In the dumbfounded, six helicopters flew here and slowly fell down.


"Now that the rich don't play luxury cars, do they play helicopters instead?"

A burst of noise, countless onlookers kept talking, this formation is much more than Su Chuqing's confession just now!



Many people pick up their mobile phones and take pictures of the helicopter slowly landing.

Soon, various circles of friends and hot search spread the news that the mysterious local tyrant came to Jiangda with six expensive helicopters.

Although they do not know what brand of helicopter this is, but look at the shape to know that the value of a helicopter is far above a super run!

Six helicopters, I'm afraid hundreds of millions of it!


In the villa, Su Chuqing's father and old housekeeper were shocked.

Those students didn't know each other, but they did. This is clearly the EC155 helicopter, which made a sensation at the Paris air show.

Internationally, the price of an EC155 helicopter is as high as 80 million!

Now there are six in a row, a total of 480 million!

In China, although many rich people have their own private airplanes, most of them are business airplanes.

It's almost impossible for a rich person to spend 500 million on six helicopters that are far less useful than commercial airplanes. It's too luxurious!

"Who is it?"

Su Chuqing's father murmured. His eyes were staring at the computer screen in front of him. He was extremely curious about the mysterious rich man!


In the eyes of shock, the door of a helicopter opened and a gorgeous beauty came down.

She was wearing a black uniform, tall, long black hair gently rolled up, wearing a pair of exquisite black rimmed glasses, giving people a noble feeling.

She is so beautiful, like a perfect work of art, instantly compared all the girls on the scene.

Even Su Chuqing is inferior.

After she came down, several other helicopters came down, and a large group of black bodyguards stood in two lines on both sides of the road.

In everyone's shocked eyes, the beautiful lady came slowly.

"President, I'm here to pick you up!"

Looking at Chu Chen, the beautiful lady opens her mouth.

In an instant, Chu Chen understood that she should be a member of Junlin group.

"I'm gone. Please contact me if you have something to do."

Chu Chen said a word to Su Chuqing, then got on the helicopter with the beautiful woman.


The helicopter flew up into the sky and went away, leaving only a group of dull onlookers.


Chu Chen is the owner of these six helicopters, the mysterious rich?

Showdown, I am the richest man!

At this time, everyone suddenly thought of what Chu Chen had just said, and immediately understood!

What he said is true!

Chu Chen is really the richest man!

The richest man in his twenties!

It's terrible!

This reversal is too big!


Villa, Su Chuqing's father and old housekeeper is Leng there, for a long time can not be calm!

Just now, they exclaimed at the powerful financial resources of this mysterious rich man?

In the twinkling of an eye, they think that they are not worthy of Su Chuqing. The useless little white face has turned into an existence that even they have to look up to!


for a moment, Su Chuqing's father was extremely regretful. He should help his daughter!

Such a young man, with such a huge amount of financial resources, a terrible family background, and a boundless future!

By contrast, they seem to be saying the opposite.

It seems that Su Chuqing is not worthy of Chu dust.


Jiangzhou University.

"Is he really the richest man?"

It took a long time for Su Chuqing to react and understand what Chu Chen said just now.

He didn't cheat himself and managed such a big group. Chu Chen was absolutely very busy and didn't have time to fall in love.

"He is not only handsome, but also young, promising, kind-hearted, sunny and enthusiastic. He is absolutely the ideal prince charming."

Unconsciously, in Su Chuqing's heart, Chu Chen, who is just a little more handsome, suddenly has countless advantages.

"I won't give up!"

Su Chuqing more firm idea!


Inside the helicopter, the gorgeous beauty reports the recent situation of the company to Chu Chen.

"By the way, what's your name?"

Heart is very excited, just report Chu Chen did not listen.

"Ah?"Hear Chu Chen's words, peerless beauty a Leng, very puzzled.

"Mr. Chu, I'm Mo Yuwan. You recruited me. Let me be your secretary!"

Mo Yu Wan said, and stretched out his jade hand to touch Chu Chen's forehead.

"Are you ill?"

Chu Chen stopped Mo Yu Wan: "I'm ok."

Not long ago, the mysterious rich bought Junlin group, and the whole group was transferred to the name of Chu Chen.

Then, in the name of Chu Chen, the mysterious rich paid a high price for Mo Yuwan, a senior economic consultant, to become a secretary.

"You go on!"

Chu Chen motioned Mo Yu Wan to continue, and now he fully understood.

All this is the setting of the system. Naturally, the mysterious rich is the system.

All this is to let Chu Chen get the reward, reasonable appear in the real society.

After that, all the rewards will be like this, making everything reasonable.

Half an hour later, the helicopter stopped on the top of Junlin group building.

Chu dust and Mo Yu Wan down, in the introduction of Mo Yu Wan, Chu dust inspected a circle in the company.

Chu Chen also had a general understanding of Junlin group. With a total market value of 17.3 billion, Junlin group is a leader in the field of domestic scientific research.

And he is the master of this technology Empire, with 17 billion assets!

"I will not be in the company in the future. You can handle the company's affairs and contact me if you have anything."

He is just a college student. Chu Chen seriously doubts whether he has the ability to run such a huge group.

Since the system has dug up Moyu Wan, the ability of Moyu Wan is needless to say.

Let Mo Yuwan manage the company and be the boss himself. Don't you think it's fragrant to lie down and make money?


[task release, go to Tiannan university to clock in, task time: one hour. 】

[task reward: top level driving skills]

[what's the point of being a top rich if you can't drive a Ferrari with one hand? 】

seeing this, Chu Chen's eyes brightened, which was exactly what he needed.

He can't drive.

You can't fly around in a helicopter every day, can you?

It's too much trouble.

"Tiannan university?"

"Isn't Lingling just reading there?"

Chu Chen suddenly thought of a person, his sister Bai Lingling.

"I'm going to Tiannan University. Make arrangements for me."

Five minutes later, Chu Chen left the Junlin group by helicopter.

On the plane, Chu Chen dials his sister Bai Lingling.


Tiannan University, Bai Lingling finished Chu Chen's phone, his face showed a smile.

"Lingling, what's the matter? A call from your sweetheart?"

Next to him, Bai Lingling's best friend asked curiously.

"Where is it?"

Bai Lingling said shyly.

Just then, a passing super car stopped.

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