Rende hospital staff threatened reporters!

Good, good.

The news is good.

"Of course not." Chu Chen opens his mouth.

Hearing this, the male reporter sneered, he had guessed that Chu Chen would say so.

However, Chu Chen's next sentence made the male reporter's face livid.

"Let me threaten you, you are not qualified."

Don't you look down on yourself?

Although he is not a big shot and has no background, he is a journalist.

In today's society, people's words are terrible, and cyber violence is even more terrible.

Good, you say so.

I'm sure you'll make a big impression on chusen's news.

"I don't mind telling you. I'm from Zetian media."

Male reporter said without fear.

He was not afraid that Chu Chen would report his false news to his company, because their whole company was founded on false news.

If you don't make some fake news, I'm afraid you can't stay in their company.

"Are you not afraid of exposure when you make false news?"

Chu Chen asked.

"False news, what false news?"

The male reporter looks like a righteous Ling ran.

Their boss has a huge network, otherwise Zetian media may not survive until now.

"Ask the patient's family, is this false news?"

The male reporter pointed to several patients' families and said.

"It's because of this doctor without medical ethics, chusen, that the old man is critically ill."

Pointing to Uncle Chu Chen, the male reporter spoke confidently.

"I hope you'll be so confident later."

Chu Chen lightly returned a sentence.

Soon after Chu Chen's voice fell, a large number of reporters came.

This includes many reporters from large media companies, many TV stations and even provincial TV stations.

"Do you have any evidence that Mr. chusen's operation made the old man seriously ill?"

"Hello, Zetian media colleague, why do you say that Dr. chusen is" careless about human life "as soon as you come up here? Do you know anything or have any evidence?"

As soon as they came up, these reporters asked the family members of the patients and the male reporters of Zetian media.

Just now in the conference room, Chu Chen heard that a reporter was coming, so he sent a message to Luo Yongning, the boss of Hangzhou media circles who had known him before drinking tea, and asked him to help.

Sure enough, brother Luo is very fast. In less than ten minutes, so many reporters came.

Don't they want reporters to expose uncle?

OK, then he will invite more reporters to give a good exposure.

In the face of many reporters' questions, no matter how many patients' family members or male reporters did not know how to answer them.

They really can't prove it.

They can only insist that it is because of Uncle Chu Chen that the old man is seriously ill.

"Dean, Dean, the old man wakes up."

At this time, a little nurse ran over and said excitedly.

Yesterday, they operated on the elderly, and even issued a notice of critical illness.

I just didn't expect that the old man survived and woke up today.

Hearing this, everyone was stunned and came to the spirit.

Maybe the old man himself can prove it.


Chu Chen is also in front of a bright, the old man woke up, that is really good.

Originally, he also wanted the hospital to issue an examination certificate to judge that the old man's condition was not aggravated because of his uncle.

Now that the old man is awake, he doesn't have to be so troublesome.

"Come on, let's go to the ward."

"Interview the old man."

Soon, everyone went to the ward.

"Perverts, you perverts!"

Seeing several family members, the old man spoke weakly.

"Before I came here, I said, it's not Dr. Chu's fault. Dr. Chu is a good man."

"Unexpectedly, you blackmail doctor Chu for money. What's your conscience?"

Before she came to the hospital, the old man had told several children. Unexpectedly, in the days when she was in a coma, these children sold their conscience for money.

"Dr. Chu, I'm sorry."

When the old man spoke, he was still very weak.

"Old man, stop talking and have a good rest."

Chusen came forward and asked the old man to rest.

Having said so much, the old man is already quite tired.

Several family members instantly knelt on the ground, repeatedly apologized, kept begging for mercy, they were afraid.

To be honest, they didn't expect the old mother to wake up!

"So it is?""It's some family members who blackmail the doctor!"

"Zetian media reporter, what do you say?"

"You promised just now, and now?"

"And your evidence?"

All the reporters asked the male reporter of Zetian media.

The male reporter was speechless and ran away in a hurry.

The TV station took the initiative to prove to Uncle Chu Chen.

On that day, many TV stations exposed Zetian media, an unscrupulous media company.

The next day, Zetian media was seized and all the staff were taken away.

The families of the patients who blackmailed uncle Chu Chen are now in the police station.


For several days, nothing else happened. Chu Chen went to Tianyun jewelry company to have a look.

He was a little curious about the blue diamond.

Although the blue diamond is not worth more than 700 million, it is also worth 300 million to 400 million.

Let alone in China, even in the world, such a large blue diamond is rare.

If it can be made into a world-class jewelry, it will definitely bring huge potential benefits to the company.

At that time, Tianyun jewelry company will not only be famous in China, but also in the world, which will help Tianyun jewelry company to develop foreign markets.

After all, Chu Chen is the second largest shareholder of Tianyun jewelry company.

However, when Chu Chen came to Tianyun jewelry company, he found that Liu Ruobing was a little depressed, not excited.

It shouldn't be.

After seeing Chu Chen, Liu Ruobing tells Chu Chen what happened these days.

Tianyun jewelry company got a big blue diamond.

Several companies competing with Tianyun jewelry are naturally reluctant to let Liu Ruobing make that blue diamond into a world-class jewelry.

So they joined hands to attract many top jewelry design masters in China.

For a while, Tianyun jewelry company couldn't find a designer.

Without designers, the value of blue diamond will be greatly reduced!

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