In the evening, Chu Chen is too lazy to cook. Although Liu Ruobing is the best beauty, his cooking skills are either not good or not good.

A few people found a high-end restaurant to eat.

After dinner, Chu Chen left the restaurant and went outside.

At this time, a young couple is preparing to enter the restaurant.

"Chu Chen?"

The man is the first to recognize Chu Chen. Isn't this their famous handsome guy, school grass?

"Zheng Wenshi?"

Chu Chen brows a pick.

Zheng Wenshi is also a student of Jiangzhou University, but he is not in the same department as Chu Chen.

In a campus singer contest, they met.

Because of Chu Chen's extraordinary appearance, although his singing skills were general, he took part in the singer competition under the strong suggestions of his teachers and classmates.

Zheng Wenshi is also a contestant, and is a seed.

That singer competition, Zheng Wenshi played very well, almost comparable with professional singers.

Originally, Zheng Wenshi thought he would win the championship, but as soon as the result came out, the champion was Chu Chen of average level, and the number of votes was almost twice that of Zheng Wenshi.

Let Zheng Wenshi state of mind directly burst!

That time Chu Chen won the championship, it was all due to the credit of countless girls of "love dust club".

Other schools, are the kind of school flower admirers and pursuers form a group, but Jiangzhou university is different.

Because of Chu Chen's amazing appearance, countless girls who adore and worship Chu Chen voluntarily set up an association, namely "love dust Association".

This association swept Jiangzhou University at that time.

No matter how popular the various fresh meat stars are and how many fans they have, there will never be a large number of "love dust club" in Jiangzhou University.

The singer competition, by love dust will give Chu dust canvass, the results of most of the school girls voted for Chu dust, let Chu dust directly crush the audience.

Originally Chu Chen just wanted to play in the competition, but he didn't expect to win a champion.

This may be the trouble of too high face value.

At that time, Chu Chen said sorry to Zheng Wenshi in his heart, who let you not look handsome?

And a lot of school competitions are like this. As long as Chu Chen takes part, 80% and 90% of the champions are Chu Chen's.

This makes Chu Chen more vexed, handsome and miserable.

Champion, champion, champion.

He can't let go of so many champions, trophies and certificates.

And those champions are not Chu Chen's competitions. They are all decided by the school leaders.

Since the singer contest, Chu Chen has never met Zheng Wenshi. Unexpectedly, he met Zheng Wenshi in Hangzhou today.

"Long time no see."

Zheng Wenshi said hello with a smile.

Although the surface is calm, but Zheng Wenshi's heart is happy to bloom.

Because of that event, Zheng Wenshi still hated Chu Chen?

Hum, isn't it just handsome?

Now Chu Chen looks almost the same as before, but he has undergone earth shaking changes.

After all, several old houses of his family in mordu have been demolished!


"To introduce you, this is my girlfriend Ding Rourou."

Zheng Wenshi said ostentatiously.

Girlfriend Ding Rourou, he spent a lot of money to get her. It's said that the real beauty is still a flower?

Now look at Chu Chen, a lonely person, not to mention the beauty like his girlfriend, not even an ordinary girl.

What about your former suitor?

"Why, single?"

Looking around, Zheng Wenshi asked clearly, today he wants to get back his lost face.

"I think so."

Chu Chen answers.

"That's too... Too bad."

Zheng Wenshi said, pretending to be sorry.

In fact, he almost said what he thought - that's great, say it.

"It's better to be single. I'm not as restrained as I am when I have a girlfriend."

Zheng Wenshi spoke.

"Although Rourou is beautiful and obedient, she has a good character..."

hearing this, Chu Chen smiles but does not speak.

Not to mention Yan Luoshui, Su Chuqing and others who have a good relationship with him, even some female artists and staff of his company are more beautiful than Ding rourourou.

He had already guessed that Zheng Wenshi wanted revenge and was proud.

Install it, continue to install it, the higher you float, the worse you fall.

"How are you doing?" Zheng Wenshi asked.

"It's the same as before."

Chu Chen replied:

"if you are too handsome, there are always a lot of troubles."

Hearing Chu Chen's reply, Zheng Wenshi's face became stiff.


Handsome!It's a nightmare for him. Why isn't he handsome?

But God is fair, although did not give him handsome face, but gave him "demolition households", but also "devil city demolition households" identity.

Has been waiting for a long time, Zheng Wenshi did not wait until Chu Chen asked "how are you doing?".

He asked him, according to common sense, shouldn't Chu Chen ask himself?

"I've been doing well recently. My house has been demolished..."

Chu Chen said without asking.

He wants to show his cards to Chu Chen and announce that he is a billionaire!

He can't wait to see Chu Chen shocked.

But before he had finished, a voice interrupted him.

"Little brother, here I am."

Shen Zhilan comes out of the restaurant and comes to Chu Chen. She looks very intimate.


After seeing Shen Zhilan, Zheng Wenshi's face changed. It's so beautiful.

Compared with her, her girlfriend Ding rourourou seems nothing.

This is Chu Chen's girlfriend.

"Mr. Chu, why don't you wait for others?"

Cui Junhui came out with a coquettish look and a crisp voice.

Seeing Cui Junhui, who is coquettish with Chu dust, Zheng Wenshi is shocked.

Just a girlfriend.

You have two, one drag two, and one is more beautiful than the other?

The next second, Liu Ruobing followed, also came out from the restaurant, came to Chu dust next to.


Looking at Liu Ruobing beside Chu Chen, Zheng Wenshi was stunned.

"To introduce you, these three are my friends."

This time, it's Chu Chen's turn to introduce Zheng Wenshi.


Girlfriends, right?!

Look at these beauties. Do they look at you like friends?

Before he also found a beautiful girlfriend for himself, complacent, but to Chu Chen here, not one, not two, but three.

And the three seem to be in perfect harmony.

Before he wanted to hook up with a girl, his girlfriend found that he almost killed him.

As a result, Chu Chen is not enjoying the happiness of the whole people. I'm afraid it's not for many people to exercise!

Zheng Wenshi felt deeply hurt.

Is that the difference between being handsome and being ugly?

It's not about money?

"I'm Yi..."

ZHENG Wenshi is not reconciled and wants to show off his billionaire to Chu Chen.

However, without waiting for him to speak, Liu Ruobing and others have already got on the bus.

After seeing Liu Ruobing's car, Zheng Wenshi's words were swallowed directly by him.

This is... Pagani?!

More than 3000 cars?

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