When seeing Mo Yu Wan, the male anchor pan Siyuan naturally saw Chu Chen beside Mo Yu Wan.

However, chuchen was ignored by Pan Siyuan.

It doesn't matter whether he is a relative, a boyfriend or even a husband of this beautiful woman.

Who is he? He is ten million level big net red, super anchor with goods, and the capital flow in a month is as high as 100 million!

He is more popular than many first-line stars, and some of them even want to come to his live studio to get warm.

Before that, he hooked up with a beautiful woman, who was about to get married. At last, the beautiful woman was pregnant with his child, and the beautiful woman's husband was very happy. He didn't know that he was the dish collector.

Now, he wants to do it again.

"Beauty, have we met somewhere?"

Pan Siyuan came to Mo Yuwan's side and asked with a smile.

Hearing this, Mo Yu Wan subconsciously turns his head and looks at Pan Siyuan.

"I haven't seen it."

Mo Yu Wan shook his head seriously and didn't know pan Siyuan.

Looking at Mo Yu Wan's performance, pan Siyuan is disappointed.

It turns out that this beauty is not a fan of her own.

What a pity.

Just now he asked, what he was looking forward to most was that the beautiful woman turned her head, saw herself, screamed and recognized him.

"But why do I think I've met you?"

Pan Siyuan responded quickly and said again:

"beauty, I think you look like my ex girlfriend."

"Do you think I look like your ex boyfriend?"

"Sorry, I don't have an ex boyfriend."

Mo Yu Wan returned a, direct turn round, toward Chu dust walk.

I'm afraid this man is not a fool.

ink feather inside can't help but make complaints about Pan Siyuan.

After listening to Mo Yu Wan's answer, pan Siyuan was stunned and embarrassed to the extreme.

Beauty's answer, let him after the routine all to failure.

No ex?

Leng for a long time, pan Siyuan this just slowed down, embarrassed on the embarrassing, tease sister cheeky can do?

What's more, the beauty said she didn't have an ex boyfriend.

Very good, very good.

Not as good as an ex.

Thick skinned, pan Siyuan walks towards Mo Yuwan again.

"Beauty, it's ok if we didn't know each other before, we can know each other later?"

"To introduce, my name is Pan Siyuan. I'm a big anchor. At present, I don't have many fans, only 10 million."

Pan Siyuan went straight to the theme and said.

"Every month, the flow of water in my live studio has exceeded 100 million..."

however, even so, Mo Yuwan still did not pay attention to pan Siyuan.

"Beauty, you can take whatever you like. As long as the store manager knows who I am, he won't ask for a cent."

Pan Siyuan changed the method of forcing.

After that, pan Siyuan gave his assistant a look.

Understand the meaning of Pan Siyuan, the assistant left to find the store manager.

Simply put the identity of Pan Siyuan, the store manager came out immediately.

"What Mr. Pan likes today, just take it. As long as Mr. Pan mentions our store in the live room."

The store manager said flatteringly.

Hearing this, pan Siyuan's face showed a smile.

See, this is his face!

"It's not just this store, it's all the stores in this mall." Pan Siyuan vowed to speak.

"I'm afraid this man is not a fool."

Mo Yu Wan said to Chu Chen.

"No, he's not a fool. He's just mentally ill."

Chu Chen and Mo Yu Wan leave the shop and walk into the Prada store not far away.

Pan Siyuan didn't want to give up like this. He caught up again and didn't notice what store it was.

"Beauty, as long as you like, you can choose anything in this shop."

"Just add my wechat?"

Pan Siyuan said.

"This store is free for you, too?" Chu Chen opens his mouth.

You know, even the manager of Prada stores has no right to give customers free orders.

"Of course."

After pan Siyuan said that, the assistant also called out the store manager.

"Today you give me free, tomorrow I will advertise for you in this studio."

Pan Siyuan said arrogantly.

"We don't need you to advertise."

"Things can't be free."

Pan Siyuan just finished, the store manager immediately refuted.

Pan Siyuan instantly felt his face rising.

"OK, OK, your store..."

Pan Siyuan was so angry that he wanted to threaten the store manager.But the next second, pan Siyuan suddenly noticed the sign on a bag next to him.


"Are you a Prada store?"

Pan Siyuan was shocked.

Just now, his eyes were all on that beautiful woman, but he didn't notice for a moment. He went into Prada's exclusive store, the world's top luxury brand.

It's embarrassing.

As a world-class luxury brand, do you still need an Internet celebrity to advertise?

Standing there, pan Siyuan felt ashamed and lost home.

"There's a little problem."

"However, as long as the beauty likes, I can pay for it."

Pan Siyuan spoke.

"Pay for it?"

"We take things here for free. Why spend money?" Chu Chen asked.


Pan Siyuan sneered. This is Prada's exclusive store. Don't mention you. Even the biggest anchors with goods can't get them for free. They're only at a discount.

"You take it for free. Who are you?"

Pan Siyuan sneered in his heart, but he didn't say it.

He stood there quietly, waiting for the last time Chu Chen left.

"I'll watch you pretend to be forced quietly, and then I'll put it on the iron plate to see what you can do?"

Pan Siyuan murmured in a low voice, holding his arms and gazing coldly at Chu Chen.

And Mo Yu Wan selected some things, Chu Chen let the salesman pack.

Take the packed things, Chu Chen straight and Mo Yu Wan leave.

Seeing this, pan Siyuan was dumbfounded.

"Manager, they left without paying. Go after them."

Pan Siyuan said anxiously.

"Of course I know they didn't pay."

The store manager slowly opened his mouth. The emperor was not in a hurry, and the eunuch was in a hurry.

"You know he didn't pay, and if you don't go after him, you'd better call the police." Pan Siyuan urged.

"What are you after? Our boss takes things from his shop. What money do you want?"

The store manager responded, then stopped talking about Pan Siyuan and turned to leave.

Our boss?

Hearing the manager's words, pan Siyuan was stunned.


Is that kid Prada's boss?

Pan Siyuan thinks that the whole person is not good.

He's the world's biggest luxury brand, Prada's boss?

No mistake?

The more he thought about it, the more afraid pan Siyuan was.

He's provoking Prada's boss.

It's over.

It's over!


Finally, pan Siyuan was stunned and fell to the ground.

After shopping with Mo Yu Wan, Chu Chen returns to Star River Villa.

In a few days, according to Chu Chen's request, Chu Chen's "fish pond" was almost ready.

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