into the hands of Chu Chen. She wants to save her best friend.

I hope their piano music can make them temporarily divert their attention from Chu Chen.

Thinking, Liu Ruobing came to the piano and sat down.

In order to calm them down, Liu Ruobing directly played a song "loneliness", also known as "lovelorn March".

With a touch of sad music echoing in the villa.

Even the air quieted down.

Listening to Liu Ruobing's "lovelorn March", both Cui Junhui and Shen Zhilan think a lot and feel deeply.

A person is doomed to be lonely.

In order to no longer be lonely, not sad, they all think about it.

We must seize this opportunity to grab Chu Chen's little brother.

Chuchen's little brother is his own.

Cui Junhui and Shen Zhilan suddenly look at each other and see the determination in each other's eyes.

The next second, two people scramble to the kitchen to find Chu Chen.

Liu Ruobing, who is deeply immersed in piano music, did not notice the actions of his two best friends.

She sighed deeply.

But she didn't feel the sense of lovelorn.

She has been single for more than 20 years, and she doesn't even feel the feeling of love. Where can she feel the feeling of lovelorn!

If Liu Ruobing knew that his piano music, not only did not let the two friends calm down, but had the opposite effect, let the two friends realize that he must seize the opportunity to get chuchen little brother.

I'm afraid Liu Ruobing, who was originally in a state of mind, will really cry.

For a long time, Liu Ruobing finished playing the piano. After a while, Liu turned around.

She saw not only did not have the slightest effect, but pasted Chu dust closer two intimate friends, Liu Ruobing helpless.

"Chu Chen, you can also play the piano. What do you think of my performance?"

Liu Ruobing inquires Chu Chen, wants to hear Chu Chen's praise and pull back the game.

After all, she studied piano since childhood, and now she has some artistic achievements.

"Not bad." Chu Chen opens his mouth.

Can hear "not bad" from Chu Chen's mouth, Liu Ruobing nods contentedly.

However, Chu Chen's next words, let Liu Ruobing the whole person is not good.

"I'll give you a 60."

60 points!

I just passed!

Her piano level, although not up to that level of musicians, but how should also have about 80 points.

Liu Ruobing knows his level, so he is not happy to hear Chu Chen's score.

Chu Chen, this is intentional, it must be!

In fact, she didn't know that it was very powerful for a piano master to say that it was good and give a score of 60.

"Didn't you say you could, too?"

"How about one?"

Liu Ruobing doesn't want to directly refute Chu Chen. Let the facts speak. She asks Chu Chen to play the piano.

Just boiled tea egg, now nothing, Chu Chen nodded.

I don't know what tune to play. Chu Chen also plays Liu Ruobing's tune just now.

Although it is the first time to play, as a master, Chu Chen is still confident.

The music of sadness starts again.

Chuchen sits there. In the eyes of Cui Junhui and Shen Zhilan, chuchen seems to have become a melancholy prince, more attractive.

Chu Chen's little brother is not only handsome, but also plays so well with connotation.I really did not see the wrong person!

They don't know Piano, but one thing is for sure, Chu Chen plays better than Liu Ruobing just now.

They adore Chu Chen more.

As for Liu Ruobing, he was confused when he listened to Chu Chen's piano music.

After learning for so many years, when Chu Chen just played the first key, Liu Ruobing's face changed.


Absolute piano master!

After listening for a few seconds, Liu Ruobing confirmed that Chu Chen is definitely a piano master.

Otherwise, there can be no such level!

Compared with Chu Chen's, what he just played was nothing, too rubbish, too general.

Chu Chen commented on himself six ten, and he already gave himself face.

Looking at Chu Chen, Liu Ruobing is in a daze.

At the moment, the image of Chu Chen is constantly enlarged in Liu Ruobing's heart.

It turns out that he is still a piano master!

How old is he!

And why is it so low-key?

Liu Ruobing thought that if he was a piano master, he would be very proud, but Chu Chen was not a bit proud, on the contrary, he was very easygoing.

Maybe that's the difference between her and the master.

The more you look at Chu Chen, the more intoxicated Liu Ruobing is, and his heart beats faster.

At the moment, as soon as he closed his eyes, Liu Ruobing's mind was full of the shadow of Chu Chen.

Slowly, Chu Chen finished playing.

Liu Ruobing exclaimed in his heart, "what should I do if I am trapped?"

Just now that kind of feeling, is the legendary heart, love at first sight.

It's the first time she's had it?

Originally, she wanted to save her two best friends. Unexpectedly, she was conquered by Chu Chen's charm and occupied?

No, no!

Liu Ruobing shakes her head and wants to delete Chu Chen's image from her mind, but no matter what she does, she can't.

The way Chu Chen played the piano just now seemed to be deeply branded in her mind.

Liu Ruobing became extremely tangled.

"Little brother, you play very well."

"It's wonderful. I'm occupied."

Shen Zhilan and Cui Junhui talk, this time they are not to please Chu Chen, but to tell the truth.

Chuchen plays very well.

"I do. It's really a master performance."

Liu Ruobing also lowered his arrogant head and said with emotion.

At the moment, she did not dare to look at Chu Chen.

After that, the tea eggs are ripe and the Chu dust comes up.

Several eat up, this time, said very delicious, praise Chu dust in addition to Shen Zhilan and Cui Junhui, another Liu Ruobing.

Two friends also found Liu Ruobing's abnormality.

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