Yu family is a famous family in Hangzhou, with a total assets of more than 100 billion yuan. Even some big men in Hangzhou should be respectful when they see the leader of Yu family.

Unexpectedly, this unruly young lady is a member of the Yu family. This is really a disaster.

If you mess with the Yu family, you usually end up in a terrible situation.

These passers-by have to persuade Chu Chen to leave quickly, and some people let Chu Chen leave Hangzhou.

"Boy, you're done."

Looking at Chu Chen, the woman in thick clothes is rampant to the extreme.

"Is it?"

Chu dust lightly returned a sentence, didn't care at all.

"Get out of the way."

A sudden voice came.

Just behind, the owner of a Bentley opened the window and yelled.

In a flash, everyone looked at the guests.

"Who, why should I give way to you?"

The woman with heavy makeup turns around and denounces the owner of Bentley. Yu yunning, the eldest lady of the Yu family, is here. She is not afraid of anyone.

Before, she rudely ordered others to get out of the way, feeling very normal.

But now, someone ordered her to get out of the way, thick dress woman instantly angry!

"What are you!"

The woman with heavy makeup scolded Bentley's car owner.


Looking at the owner of the Bentley, the unruly miss of the Yu family exclaimed in surprise.


Hearing this address, everyone was stunned.

The unruly miss of the Yu family called the owner of Bentley his cousin.

Doesn't that mean that this young man is a member of the Yu family!


The arrogant woman in thick clothes is a fool.

Is the young man driving Bentley Yu yunning's cousin?

Is it the young master of the Yu family?

I'm presumptuous to the young master of the Yu family.

In a flash, the woman's face turned pale.


In Bentley's car, the Yu family immediately became angry when they heard the woman's words.

As the grand young master of the Yu family, he almost walked horizontally in Hangzhou. When was he scolded like this.

Stop the car, more than a little walk, directly to the thick dress women two feet.


When she was kicked to the ground, she screamed.

"Cousin, someone attacked me and made me sprain. Help me teach him a lesson."

Seeing his cousin coming, Yu yunning immediately pulls his cousin, turns around and looks at Chu Chen, and says unkindly.

Pointing to Chu Chen, Yu yunning said with pride:

"this is my cousin, Yu Jie, who is honored as" brother Jie ". To teach you a lesson, you only need a phone call!"

The more you say, the more proud Yu Yun is.

It's not the first time that my cousin has taught her a lesson. This time, with my cousin's support, she is not afraid of anyone.


Yu yunning still needs to speak.

At this time, after seeing Chu Chen, Yu yunning's cousin, Yu Jie, immediately walked over excitedly, took Chu Chen's hand and politely said:

"brother Chen, long time no see, you are handsome again!"

Yu Jie's words mean to please without any disguise.


See this scene, Yu yunning silly, just ready to ridicule Chu Chen's words, she swallowed.

What's going on?

How about cousin?

Yu yunning is very puzzled.

The passers-by around them also looked confused.

They think Yu Jie is coming, and Chu Chen is more dangerous.

But what they didn't expect was that the Yu family came here, not only didn't do anything to Chu Chen, but they were extremely respectful, and even flattered to say hello to Chu Chen?

I'll go!

No mistake!

This is the family of Yu!

They are one of the top childe brothers in Hangzhou!!

At the scene, the most shocking thing was the women in thick clothes.

After being kicked by Yu's family, the women in thick clothes were already very aggrieved.

Now, she is counting on the Yu family to teach Chu Chen a lesson after hearing Yu yunning's cry.

But how did it come to this?

"What are you doing, cousin?" Yu yunning asked.

"To introduce you, this is my elder brother, Chu Chen, brother Chen."

Yu Jie spoke.

At the Yao sisters' birthday party, Yu Jie met Chu Chen under the introduction of Jiang Feilong.

It is to know Chu Chen's terror identity, to Chu Chen incomparable respect.

Yu Jie had a general understanding of what had happened just now, and his face became gloomy immediately.

This cousin of his third uncle's family doesn't do anything at ordinary times. In her life, she pursues stars, or stars!The family has warned Yu yunning many times. As a famous young lady of the Yu family, she is actually a mentally handicapped fan of an actor. If you say it, you will lose the face of the Yu family.

But even so, Yu yunning is still unrepentant and continues to pursue stars secretly.

"After the stars, after the stars!"

"You are a disgrace to the Yu family!"

Yu Jie angrily rebukes his cousin, very angry!

He has been doting on this cousin all the time. It's just that he makes a little trouble at ordinary times.

But today, she is unreasonable, and dust brother had a conflict.

Isn't this about death?

"When I go back, I will tell my third uncle to teach you a good lesson. You are not allowed to go out for half a year."

Yu Jie scolds Yu yunning.

"You are cruel to me!"

"You're killing me for him."

Usually spoiled, suddenly scolded by Yu Jie, Yu yunning can't stand it.

"What's the matter?"

From the back seat of Bentley, there comes a middle-aged man with the upper air.

"Second uncle!"

Yu yunning seems to grasp the straw, ran to the middle-aged people crying.

"Second uncle, cousin, he's cruel to me."

As Yu Jie's little princess, Yu yunning has always been very popular in the Yu family, and her elders love her.

This middle-aged man is Yu Jie's father, one of Yu Jie's leaders, the second master of the Yu family.


Hearing Yu yunning's cry, Yu's second master's face changed slightly.

"Dad, here's the thing."

Yu Jie told his father what happened just now.

"This is Chu Chen, brother Chen that I told you before."

Finally, Yu Jie gives his father a look.


Hearing this, the second master of the Yu family immediately became serious.

He is the vice president of Hilton International Hotel Group and the owner of Hangzhou International Financial Center building.

He was very surprised when he heard that from his son. He didn't expect to see it and was even more shocked.

So young?

He's only in his twenties, and he's already a hundred billion rich man with countless properties?

Sure enough, he is young and promising.


"Good, Mr. Chu."

The second master of the Yu family goes to Chu Chen and shakes hands with Chu Chen politely, which means that he is a peer.

Seeing this scene, people were so stupid that there was only one word left in their hearts.

The trough!

This is the second master of Yu family!!!

Even some big men in Hangzhou should be extremely respectful.

The real big man!

Now, the second master of the Yu family actually has equal relations with this young man. Is that right?!


It's unbelievable!

The public gapes at Chu Chen.

"Hello." Chu Chen responded.


The second master of the Yu family turned around, looked at his niece Yu yunning, and exclaimed without any doubt:

"come here quickly and apologize to Uncle Chu!"

"That's ridiculous!"

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