"Whatever you say?"

Lisa Hui replied with a sneer.

"What I say is my freedom and my right. You have no right to stop it."

"Don't think you've been accepted by that company. It's amazing."

Lisa Xu said to Chu Danyun with a sneer:

"it's just a small garbage company. The top management of the company is a group of guys with no eyes."

"I'm already in a big company with hundreds of billions of dollars."

"With my technology and ability to study abroad, I will become the management of the company soon."

Lisa Xu vowed that she was full of expectations for her future.

This is a job that her family used countless relationships and spent a lot of money to get her.

"And you, as well as your weak brother, should continue to be a poor lower class people."

Xu Lisa ridicules Chu Chen and Chu Danyun, and turns around to leave arrogantly.

Just then, a sound of footwork came.

Outside, three or four childe brothers came in.

"Jiang Shao."

Seeing a young man at the head of the group, Lisa Xu suddenly showed a surprise smile on her face.

I didn't expect to meet the boss's son, the company's Prince here. It's so nice.

She wants to show her charm and take the Prince down. In this way, she can enter the rich family and live a rich life.

Lisa Xu simply cleaned up and walked to the company prince with a smile.

The prince also seemed to find her, with a look of surprise and excitement on his face.

The next second, the prince directly left a few friends and walked towards Lisa Xu.

"Did he notice me before?"

"This time I met again, so I'm very excited to come and tell me?"

The more she thought about it, the more excited Lisa Xu was.

He is so charming that even the prince of Tangtang company is fascinated by himself.

Just a few seconds later, Lisa Xu even began to dream about her future life of marrying into a rich family.

You can buy all kinds of famous bags, luxury cars and villas, and there are dozens of servants to serve you every day.

That kind of life, it's wonderful.

Thinking about it, Lisa Xu couldn't help but smile excitedly.

Looking at the prince who came, Lisa Xu slowly opened her arms and wanted to embrace him.




When the prince came over, Lisa Xu became nervous.


The next moment, however, something happened that surprised Lisa.

Only in the face of open arms of his own, the prince was not polite to face his arm down.

It's like I'm in the way.

Then, the prince and Lisa passed by without any intention of staying.

Standing there alone, Lisa Xu was extremely embarrassed.

What's going on?

What happened?

Lisa Xu's mind became blank and confused.

The voice of the prince made lisa shudder, and she immediately recovered.

"Brother Chen, I didn't expect to meet you again. I'm so lucky."

Brother Chen?

The prince of Tangtang company, the owner of the future company, actually called others brother.

And "you", "lucky"?

For a moment, Lisa Xu doubted her hearing.

Is it the prince's words of flattering and flattering?

With great curiosity, Lisa Xu turned to look.

In a flash, the scene she saw made lisa Xu gape.

At this moment, I saw the prince standing in front of Chu Danyun's younger brother, very humble.


Chu Chen nodded.

This prince is not someone else, it is just before Chu Chen met, and very "generous" gave himself dozens of luxury cars of Jiang Feilong.

After the event of Jinsha Equestrian Club, Jiang Feilong's worship and awe of Chu Chen reached the extreme.

This time, when he saw Chu Chen, he immediately came to please him, looking like a loyal little brother.

"Who are these?"

Jiang Feilong asked curiously.

"This is my cousin Chu Danyun and her two best friends."


It's brother Chen's cousin?

Jiang Feilong immediately said hello politely:

"Hello, sister Yun."

Brother Chen?

Sister Yun?

Not far away, hearing Jiang Feilong's two appellations, Lisa Xu was only shocked.How come?

Lisa Xu thought she was dreaming, so she pinched herself.

"It hurts."

Lisa Xu murmured.

Really, this scene is real!

This is the prince of their company. In the future, he will inherit hundreds of billions of big companies and become a big man.

Now unexpectedly to her look down on a pair of brothers and sisters, shout dust elder brother, cloud elder sister?

No mistake.

Watching Jiang Feilong and Chu Chen talk, Lisa Xu is stunned.

At this time, several young brothers who came with Jiang Feilong also came.

"Brother Chen is good."

"Nice to meet you, brother Chen."

They have heard of brother Chen's Niubi from Jiang Feilong, and now they come here with admiration.

Chu Danyun's two best friends were equally shocked to see that several dandies were respectful to Chu Chen.

Who is Danyun's cousin?

A few people chatted.

"We've just been ridiculed?"

Chu Danyun's best friend spoke.


Hearing this, Jiang Feilong exploded in an instant.

After understanding the matter, Jiang Feilong comes to Lisa Xu angrily.

"Jiang Shao."

Seeing Jiang Feilong, Lisa Xu is very nervous.

"Why, do you know me?"

Jiang Feilong asked in surprise.

"Yes, I work for your father's company." Lisa Xu didn't dare to hide.


Jiang Feilong was even more angry.

After a long time, this bitch is an employee of their company.

"It's better to know who I am."

Jiang Feilong ordered directly.

"From today on, you are no longer our staff. Come and apologize to brother Chen and sister Yun."

"Otherwise, I'm afraid you won't see the sun tomorrow."

Jiang Feilong threatens Lisa Xu in a low voice.


Lisa Xu trembled and turned pale.

Under Jiang Feilong's fierce eyes, Lisa Xu slowly goes to Chu Chen and Chu Danyun.

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