Just as Chu Chen is about to leave, Lu Feifei, a long legged beauty from Tianyun jewelry company, stops Chu Chen.

"Mr. Chu, can I treat you to dinner?"

Before because of Chu Chen, Lu Feifei was lucky to become a temporary model and took a lot of money. Lu Feifei wanted to thank Chu Chen.

"It won't take you too long. I know a restaurant in Hangzhou International Financial Center is delicious."

Afraid of Chu Chen's refusal, Lu Feifei explains nervously.

General manager Chu is so handsome. Every time I see him, Lu Feifei's heart beats faster.

"No problem."

Chu Chen nodded. He was just going to the international financial center?

It's very nice to have a beautiful woman take the initiative to treat.

Twenty minutes later, they arrived at the international financial center.

Looking at this towering building, overlooking the entire Hangzhou City, with a construction area of 390000 square meters, even Chu Chen was shocked.

From today on, it is Chu Chen's industry.


[when you arrive at Hangzhou International Financial Center, do you want to clock in. 】

"clock in."

[successful clock out]

[congratulations on becoming the owner of Hangzhou international financial center]

after stopping the car, Chu Chen, led by Lu Feifei, goes straight to Ligong restaurant.

When they come to the Palace restaurant, they sit down and prepare to order.

"Lu Feifei?"

Surprised voice came, next to the table, a young woman began.

"Pei Yue?"

Lu Feifei turns her head.

It turns out that the two used to be neighbors and good friends, but because Lu Feifei moved, there was less contact.

I didn't expect to meet here.

"To introduce you, this is my boyfriend, Xue xuanming."

Pei Yue introduces his boyfriend.

"This is your boyfriend. Hello, I'm Pei Yue."

Pei Yue greets Chu Chen.

"Hello." Chu Chen nodded politely.

At the moment, Pei Yue some envy Lu Feifei, unexpectedly found such a handsome boyfriend.

In fact, just now she also because peep Chu Chen, just discovered Lu Feifei.

Because Chu Chen is so handsome, as soon as he comes in, Chu Chen attracts the attention of countless female customers.

Including Pei Yue, when she saw Chu Chen, she suddenly noticed that Lu Feifei looked familiar.

That's how I recognized it.

Pei Yue's boyfriend Xue xuanming is jealous and looks at Chu Chen. Isn't he handsome?

Looking for a girlfriend is more beautiful than his girlfriend, too much!

"It's not easy to meet each other. Why don't we get together and talk about the past?" Pei Yue suggested.

"Yes, let's go together."

Xue xuanming, on the other hand, spoke unkindly.

This is his territory. He can act as he likes.

He wants to hook up with Lu Feifei, such a beautiful long legged beauty, but it's the best.

After seeing that Chu Chen didn't refuse, Lu Feifei agreed.

The four sat together for dinner.

Xue xuanming wanted to attract Lu Feifei's attention and asked: "are brothers Chu from Hangzhou?"

"No, this is my first visit to Hangzhou." Chu Chen answers.

"So it's the first time Chu brothers have come to Hangzhou International Financial Center?"

Xue xuanming's mind flashed, and he had already figured out how to pretend.

"This international financial center is one of the landmarks of Hangzhou. It took eight years to build it."

Xue xuanming has an enigmatic look.

"When it was built successfully, it almost broke the height of Hangzhou real estate."

"At first, the developers bought the land, but it cost 2.5 billion."

"At that time, it caused a sensation in the whole city of Hangzhou and caused the exclamation of countless tycoons."

Beside, Pei Yue and Lu Feifei are also the first time to listen to these, and they are very shocked.

"Oh my God, it cost 2.5 billion just to buy this piece of land?"

"How much will it cost to build, decorate and so on?"

Pei Yue exclaimed, she is not clear, too terrible.

"It's amazing."

Even Lu Feifei said with emotion.

Hearing Pei Yue and Lu Feifei's words, Xue xuanming smiles with pride.

"Hangzhou International Financial Center is a super high-rise large-scale urban complex integrating large-scale shopping and entertainment centers, high-end office buildings, hotel style apartments and international platinum five-star hotels."

"Where we are now is its shopping center area, with an area of 100000 square meters."

"Integrating international famous products, fashion trends, Chinese and Western catering, leisure and entertainment, there are about 400 domestic and foreign brands and 50 flagship stores of international famous products.""Wow

"It's amazing."

Pei Yue and Lu Feifei were shocked when they heard so much information about Hangzhou International Financial Center for the first time.

Looking at Pei Yue and Lu Feifei's shocked eyes, Xue xuanming is also very excited.

He's ready to start acting.

Next to, Chu Chen calmly eating, quietly looking at Xue xuanming forced.

"To open a shop here requires not only huge financial support, but also terrible connections."

Xue xuanming spoke with pride.


"It's definitely not easy to open a shop here."

Pei Yue sighed:

"for example, this beautiful palace restaurant is very powerful. The per capita consumption is about 800 to 1000, which is terrible."

"The owner of this restaurant must be a big shot."

Pei Yue just and Xue xuanming together soon, she only know Xue xuanming is a rich second generation, specific Pei Yue is not clear.

"What a great man, ordinary man."

Hearing Pei Yue speak, Xue xuanming can't help it at last.

"I don't want to tell you the truth. This Lai Palace restaurant is actually owned by my father."

Xue xuanming pretended to be modest, but his face was filled with a proud smile.


"Xuanming, this restaurant is owned by your father!"

Pei Yue screamed, shocked.

Hearing this, many guests around turned their heads and looked at it.

"It's the owner here."

"Such a powerful rich second generation?"

The guests talked.

"Xuanming, why didn't you say that earlier?" Pei Yue excitedly opens his mouth.

She didn't expect that her boyfriend's family was so powerful.

Compared with him, Feifei's boyfriend has no other advantages except that he is handsome. He can't even compare with his boyfriend.

"It's my boyfriend."

Pei Yue spoke with pride.

Enjoying the eyes of shock and worship, Xue xuanming was very proud.

It's so cool to pretend.

However, when he noticed Chu Chen and Lu Feifei, he was surprised to find that both Chu Chen and Lu Feifei were more general.

You don't pretend to be strong enough?

Just then, from behind the restaurant, a middle-aged man came out.


After seeing the man, Xue xuanming said hello.

Pulling his father over, Xue xuanming ostentatiously said:

"Dad, these are my friends. If you want to get them some gold membership cards, you can get a discount in the future..."

before Xue xuanming finished, his father Xue Jiao suddenly noticed Chu Chen and his eyes were dazzled.

The next second, Xue Jiao came forward and asked respectfully:

"are you Mr. Chu?"

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