After discussion, they are going to make a little prank and put some lemon juice into the tea.

This beauty is Yu Ruoyun. Strictly speaking, she is Yu yunning's cousin, but the difference between them is only ten days.

Soon, Yu yunning found a cup of tea and five lemons.

Yu Ruoyun cut the lemon and squeezed the juice into the tea.

Yu Ruoyun just squeezed one, then did not dare to put more, after all, Chu Chen is a guest to the house, the identity is there.

"Give it to me."

Yu yunning opens her mouth. She wants to take revenge on Chu Chen, the so-called "Uncle Chu"!

Pick up the fruit knife, Yu yunning directly cut the remaining four lemons.

Pick up half of the lemon, Yu yunning will squeeze again.

"No good."

Yu Ruoyun immediately stopped.

It's OK to play a little prank, but if it's big, it's not good.

After all, it's not easy for chuchen to let his grandfather and father receive them in person.


Not listening to Yu Ruoyun's words, Yu yunning soon squeezed in all the remaining four lemons.

Don't taste it. The taste of this tea must be very sour!!!

She can't wait to see Chu Chen's expression after drinking this cup of tea.

That must be wonderful.

Ha ha ha!

See the next hesitant Yu Ruoyun, Yu yunning mind a turn, began to use the method.

"You're too timid. I'll do it."

The last thing Yu Ruoyun wants to hear is that he is said to be timid.

"Who's so timid? Isn't that the whole Chu dust?"

"Don't worry, give it to me."

Yu Ruoyun vowed that he had succeeded.

They took tea and went quietly to the reception hall.

Came to the corner, looking at sitting there laughing Chu dust, Yu Ruoyun instant silly.

How handsome!

How can you be so handsome? !

foul, OK?

Yu Ruoyun's eyes are straight, eyes can no longer move away from Chu Chen's body, and even fall into fantasy.

"If cloud, if cloud?"

Yu yunning urged, anyway, even if something happened, it was the cousin who was holding it for herself.

However, no matter calling Yu Ruoyun or shaking her, Yu Ruoyun can't move his eyes away from Chu Chen.

Yu yunning is very angry.

"I'll see you Yu yunning muttered.

Just now you vowed to clean Chu dust.

As a result, now, how can you even focus on others?

You are such an ungrateful girl!

Yu Ruoyun can't count on it, but things have come to this point, and Yu yunning doesn't want to give up.

She really looks forward to Chu Chen's expression and action after drinking this tea.

"Forget it, I'll do it myself."

Taking a deep breath and carrying tea, Yu yunning enters the reception hall.

Seeing Yu yunning come in all of a sudden, in the reception hall, Mr. Yu, as well as those key figures of the Yu family, turn around and look at him one after another.

"I had a little conflict with Mr. Chu before. Now I offer you a cup of tea and apologize to Mr. Chu."

With that, Yu yunning goes to Chu Chen with tea.

After a look at Yu yunning, Chu Chen immediately judges that she has a problem.

In just a few days, Yu yunning's attitude has changed so much.

Abnormal is demon!


Chu Chen suddenly opens his mouth, so that Yu yunning, who is ready to deliver the tea, is unprepared.

"Niece Yu, you're welcome. I didn't care."

"Forget the tea. I don't like tea."

Chu Chen noticed the abnormality, this cup of tea, he will not drink.

"Well, since my niece has made tea, I'll give it to the old man."

Chu Chen suggested.

Yu yunning immediately panicked and shook his head.

To grandfather, no, absolutely not!

If grandfather drinks tea, the consequences will be unimaginable!

In the eyes of most of the Yu family, Mr. Yu is dignified and terrible.

Seeing the panic in Yu yunning's eyes, Chu Chen is more certain.

"Since you don't want to give it to the old man, you can drink it yourself."

"It's not good to waste water."

Chu Chen said with concern.


Yu yunning's face suddenly turned white. Did she drink it herself?

This is a tea full of five lemons. There is almost no tea. Most of it is sour lemon juice.

She's afraid of acid!

"Mr. Chu's proposal is good."

"Yunning, drink it."Others in the Yu family suggested.

"Drink it, yunning. Thank you for your kindness." Yu yunning's father also spoke.

"Waste is not good."

Finally, even Mr. Yu spoke.

Hear grandfather mouth, originally also want to refuse Yu yunning, instant dare not.

Drink it?

Do you really want it?

"Niece Yu, drink it quickly. It's not good if the tea is cold." Chu Chen's close supervision.

Hearing this, Yu yunning clenched her teeth, suddenly closed her eyes and drank.

Gollum, Gollum!

One mouthful, two mouthfuls...

Yu yunning tried her best, drank half of it, and finally couldn't drink it.

At the moment, her whole throat is sour!

Seeing Yu yunning's painful expression, others in the hall understand.

"Yu yunning!"

Yu yunning's father stood up.

"Before that, I thought it was cruel to only hold you for one year."

"But from now on, you are not allowed to leave home for three years."


Hearing this, Yu yunning is desperate, which is worse than killing her.

She would rather drink this cup than ten, one hundred, one thousand cups of lemon juice than take it at home for three years.

Finally, Yu yunning was taken down.

Yu Ruoyun also slowed down, summoned up courage, Yu Ruoyun also came up.

"Excuse me, are you the God of the back?"

Yu Ruoyun asked curiously.

A few months ago, the figure of the male god in the fight sound fire in a mess, she is also the figure of the male god of countless loyal female powder.

It's a pity that the male god of the back is just that video. Slowly, the male god of the back calms down in Douyin.

But there are still countless loyal female fans waiting for the return of the male god.

"The man in the back?"

Chu Chen muttered, some impression, before he seems to have such a nickname.

No way, from the small Shuai to big, all kinds of male god's name, Chu Chen didn't know there were hundreds, also can't remember clearly.

He's too hard.

"The pianist?" Yu Ruoyun spoke excitedly.

"It's me." Chu Chen nodded.

Yu Ruoyun suddenly went crazy, as if she were a little fan.

In the reception hall, some people of the Yu family thought that there was another Star chaser in their Yu family?

But at last, it turned out that the idol was Mr. Chu.

Can Mr. Chu even play the piano?

It's amazing.

The public sighed that they would not stop Yu Ruoyun from "chasing the stars", but would even help Yu Ruoyun to pursue the stars with both hands.

"Male god, can you play a song?"

Yu Ruoyun asked excitedly with a small heart in his eyes.

Hearing this, the Yu family also looked over.

They are also curious about how Chu Chen plays the piano?

Although Yu Ruoyun said that Chu Chen was a piano master, they doubted that Mr. Chu was too young after all.

There can't be such a young pianist!

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